Who is sarada real mother

So after Naruto Gaiden chapter 1 was aired we followed Sarada as she learnt about how everyone and their dads are training for the upcoming exams. Sarada went home and asked Sakura about Sasuke, she got angry and literally destroyed the house. Sarada took care of Sakura and went home to get the family portrait, there she finds Sasuke’s image with someone who looks similar to her, Karin! So lets just go ahead and mention that Sarada and Karin look alike, very similar to each other in fact. I would go as far as to say that Karin could be related to Sarada by blood. Now we know that Karin and Sasuke were friends, they worked together ever since they were with Orochimaru. After Sasuke had murdered Orochimaru, Sasuke had recruited and became friends with Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo and formed Taka in order to help the Akatsuki. After Sasuke and Naruto had their incredible fight to end the Naruto manga series with 700 chapters, many shinobi’s dispersed and went their own way. As Gaiden concentrates on most of the kids, we see that after so many years Sarada is born to be of Sasuke and Sakura’s child. She has dark hair, wears glasses and looks extremely like Karin. On top of which we knew that Karin definitely had feelings for Sasuke, whenever he was near to her, she would go all jelly-like and try and get close to him. There is very little evidence proving that Sarada is in fact the daughter of Karin, but since Karin herself had lots of feeling for Sasuke, it’s possible to assume that they did have sex that child could be Sarada. Does Sakura know? Why is she taking care of a child that’s not even hers. Well if Sarada was in fact the child of Karin, then Sakura knows, there could have been some kind of reason that meant that Karin wasn’t able to be there for Sarada and Sasuke may have had to look for others ways to keep Sarada safe at home. What exactly is Sasuke looking for, and why has he gone for so long? Could it be that he’s searching for Karin or something linked to Karin? I guess we’ll soon see. I personally think that both Sarada and Karin are linked, by this I mean that I think that Karin could be the mother of Sarada. Honestly, it could also be some kind of troll from Kishimoto himself, it could be something that he’s trying to accomplish and trying to throw everyone off on Sakura not being the mother of Sarada. So what are your thoughts on this? Do you think that Sarada and Karin are related, are they mother and daughter? , In the latest Naruto Gaiden 7 chapter, Sarada asked Suigetsu about Karin, she is within another of Orochimaru’s hideouts. Sarada revealed her intentions that Karin might be her real mother, Suigetsu uses a machine to test for DNA from Sarada cheek cells, with Karin’s cells coming from somewhere unknown. The results show that both pieces of DNA compared are related, one from Sarada and the other possibly from Karin. This could be a possible conclusion that Karin is the real mother of Sarada! :(

Well, it is not 100% guarantee that Sakura is NOT Sarada's mother. :P

Here are just few of my theories or hyphothesis:

1) Perhaps that sample Suigetsu took from Karin's table is perhaps belong to Sasuke? Since we all know Karin is fandom of Sasuke :D . Moreover, Karin seem to be quite a regular in Orochimaru's place and we all know quite well how Orochimaru wants Sasuke's body before. So it is possible, Karin took a little of that genetic sample which is belong to Sasuke? And Sarada is related to Sasuke, so obviously it is matchs to Sarada. But i feel strongly that this is possible.

2) Maybe Sasuke just took in too much Karin's chakra. -_-

3) Maybe Karin visit Sakura to help Sakura giving birth? Since it is stated that Sasuke been busy with his mission. So maybe Karin actually took that sample during that time!? ( actually I'm not sure whether true or not true occurrence) :V

but overall, even if Sakura really wasn't Sarada's biological mothers, it is no right for Sarada to hate Sakura for that reason. Since i think it is a great courage for Sakura to adopt Sarada while knowing that it is not her own biological daughter.

_ Sakura Hiden (sakura sasuke love story)

But i still hope Sarada is Sakura's biological daughter. I strongly believe it

Some fans are stating as fact that Karin is Sarada's biological mother based on the result of a DNA test in chapter 700+7, but the test does not make this clear.

In chapter 700+7, Sarada gets a genetic (遺伝子, idenshi) test. The Japanese words for "DNA" (デオキシリボ核酸, deokishiribo kakusan) and "DNA test" (DNA型鑑定, DNA-gata kantei) are not used.

