What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?

When faced with a case of upset tummy (read: diarrhea) in your dog, it’s natural to wonder if you really need to make a trip to the veterinary office or if you can treat your dog at home with something like Imodium. Let’s take a look at when it is okay to give your dog Imodium, and more importantly, when it is not.

What is Imodium?

Imodium (generically known as loperamide) is a synthetic opioid. All opioids (think morphine, oxycodone, etc.) have a well-earned reputation for causing constipation. Loperamide is so good at causing constipation that this “side effect” has become the primary reason we use it as a medication. On the other hand, Imodium is not very good at relieving pain, at least at safe dosage levels, so it is never legitimately used for this reason.

Is Imodium Safe for Dogs?

Some dogs with certain types of diarrhea can take Imodium, but in other cases, giving your dog Immodium can lead to potentially serious side effects like constipation, sedation (which can be severe), bloat and pancreatitis. Here are several instances when you should NOT give your dog Imodium:

  1. Your dog is a herding breed (like a Collie, Sheltie or Australian shepherds). These dogs may carry a mutant form of the ABCB1-1Δ (MDR1) gene that dramatically limits their ability to break down some types of drugs, including Imodium. Dogs can be tested for the MDR1 gene, but unless you are sure of your dog’s status, abide by the veterinary adage, “White Feet = Don’t Treat.”
  2. Your dog’s diarrhea could potentially be caused by an infection (e.g. Clostridium perfringens bacteria) or toxins like those found in some types of poisonous mushrooms. Diarrhea is the body’s way of flushing out these offenders, so the last thing you want to do is eliminate that process.
  3. Your dog has another health condition (e.g. liver or kidney disease, Addison’s disease, difficulty breathing, hypothyroidism, or a head injury) that could make them more susceptible to the side effects of Imodium. Also avoid Imodium if your dog has abdominal pain, is vomiting profusely, is very old or very young, or is significantly debilitated in any way.

If none of these conditions are relevant to your pet’s situation, call your veterinarian to see if he or she thinks giving your dog Imodium is a good idea. Your vet may recommend a different dose (or different treatment altogether), but something along the lines of 0.1 mg/kg of Imodium given twice a day is typical. If you do the math, this means that a ten-pound dog might receive a dose of 0.4 mg of Imodium while a dog who weighs 50 pounds could be given around 2 mg. Imodium tablets contain 2 mg of the drug and should only be given to larger dogs. Liquid Imodium is typically available in a concentration of 1 mg/5 mL (0.2 mg/mL), so is a better choice for smaller dogs.

Always confirm the correct dose of Imodium with your veterinarian since it may be adjusted based on your dog’s unique situation. If you are wary of giving your dog Imodium, other at-home options to treat mild dog diarrhea include probiotic supplements, dietary therapy, kaolin/pectin products, or Pepto-Bismol. Imodium should never be given to cats except under close veterinary supervision. Cats are extremely sensitive to this drug and are likely to develop agitation and excitatory behavior.

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What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?
What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?

(Picture Credit: Getty Images)

(Picture Credit: Getty Images)

“Can I give my dog Imodium for diarrhea?” You probably ask this question if your dog suffers from a minor case of diarrhea and you happen to find some over-the-counter Imodium in your medicine cabinet. People use Imodium to treat digestion troubles, but can you give it to your dog?

The short answer to that question is yes, you can give Imodium to your dog, but not without consulting your veterinarian, first. That’s because some dogs have trouble breaking down the medication, and there are many circumstances where it might actually be harmful to your dog.

Ask your vet and follow their instructions closely for administering it to your pooch. Here’s what you should know about using Imodium to treat diarrhea in dogs.

How Does Imodium Treat Diarrhea In Dogs?

What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?
What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?

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Imodium is actually a brand name for a drug called loperamide, a synthetic opiod. It works by slowing down movement in the intestines, which allows the walls of the intestines to absorb more electrolytes and water and stops food from being pushed through the intestines too quickly.

