What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

In the early 1800s, the sovereign Cherokee nation covered a vast region that included northwest Georgia and adjacent land in Tennessee, North Carolina and Alabama. Under the terms of an 1819 treaty, the United States guaranteed that Cherokee land would be off-limits to white settlers forever.

Forever lasted less than 20 years.

Although the treaty mandated the removal of “all white people who have intruded, or may hereafter intrude, on the lands of the Cherokees,” the United States instead forcibly removed more than 15,000 Cherokees in 1838 and 1839. As many as 4,000 died of disease, starvation and exposure during their detention and forced migration through nine states that became known as the “Trail of Tears.” 

READ MORE: Native American History Timeline

Indian Removal Act Forces Tribes From Native Lands

The Indian Removal Act signed by President Andrew Jackson in 1830 authorized the federal government to relocate tribes within state borders to unsettled land west of the Mississippi River. When white settlers encroached on Cherokee land to grow cotton and search for newly discovered gold, the United States ordered the Cherokee to join the Creek, Seminole, Choctaw and Chicksaw tribes in resettling to present-day Oklahoma.

The first Cherokees to relocate—approximately 2,000 men, women and children split into four groups—did so voluntarily in 1837 and early 1838. They traveled westward by boat following the winding paths of the Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers. The journey for these voluntary exiles was as short as 25 days, and deaths numbered less than two dozen.

Conditions proved far worse for the Cherokee evicted from their homes at gunpoint by 7,000 federal troops dispatched by President Martin Van Buren. Beginning on May 26, 1838, soldiers under the command of General Winfield Scott rounded up the majority of the Cherokee along with 1,500 slaves and free blacks, forced them to leave behind most of their possessions and herded them into wooden stockades and internment camps.

“Men working in the fields were arrested and driven to the stockades,” recalled Private John Burnett, who served as an interpreter. “Women were dragged from their homes by soldiers whose language they could not understand. Children were often separated from their parents and driven into the stockades with the sky for a blanket and the earth for a pillow. And often the old and infirm were prodded with bayonets to hasten them to the stockades.”

Reverend Daniel Butrick, a missionary who had ministered in the Cherokee territory for 20 years, wrote “from their first arrest they were obliged to live very much like brute animals, and during their travels, were obliged at night to lie down on the naked ground, in the open air, exposed to wind and rain, and herd together, men women and children, like droves of hogs, and in this way, many are hastening to a premature grave.” 

Due to the poor sanitation of the internment camps, deadly diseases such as whooping cough, measles and dysentery spread among the Cherokee.

READ MORE: How U.S. Westward Expansion Breathed New Life into Slavery

Extreme Weather Leads to Deaths

In June 1838, three military-led migrations departed present-day Chattanooga, Tennessee, to journey westward by both land and water. At gunpoint, the Cherokee were loaded onto boats that, according to Butrick, had “little, if any more room or accommodations than would be allowed to swine taken to market.” 

Stifling summer heat and a record drought proved deadly as drinking water for both people and horses drew scarce. While only 21 Cherokee died in the four voluntary migrations, more than 200 perished in the three military-led expeditions.

The sweltering temperatures forced the suspension of the relocations, and when they resumed that fall, Scott agreed to let the Cherokee oversee the rest of the exodus. Under the agreement, the remaining Cherokee were divided into 13 groups of approximately 1,000 people each that were led by Cherokee conductors. Federal soldiers could only act as observers as a Cherokee police force kept order.

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

A map of the Trail of Tears.

National Park Service

These Cherokee-managed migrations were primarily land crossings, averaging 10 miles a day across various routes. Some groups, however, took more than four months to make the 800-mile journey. The three-mile-long Cherokee caravans required days to make river crossings and included one wagon for approximately every 20 people.

While the oldest, youngest and sickest exiles rode in wagons, most made the crossing on foot, slogging through mud and snow. “Even aged females, apparently nearly ready to drop into the grave, were traveling with heavy burdens attached to the back,” recorded one traveler who encountered the Cherokee in Kentucky.

The Cherokee were ill-equipped for the grueling hike. “We had no shoes,” noted Trail of Tears survivor Rebecca Neugin, “and those that wore anything wore moccasins made of deer hide.” They were also malnourished, sustaining themselves on a daily menu of salt pork and flour. “The people got so tired of eating salt pork on the journey that my father would walk through the woods as we traveled, hunting for turkeys and deer which we brought into camp to feed us,” Neugin recalled.