Sarada goes into it with the assumption that doing so will conclusively determine who her birth mother is. Her assumption is based on a photo she saw in chapter 700+1 of Karin standing next to Sasuke, who she believes to be her biological father.

Who is sarada real mother
Who is sarada real mother

The result of the test is that she has a genetic match (一致, icchi: the image above from page 20). However,

= it is unknown what genetic material Suigetsu matched Sarada's saliva swab to. Suigetsu found something in Karin's desk which he believes to be from the time of Karin's birth (on page 19), but 1) what item he found and tested is not shown and he does not mention what it is, 2) whether Suigetsu's assessment of it dating from Karin's birth is unknown, and 3) even if it dates from that time, it is unknown whether the item contains Karin's genetic material (the possibility that the genetic material belonged to someone other than Karin remains)

= there are ways Sarada and Karin could have a genetic match without being mother/daughter

= even if Sarada and Karin have a genetic match based on Sarada being conceived from Karin's egg, it is possible that Karin was not the birth mother (such as surrogacy, egg donation)

= the storytelling lead-up within the chapter to this scene implies that the reader should not put too much trust in genes alone through the following plot points.

  1. On page 9, Sakura says that Ochimaru is even a bigger idiot (大バカ者, oobakamono) than Orochimaru because he doesn't at all understand what is important to a parent (親にとって大事なものが何かまるで分かってない!Oya ni totte daiji na mono ga nani ka marude wakattenai!)

Who is sarada real mother

  1. On page 15, Ochimaru says that humans are merely "slaves to genes" (遺伝子の奴隷, idenshi no dorei) and that any individual's connection to any other person can be proven by such (その繋がりも全て証明できる, sono tsunagari mo subete shoumei dekiru)

Who is sarada real mother

  1. On page 22, Suigetsu feels likes he might've done something bad by conducting the genetic test (…ぼく…なんかまずいことしちゃった感じかな?, ...Boku... nanka mazui koto shichatta kanji kana?)

Who is sarada real mother

  1. On pages 22 to 23, Sarada violently reacts to believing she now knows who her biological mother is (we could say, she overreacts: she verbally disowns Sakura as her mother)

Who is sarada real mother
Who is sarada real mother

There is still room for someone other than Karin to be Sarada's birth mother. If the reader is meant to trust Sakura over Ochimaru regarding what a parent is, and to dislike Sarada's turbulent reaction to the genetic test result, the reader should not 1) interpret the test as conclusive, and 2) even if Karin is the biological mother, to not interpret Karin as the "real mother" because parenting is not simply about biological ties.

Whether Karin is Sarada's biological mother or not has not been stated in canon, but adoptive mothers are real mothers in the full sense of the word, so Sakura is Sarada's "real mother" even if Karin is her biological mother. Likewise, adoptive daughters are "real daughters" of the parent/s who raise them without being related biologically. The relationship between adoptive mother, adoptive daughter, and birth mother is given a careful treatment in Kodomo no Omocha (also known as Kodocha or Child's Toy) manga volumes 3 to 4 and in episodes 17 to 19 of its anime adaption. For more information about the complicated situations of people who grow up without knowing who their biological parent/s are, see the documentary films The Invisible Red Thread, Birthplace Unknown, Foster Child, Anonymous Father’s Day and Breeders.

Boruto’s story arcs have paid homage to past villains and characters within the Naruto franchise. But one of the most significant and shocking developments was the question mark the story put on the Uchiha family. To reiterate, the nuclear Uchiha family consists of Sasuke, Sakura, and Sarada.

This all started when Sarada started doubting her father’s love for Sakura. It is understandable why doubts would sprout in a child of Sarada’s age. The arc was adapted in episodes 19 to 23 of the Boruto anime, and we will deconstruct the events of the arc to answer –  “Is Sakura Sarada’s Biological Mother?”

1. Quick Answer 

Yes, Sakura is the biological mother of Sarada. Karin was merely the midwife who helped deliver Sarada and owned the umbilical cord that was attached to Sarada from Sakura’s womb. 