Slowing down intestinal movement helps your dog’s body digest properly and prevents diarrhea.

You should ask your veterinarian before giving your dog Imodium for diarrhea, though, as there are many situations where it can be harmful.

When Is Imodium Bad For Dogs?

What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?
What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?

(Picture Credit: Getty Images)

While it may seem like stopping your dog’s diarrhea would be a good thing, it’s important to remember that diarrhea can be a helpful bodily function. If your dog ingests a toxic substance or has an infection, diarrhea is the body’s way of removing that toxin, bacteria, or other irritant. You don’t want to interfere with that process.

Always ask your vet before treating your dog’s medical condition with drugs.

Here are some situations where Imodium can be harmful for dogs:

  • Genetics. Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds, and other herding breeds can carry a gene that prevents them from breaking down Imodium. This can cause severe, harmful side effects.
  • Medical conditions. Liver disease, kidney disease, Addison’s disease, hypothyroidism, and other conditions can be worsened by this medication.
  • Pregnant or nursing. These dogs should almost never be given medication without strict veterinary supervision.
  • Allergies. Almost all medications can cause allergic reactions in some dogs.
  • Other medications. Imodium can interact poorly with other medications, even over-the-counter drugs.
  • Side effects. Even with a proper dose, some dogs may experience side effects, including vomiting, digestion problems, and soft or bloody stools. If you see any concerning side effects, call your veterinarian right away.

How Much Imodium Should I Give My Dog?

What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?
What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?

(Picture Credit: Getty Images)

The proper dosage of Imodium for dogs depends on a lot of factors, which is why it is so important to talk to your veterinarian before you give it to your dog.

The specific formula of the drug is one of these factors. Imodium comes in many formulas, and some generic brands provide the same active ingredients. Therefore, only your vet can tell you if it’s safe for your dog and what a proper dose will be.

The usual dosage of the liquid form of Imodium A-D for dogs is 0.3 to 0.6 mL per pound of weight two to three times per day. Pet parents generally administer it by pouring it over their dogs’ food.

For Imodium A-D caplets or EZ Chews, dogs are usually given one 2 mg caplet or chew for ever 25 to 50 pounds of body weight two or three times per day.

Imodium Multi-Symptom Relief has 2 mg of loperamide, but it also contains simethicone. This drug is usually safe for dogs, and they should get one pill for every 25 to 50 pounds of weight, as well.

Dogs can overdose on Imodium, and dogs under 20 pounds are especially at risk. Very young or old dogs are at higher risk, also.

Stick to your veterinarian’s guidelines. While side effects in dogs are generally mild, you should call your vet immediately if you see symptoms that concern you.

What Are Alternatives To Imodium For Treating Diarrhea In Dogs?

What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?
What should I do if my dog ate Imodium?

(Picture Credit: Getty Images)

If your dog suffers from extreme diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, or diarrhea that does not improve after 24 hours, then you should contact your veterinarian right away and not even bother with over-the-counter drugs or antacids.

However, for mild digestive issues like diarrhea, vets often suggest fasting until your dog’s digestive system runs its course, then reintroducing food in smaller portions or switching to a more easily digestible diet.

When vets suggest using medication to treat mild digestion problems, they may prescribe Imodium or other medications, such as Pepcid or Corrective Suspension — a Pepto Bismol equivalent formulated specifically for dogs. Never give your dog any medications, even over-the-counter drugs, without asking your vet.

Certain foods, like pureed pumpkin, help firm your dog’s stools and improve digestion. Some vets also suggest probiotics or other supplements. On the other hand, if your dog has frequent diarrhea, you may need to adjust their diet, or it may be a symptom of a bigger medical issue. Talk to your veterinarian if symptoms concern you.

Have you ever given Imodium to your dog? Has your veterinarian recommended any other treatments for diarrhea? Then let us know in the comments below!

Categories: Dog Health

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