READ MORE: When Native Americans Were Slaughtered in the Name of Civilization

Ice and Snow Make Travel Dangerous

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

During winter months, Native Americans had to camp and sleep in deep snow and ice for months.

Denver Post/Getty Images

Scott’s summertime delay caused the Cherokee to march into the teeth of one of the worst winters on record. “We are compelled to cut through the ice to get water for ourselves and animals,” wrote commissary agent Nathan Davis. Ice flowing down the Mississippi River made it too treacherous to cross, forcing the Cherokee to camp and sleep in deep snow and ice for weeks at a time.

One group took nearly three months to cover the 65 miles in southern Illinois between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. The dysentery and diarrhea that tore through the campsites and the harsh winter conditions claimed the lives of many, particularly children and the elderly, who were buried in makeshift graves along the way.

The last of the Cherokee completed the Trail of Tears in March 1839. Decades later, a Confederate soldier who participated in the forced migration recalled, “I fought through the Civil War and saw men shot to pieces and slaughtered by the thousands, but the Cherokee removal was the cruelest work I ever knew.”

Long before Christopher Columbus stepped foot on what would come to be known as the Americas, the expansive territory was inhabited by Native Americans. Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, as more explorers sought to colonize their land, Native Americans responded in various stages, from cooperation to indignation to revolt.

After siding with the French in numerous battles during the French and Indian War and eventually being forcibly removed from their homes under Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Act, Native American populations were diminished in size and territory by the end of the 19th century.

Below are events that shaped Native Americans’ tumultuous history following the arrival of foreign settlers.

1492: Christopher Columbus lands on a Caribbean Island after three months of traveling. Believing at first that he had reached the East Indies, he describes the natives he meets as “Indians.” On his first day, he orders six natives to be seized as servants.

April 1513: Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon lands on continental North America in Florida and makes contact with Native Americans.

February 1521: Ponce de Leon departs on another voyage to Florida from San Juan to start a colony. Months after landing, Ponce de Leon is attacked by local Native Americans and fatally wounded.

May 1539: Spanish explorer and conquistador Hernando de Soto lands in Florida to conquer the region. He explores the South under the guidance of Native Americans who had been captured along the way.

October 1540: De Soto and the Spaniards plan to rendezvous with ships in Alabama when they’re attacked by Native Americans. Hundreds of Native Americans are killed in the ensuing battle.

C. 1595: Pocahontas is born, daughter of Chief Powhatan.

1607: Pocahontas’ brother kidnaps Captain John Smith from the Jamestown colony. Smith later writes that after being threatened by Chief Powhatan, he was saved by Pocahontas. This scenario is debated by historians.

1613: Pocahontas is captured by Captain Samuel Argall in the first Anglo-Powhatan War. While captive, she learns to speak English, converts to Christianity and is given the name “Rebecca.”

1622: The Powhatan Confederacy nearly wipes out Jamestown colony.

1680: A revolt of Pueblo Native Americans in New Mexico threatens Spanish rule over New Mexico.

1754: The French and Indian War begins, pitting the two groups against English settlements in the North.

May 15, 1756: The Seven Years’ War between the British and the French begins, with Native American alliances aiding the French.

May 7, 1763: Ottawa Chief Pontiac leads Native American forces into battle against the British in Detroit. The British retaliate by attacking Pontiac’s warriors in Detroit on July 31, in what is known as the Battle of Bloody Run. Pontiac and company successfully fend them off, but there are several casualties on both sides.

1785: The Treaty of Hopewell is signed in Georgia, protecting Cherokee Native Americans in the United States and sectioning off their land.

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Chief Powhatan, also known as Wahunsenacawh, was born in the Chesapeake Bay region in the 1540s or 1550s. He became leader of more than 30 tribes and controlled the area where English colonists formed the Jamestown settlement in 1607. The marriage of his daughter Pocohantas to a colonist led to a peace that remained in effect when Powhatan died in April 1618.

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What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Chief Tamanend (est. 1628-1700), variously called Tammany, Temane, Taminent, was a Lenni-Lenape leader who welcomed British statesman William Penn upon his arrival in the Americas in 1682. Here, Penn (in dark coat) accepts a belt from Tamanend as part of treaty in which Penn purchased a section of land for the Pennsylvania Colony.