2. Confirmation of Sarada’s Parentage

After Sakura is freed from captivity, she explicitly confirms her motherhood to Sarada. Sasuke, further adds that Sarada’s existence itself is proof of the connection between him and Sakura.

This is followed by a tender moment between Sasuke and Sakura, where Sasuke pokes her forehead while leaving. This act of poking her forehead signifies the affection Sasuke has for her. As it is reminiscent of the very same act his brother Itachi would do with him.

Although it is verbally confirmed that Sasuke and Sakura are her parents – which is enough for Sarada. It comes at odds with the DNA test conducted by Suigetsu.

Sasuke & Sakura vs Shin

Sasuke Sakura Sarada vs Shin Uchiha

The DNA test matches Karin’s umbilical cord with Sarada’s DNA, but towards the end of the arc, this too is clarified. At Orochimaru’s Hideout, Karin explains that the umbilical cord is indeed Sakura’s and not hers.

She contextualizes this by adding that she and Sakura were travelling together chasing after Sasuke when Sakura gives birth midway. Karin was merely the midwife who delivered Sarada.

Karin keeping the umbilical cord is not unusual since, in Japanese culture, often, a portion of the umbilical cord is preserved as a symbolism of a child’s fate. 

3. What was the catalyst for this? – Plot of the arc 

Sarada comes across a picture of Taka, a team created by Sasuke during his hunt for Itachi Uchiha. Given the absence of her father in her life, doubt creeps within Sarada when she finds Karin – one of Taka’s members – wearing glasses precisely like hers.

As a child who has an absentee father, Sarada is unable to fathom the love between her parents and her father’s love for her. This is cemented with Sakura’s vague answers regarding what Sasuke’s doing and his whereabouts.

To confirm her heritage, she follows Naruto, which leads her to her father, Sasuke. When confronted by his daughter regarding her ‘real’ mother, Sasuke says that it has nothing to do with her. This obviously does not settle well with Sarada.

Who is sarada real mother

After Sakura gets kidnapped by Shin, Naruto and Sasuke are compelled to seek Orochimaru’s help for information. In his hideout, Sarada comes across another former Taka member named Suigetsu. She persuades him to conduct a DNA test with the umbilical cord he thought was Karin’s. The results come out positive, which brings Sarada’s fears to fruition. 

What are Boruto’s Eyes – Jougan & Its Power

4. Why does Sarada have Karin’s glasses? 

It is confirmed in the Gaiden that Sarada had suffered from extremely high fever when she was young. Although the fever was curbed with Sakura’s medical expertise – it came at the cost of her eyes, which were damaged.

Therefore, she required the aid of glasses to see. Her glasses were a gift from Karin, the former Taka member who holds a token of affection for the Uchiha family. 

5. Who is Karin? What is her relationship with Sasuke? 

Karin Uzumaki is a kunoichi who helped Orochimaru with his experiments until she was recruited by Sasuke for his team Hebi(now Taka). It was hinted during the series that Karin had feelings for Sasuke.

Who is sarada real mother

Yet, it was clear from Sasuke’s actions that he merely used her as a tool because of her healing abilities. Although after his reformation, Karin was one of the people Sasuke apologized to. Therefore, their relationship flourished into that of mutual respect.

When asked by Suigetsu whether she’s finally over Sasuke, Karin claims that connections exist in all forms and that she wants Sasuke to be happy. Karin even forms a friendly relationship with Sakura and has great respect for the two parents. 

What is Kara Organisation in Boruto?

6. Source of Arc – Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring 

This arc was introduced in a spin-off manga called Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring. It was written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, unlike the Boruto manga, which he only supervises. The events of the arc were further adapted into the Boruto: Naruto Next Generation anime from episodes 19 to 23.

Who is sarada real mother

7. Boruto: Naruto Next Generation 

Boruto: Naruto Next Generation follows the adventures and challenges of Naruto’s son Boruto Uzumaki along with his teammates Sarada Uchiha and the enigmatic Mitsuki as the peace within the shinobi world is disturbed once again. 

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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