Which method of opening the airway should be used on an athlete who has a suspected neck injury

Avoid moving the head or neck. If the person shows no signs of circulation (breathing, coughing or movement), begin CPR, but do not tilt the head back to open the airway. Use your fingers to gently grasp the jaw and lift it forward.


What position should you put an unresponsive victim that is still breathing?

recovery position
If a person is unconscious but is breathing and has no other life-threatening conditions, they should be placed in the recovery position. Putting someone in the recovery position will keep their airway clear and open. It also ensures that any vomit or fluid won’t cause them to choke.

How do you care for an unresponsive person with a blocked airway?

Give two slow, full breaths with a pause in between. If the person’s chest does not rise, reposition the head and give two more breaths. If the chest still does not rise, the airway is likely blocked, and you need to start CPR with chest compressions. The compressions may help relieve the blockage.

Which method of opening the airway should be used on an athlete who has a suspected neck injury?

The jaw-thrust maneuver is often used on patients with cervical neck problems or suspected cervical spine injury.

How do you clear a blocked airway?

Ways to clear the lungs

  1. Steam therapy. Steam therapy, or steam inhalation, involves inhaling water vapor to open the airways and help the lungs drain mucus.
  2. Controlled coughing.
  3. Drain mucus from the lungs.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Green tea.
  6. Anti-inflammatory foods.
  7. Chest percussion.

What are the two ways of opening an airway of an unconscious victim?

The simplest way of ensuring an open airway in an unconscious patient is to use a head-tilt/chin-lift technique, thereby lifting the tongue from the back of the throat. The maneuver is performed by tilting the head backwards in unconscious patients, often by applying pressure to the forehead and the chin.

What method do you use to open the airway?

The head-tilt/chin-lift is the most reliable method of opening the airway.

How should you perform the technique to open the airway?

To open the airway, place 1 hand on the casualty’s forehead and gently tilt their head back, lifting the tip of the chin using 2 fingers. This moves the tongue away from the back of the throat. Don’t push on the floor of the mouth, as this will push the tongue upwards and obstruct the airway.

What’s the best way to open an unresponsive airway?

The best way to open the airway of an unresponsive victim with no suspected neck injury is the head tilt-chin lift. airway, seals his or her mouth over the victim’s mouth, pinches the victim’s nose closed, and gives 2 breaths while watching for the chest to rise.

What to do after performing chest compressions on an unresponsive person?

After performing chest compressions on an unresponsive adult with an airway obstruction, you should: open the airway and look in the mouth. Why should an unresponsive victim be placed on the side? Move them onto their side and tilt their head back. Putting them in this position with their head back helps keep their airway open.

What should you do when performing CPR on an unresponsive victim?

When performing CPR on an unresponsive victim what should be done when giving rescue breaths? Deliver rescue breaths. With the person’s head tilted back slightly and the chin lifted, pinch the nose shut and place your mouth over the person’s mouth to make a complete seal. Blow into the person’s mouth to make the chest rise.

Are there modifications to CPR for an unresponsive Choking Victim?

Are there modifications to CPR for unresponsive choking victim? When a choking victim becomes unresponsive, you begin the steps of CPR -starting with compressions. The only difference is that each time you open the airway – look for the obstructing object before giving each breath. Remove the object if you see it.

17. Which method of opening the airway should be used on an athlete who has a suspected neck injury? Why?

The jaw-thrust maneuver is often used on patients with cervical neck problems or suspected cervical spine injury.Click to see full answer. Herein, which method of opening the airway should be used?The head-tilt chin-lift is the most reliable method of opening the airway. The simplest way of ensuring an open airway in an unconscious patient is to use a head tilt chin lift technique, thereby lifting the tongue from the back of the throat. what are the signs an individual might exhibit with complete airway obstruction? Signs of complete obstruction in the spontaneously breathing individual are inaudible breath sounds or the inability to perceive air movement; use of accessory neck muscles; sternal, intercostal, and epigastric retraction with inspiratory effort; absence of chest expansion on inspiration; and agitation. Subsequently, one may also ask, why is compression of an acute injury important? Placing external pressure on an injury assists in decreasing hemorrhage and hematoma formation by retarding fluid seepage into the interstitial spaces and as such, absorption is facilitated.What are the two methods of opening an airway? Basic airway management Back slaps and abdominal thrusts are performed to relieve airway obstruction by foreign objects. Inward and upward force during abdominal thrusts. The head-tilt/chin-lift is the most reliable method of opening the airway.

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The jaw-thrust maneuver is often used on patients with cervical neck problems or suspected cervical spine injury.

Why is compression of an acute injury important?

The goal of compression is to stop hemorrhage and reduce swelling. Compression is applied to limit the amount of edema caused by the exudation of fluid from the damaged capillaries into the tissue.

What are the signs an individual might exhibit with complete airway obstruction?

Common symptoms include nasal blockage, snoring, shortness of breath, coughing, and choking. The signs are dependent on the cause and can include stridor, abnormal voice, confusion, restlessness, cyanosis, use of accessory muscles, and suprasternal recession.

What should you do when checking a conscious person?


  • Check for responsiveness. Shake or tap the person gently.
  • Call 911 if there is no response. Shout for help and send someone to call 911.
  • Carefully place the person on their back. If there is a chance the person has a spinal injury, two people should move the person to prevent the head and neck from twisting.
  • Feb 12, 2021

    Which of the following would be most appropriate to do to control a nosebleed?

    Pinch your nose. Use your thumb and index finger to pinch your nostrils shut. Breathe through your mouth. Continue to pinch for 10 to 15 minutes. Pinching sends pressure to the bleeding point on the nasal septum and often stops the flow of blood.

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    The first step to establish unresponsiveness of an athlete is: Gently tap his/her shoulder and ask are you okay? The inability to move a body part can indicate a serious central nervous system injury that has involved the motor system.

    Why is it important to support the victim’s head neck and back when moving a victim?

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    What is manual conveyance?

    manual conveyance. method for transporting a mildly injured athlete arms around back and arms under legs one person on each side. shock. shock – Condition in which there is insufficient fluid available in the circulatory system resulting in a reduction in cardiac output.

    Why does compression help an injury?

    Compressing the injury helps reduce and prevent swelling. Reducing pain Swelling also causes more pain to the injury since it puts a lot of pressure on the injured area. Since compressing can reduce swelling, it helps with lessening your pain as well.

    When should you compress an injury?

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    How do you treat acute injuries?

    How do you treat acute injuries?

  • Rest the injury.
  • Ice the injury once every hour for 20 minutes.
  • Compress the injury by wrapping it with an ace bandage or immobilize with a splint.
  • Elevate the injury above the heart to decrease blood flow and reduce swelling.
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    PRICE contains the key components required to prevent further injury, limit swelling, decrease pain and help the healing process. When applied correctly PRICE can significantly reduce the recovery time needed for an injury.

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