Getty Images

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Mohawk Chief Thayendanegea (1742-1807), also known by his English name, Joseph Brant, convinced four of the Six Nations to fight for the British in 1775, arguing that the British were more likely to uphold their land agreements with the Indians than the Americans. Brant fought with distinction in several major skirmishes in the New York area, rising to the rank of captain.

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What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Tecumseh (1768-1813) was a Shawnee chief from present-day Columbus, Ohio. During the early 1800s, he attempted to organize a confederation of tribes to resist white settlement. During the War of 1812, Tecumseh and his followers joined the British in the fight against the United States. He was killed in the Battle of the Thames in Canada on October 5, 1813. 

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What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Sequoyah (c. 1778–1843) was a silversmith and artist who developed a system of Cherokee syllabary, making reading and writing in Cherokee possible.  

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What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Sacagawea (c. 1788-1812) was a Shoshone woman who accompanied American explorers Lewis and Clark on their western expedition as an interpreter and guide. Her skills as a translator were invaluable, as was her intimate knowledge of difficult terrain. She is shown in this drawing by E.S. Paxson in 1810.

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What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Lakota Chief Red Cloud (1822–1909) was a key leader in 19th-century land battles between Native Americans and the U.S. government. He successfully resisted developments of the Bozeman trail through Montana territory and led the opposition against the development of a road through Wyoming and Montana for two years—a period that came to be known as Red Cloud's War.

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What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Geronimo (1829-1909) was an Apache leader and medicine man best known for his fearlessness in resisting anyone–Mexican or American—who attempted to remove his people from their tribal lands. He kneels with a rifle in his hands in this 1887 photograph.

Getty Images

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Sitting Bull (c. 1831-1890) was a Teton Dakota chief who united the Sioux tribes of the American Great Plains against white settlers who invaded Sioux land when gold was discovered in the Black Hills in the mid-1870s. Sitting Bull’s refusal to follow an 1875 order to bring his people to the Sioux reservation led to the Battle of the Little Bighorn, during which the Sioux and Cheyenne wiped out five troops of General Custer’s 7th Cavalry. 

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What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Chief Joseph, born born Hinmuuttu-yalatlat, (1840-1904) was a Nez Perce chief who faced white settlement of tribal lands in Oregon and led his followers in an effort to escape to Canada. He was famously quoted as saying, "My heart is sad and sick. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever," upon his surrender in 1877.

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What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Crazy Horse (c. 1842–1877) was an Oglala Sioux chief who fought against removal to a reservation in the Black Hills. In 1876, he joined with Cheyenne forces in a surprise attack against Gen. George Crook; then united with Chief Sitting Bull in the Battle of the Little Bighorn. 

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1788/89: Sacagawea is born.

1791: The Treaty of Holston is signed, in which the Cherokee give up all their land outside of the borders previously established.

August 20, 1794: The Battle of Timbers, the last major battle over Northwest territory between Native Americans and the United States following the Revolutionary War, commences and results in U.S. victory.

November 2, 1804: Native American Sacagawea, while 6 months pregnant, meets explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark during their exploration of the territory of the Louisiana Purchase. The explorers realize her value as a translator

April 7, 1805: Sacagawea, along with her baby and husband Toussaint Charbonneau, join Lewis and Clark on their voyage.

November 1811: U.S. forces attack Native American War Chief Tecumseh and his younger brother Lalawethika. Their community at the juncture of the Tippecanoe and Wabash rivers is destroyed.

June 18, 1812: President James Madison signs a declaration of war against Britain, beginning the war between U.S. forces and the British, French and Native Americans over independence and territory expansion.

March 27, 1814: Andrew Jackson, along with U.S. forces and Native American allies attack Creek Indians who opposed American expansion and encroachment of their territory in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. The Creeks cede more than 20 million acres of land after their loss.

May 28, 1830: President Andrew Jackson signs the Indian Removal Act, which gives plots of land west of the Mississippi River to Native American tribes in exchange for land that is taken from them. 

1836: The last of the Creek Native Americans leave their land for Oklahoma as part of the Indian removal process. Of the 15,000 Creeks who make the voyage to Oklahoma, more than 3,500 don’t survive.

1838: With only 2,000 Cherokees having left their land in Georgia to cross the Mississippi River, President Martin Van Buren enlists General Winfield Scott and 7,000 troops to speed up the process by holding them at gunpoint and marching them 1,200 miles. More than 5,000 Cherokee die as a result of the journey. The series of relocations of Native American tribes and their hardships and deaths during the journey would become known as the Trail of Tears.

READ MORE: When Native Americans Were Slaughtered in the Name of ‘Civilization’

1851: Congress passes the Indian Appropriations Act, creating the Indian reservation system. Native Americans aren’t allowed to leave their reservations without permission.

October 1860: A group of Apache Native Americans attack and kidnap a white American, resulting in the U.S. military falsely accusing the Native American leader of the Chiricahua Apache tribe, Cochise. Cochise and the Apache increase raids on white Americans for a decade afterwards.

November 29, 1864: 650 Colorado volunteer forces attack Cheyenne and Arapaho encampments along Sand Creek, killing and mutilating more than 150 American Indians during what would become known as the Sand Creek Massacre.

November 27, 1868: General George Armstrong Custer leads an early morning attack on Cheyenne living with Chief Black Kettle, destroying the village and killing more than 100 people, including many women and children and Black Kettle himself. 

1873: Crazy Horse encounters General Custer for the first time.

1874: Gold discovered in South Dakota’s Black Hills drives U.S. troops to ignore a treaty and invade the territory.

June 25, 1876: In the Battle of Little Bighorn, also known as “Custer’s Last Stand,” Lieutenant Colonel George Custer’s troops fight Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne warriors, led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull, along Little Bighorn River. Custer and his troops are defeated and killed, increasing tensions between Native Americans and white Americans.

October 6, 1879: The first students attend Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania, the country’s first off-reservation boarding school. The school, created by Civil War veteran Richard Henry Pratt, is designed to assimilate Native American students.

Read more: How Boarding Schools Tried to 'Kill the Indian' Through Assimilation

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

In 1879, U.S. cavalry captain Richard Henry Pratt opened a boarding school in Pennsylvania called the Carlisle Indian Industrial School—a government-backed institution that forcibly separated Native American children from their parents in order to, as Pratt put it, “kill the Indian in him, and save the man.”

The Library of Congress

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Student Tom Torlino, upon his arrival to the Carlisle School. 

The National Archives

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Tom Torlino after some time at the Carlisle School. 

The National Archives

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Children from the Chiricahua Apache tribe upon arrival to the school.

The National Archives

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

The children were given new Anglo-American names, clothes, and haircuts, and told they must abandon their way of life because it was inferior to white people’s.

The National Archives

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

A group of boys in school uniforms, circa 1890.

The Library of Congress

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

As part of this federal push for assimilation, boarding schools forbid Native American children from using their own languages and names, as well as from practicing their religion and culture. 

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Clothes mending class, circa 1901.

The Library of Congress

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Laundry class, circa 1901.

The Library of Congress

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Young men in metalworking workshop with pails, washtubs, watering cans, and other metal items, circa 1904.

The Library of Congress

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Cooking class, circa 1903.

The Library of Congress

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Classroom experiment, circa 1901.

The Library of Congress

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Students in English class learning penmanship, circa 1901.

The Library of Congress

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Physical education class, circa 1901.

The Library of Congress

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

The Carlisle Indian School football team, circa 1899.

The Library of Congress

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

The Carlisle Indian School band, circa 1901.

The Library of Congress

February 8, 1887: President Grover Cleveland signs the Dawes Act, giving the president the authority to divide up land allotted to Native Americans in reservations to individuals.

December 15, 1890: Sitting Bull is killed during a confrontation with Indian police in Grand River, South Dakota.

December 29, 1890: U.S. Armed Forces surround Ghost Dancers led by Chief Big Foot near Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota, demanding the surrender of their weapons. An estimated 150 Native Americans are killed in the Wounded Knee Massacre, along with 25 men with the U.S. cavalry.

January 29, 1907: Charles Curtis becomes the first Native American U.S. Senator.

September 1918: Choctaw soldiers use their native language to transmit secret messages for U.S. troops during World War I's Meuse-Argonne Offensive on the Western Front. The Choctaw Telephone Squad provide Allied forces a critical edge over the Germans. 

June 2, 1924: U.S. Congress passes the Indian Citizenship Act, granting citizenship to all Native Americans born in the territorial limits of the country. Previously, citizenship had been limited, depending on what percentage Native American ancestry a person had, whether they were veterans, or, if they were women, whether they were married to a U.S. citizen.

Read more: 20 Rare Photos of Native American Life at the Turn of the Century

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Photographer Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952) spent over 30 years photographing over 80 tribes west of the Mississippi. In 1912, a show of his work was presented at the New York Public Library, and was later reprised in 1994 on the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s discovery of the Americas. The work features Curtis' photos, along with the photographer's notes (in italics), which he had written on the back of each print. 

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Curtis's photographs command respect for a group of people that had been marginalized over the span of the 19th century. But the work has also been met with criticism. Some have argued the photos, many of which were staged, present a romanticized version of Native American life—by a white photographer.

"The Blackfoot Medicine Lodge Encampment of the Summer of 1899."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"A Blackfoot picture on the prairies of Montana. In the early days and closely following the acquisition of the horse, many of the Northern plains tribes carried their camp equipment on the Travaux. This form of transportation had practically disappeared by the beginning of 1900."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"The Canoe is to the Coast Indian what the pony is to the people of the plains. In these picturesque canoes, built from the trunk of the great cedars, they travel the whole length of the Coast from the mouth of the Columbia to Yakutat Bay, Alaska."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"Navajo Indians emerging from the shadows of the high walls of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona typifying the transition from barbarism to civilization."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"The healing ceremonies of the Navajo people are locally called sings, or in other words, a doctor or priest attempts to cure a disease by singing rather than by medicine. The healing ceremonies vary in length from a fraction of a day to the two great ceremonies of nine days and nights. These elaborate ceremonies which have been so fully described by Washington Mathews are called by him the night chant and the mountain chant."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"A good type of the younger Navajos."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"The Navajo blanket is the most valuable product made by our Indians. Their blankets are now as of old, woven on the simple primitive loom, and during the bleak months of Winter the looms are placed in the Hogans or homes, but in the Summer they place them outside in the shade of a tree or under and improvised shelter of branches."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

A Sioux man.

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"Three Sioux mountain sheep hunters in the Bad Lands of South Dakota."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"A statuesque, picturesque Sioux Chief and his favorite pony at a water hold in the band lands of the Dakotas."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"Red Cloud is perhaps as well known in Indian history, and especially in Sioux Indian history, as was George Washington in the thirteen colonies. At the present time he is blind, and feeble, and has but a few years before him; his mind though is yet keen in spite of the 91 yrs., he enjoys recalling details of the prouder days of his youth."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

An Apache man.

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"An Apache picture. One must know the desert to [...] appreciate the sight of the cool, life-giving pool or murmuring stream."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"Showing the typical baby carrier of the Apache people."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"An Apache maiden. The manner in which the hair is wrapped with beaded buckskin is the custom followed by the unmarried Apache girl. After marriage the hair drops loosely down the back."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"A fine type of the Hopi men. These people are best known by their striking ceremony 'The Snake Dance.' "

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"A Hopi Snake Priest."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

"The Hopi villages are built on a small high straight-walled mesa where water must be carried up from springs on lower levels. This shows two women at their early morning task."

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?

Hopi women, with their iconic hairstyles, looking out atop their homes. The hairstyle was created with the help of wooden discs which the hair was fashioned around. The style is said to be work by unmarried Hopi women, specifically during celebrations of the winter solstice.

Edward S. Curtis from the New York Public Library

March 4, 1929: Charles Curtis serves as the first Native American U.S. Vice President under President Herbert Hoover.

May 1942: Members of the Navajo Nation develop a code to transmit messages and radio messages for the U.S. armed forces during World War II. Eventually hundreds of code talkers from multiple Native American tribes serve in the U.S. Marines during the war.

April 11, 1968: The Indian Civil Rights Act is signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, granting Native American tribes many of the benefits included in the Bill of Rights.

March 15, 2021: Representative Deb Haaland of New Mexico is confirmed as secretary of the Interior, making her the first Native American to lead a cabinet agency. “Growing up in my mother’s Pueblo household made me fierce," Haaland Tweeted after her confirmation. "I’ll be fierce for all of us, our planet, and all of our protected land.”

What were some of the obstacles that made it difficult for Native Americans during the second half of the 19th century?