Why did the montague and capulets fight

             At the beginning of Romeo and Juliet the Chorus says that two families in Verona (Montagues & Capulets) are constantly fighting. The start of their feud is left to the imagination. I am going to give a possible explanation on why the two families resulted in conflict.             Two years before the earliest clash between the two families there was peace in Verona. Each person lived happily and there was no sign of discrimination. Lord Capulet and Lord Montague were both obsessed with owning large amounts of land. Both, having large sums of money, would purchase pieces of property that were close to them to expand their territory. It started out as a friendly game to see which would own the most amount of land at a certain amount of time. One would buy a large piece and the other would buy an even larger piece of land. This went on and on for a long while until arguments sprang up about who owned what and who's standing on whose property. In those days there weren't deeds or contacts stating who owned what. The idea of building fences around territory didn't occur to anyone. Instead flags were put up to indicate ownership. Kids who passed by would misplace the flags once in a while. Both Lords would notice that their flag was misplaced and would accuse each other for moving them. Arguments evolved into sword fights, which were ended by the Lady Capulet and Montague. Both Lady's met and discussed how they could end the fighting between their husbands in a peaceful way. They came up with the idea of making another game they could play that they thought would end the fighting and make their home look a little better. Both Lords were to build a statue of themselves and the Ladies were to decide which was better. Eventhough both Ladies determined it to be a tie, the Lords weren't disappointed, or angry at their decision.

             A few days passed and peace seemed to be restored between the two families. It was as if tension bet...

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William Shakespeare’s famous play, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was initially written in 1595 during the Renaissance period. The play is recognized as one of the greatest tragedies. The play is about two star-crossed lovers, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, separated due to a long-established feud between their families. Feuding is a long-standing state of conflict that is often between two families.

Feuds begin with one party feeling attacked, insulted, wronged, or injured by another. Throughout the play, the young couple faces numerous obstacles that ultimately result in a fatal conclusion of the protagonists’ untimely deaths. The suicides of Romeo and Juliet are caused by the force of feuding between the house of Montague and the house of Capulet.

Tybalt Capulet’s actions towards Romeo and the house of Montague contribute to the passing of the young couple. Tybalt, throughout the play, is presented as obsessed with vengeance and fighting; He is consumed by his deep hatred towards the house of Montague due to the long-established feud between the two families.

Why did the montague and capulets fight

This is first shown in Act 1, Scene 1, lines 63-65, when Tybalt says, “What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee, coward.” This reinforces Tybalt’s obsession and subsequently results in his rage-driven goal of initiating a physical fight between him and Romeo, due to Romeo’s appearance at the Capulet’s masquerade party.

When he recognizes Romeo in Act 1, Scene 5, lines 87-90, Tybalt states, “Patience perforce with willful choler meeting makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting. I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall now seeming sweet, convert to bitterest gall.” In this context, the word choler refers to hot anger. Tybalt significantly impacts the outcome of Romeo and Juliet’s fatal love story. Tybalt’s death triggers the banishment of Romeo and ultimately results in the couple devising the devastating plan that would cause their untimely deaths.


Romeo and Juliet: Fate vs Free Will

Another character whose actions towards the feud between the house of Montague and the house Capulet result in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is the Prince. The Prince’s response towards the ongoing feud is first shown in Act 1, Scene 1, lines 82-90; the Prince states, “Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word, by thee, old Capulet, and Montague, have thrice disturbed the quiet streets… if you ever disturb our streets again, your lives shall forfeit of the peace.”

The Prince makes this statement because of a conflict between two Capulet servants and a Montague servant which would escalate to a fight between Benvolio Montague and Tybalt Capulet. In this quote, it displays how the feuding between the two families sets up and foreshadows the plot of Romeo’s banishment.

After Tybalt is slain by Romeo, the Prince states in Act 3, Scene 1, lines 182-185, “And for that offense immediately we do exile him hence. I have an interest in your hearts’ proceeding. My blood for your rude brawls doth lie a-bleeding.” This quote is about Romeo’s exile due to the death of Tybalt and Mercutio, the Prince’s nephew, being killed as the result of the bloody feud.

The Prince displays mercy to Romeo by exiling him instead of being executed. However, the Prince’s delayed response to the long-lasting feud between the two families provides the impetus of the plot of Romeo and Juliet’s forbidden love story, which will result in the tragic conclusion.

Another example that contributes to the feud and results in the fatal consequences of Romeo and Juliet’s suicide are Juliet’s parents and their reactions towards the Montagues. Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet, throughout the play, voice their aversion to the Montagues.


Romeo & Juliet Act I, Scene 1 Analysis

This is first shown when Lord Capulet states in Act 1, Scene 1, lines 70-71, “My sword, I say! Old Montague is come, and flourishes his blade in spite of me.” The dispute between the two families causes them to keep their romance a secret. When Romeo is exiled, Juliet is left distraught and is due to be married off to Count Paris though she will not go through with it.

Why did the montague and capulets fight

This is shown when she states in Act 4, Scene 1, lines “And with this knife I’ll help it presently… I long to die if what thou speak’st speak not of remedy.” In this quote, Juliet expresses how she would rather kill herself than be married to Count Paris because of her loyalty and love for Romeo. The feud between the Capulets and Montagues causes the couple to be forced into secrecy and devise the weakly thought-out plan resulting in their suicides.

The play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a tragedy because the protagonists, Romeo and Juliet faced with the difficult situation of their feuding families that would lead to their avoidable deaths. The couple’s sad ending could have been avoided if Tybalt’s deep hatred toward Montagues hadn’t triggered the fight between him and Romeo that would cause Romeo’s exile.

The Prince’s reaction to the feuding between the house of Montague and the house of Capulet sets up the plot of Romeo and Juliet’s forbidden love story and Romeo’s banishment. The feud between the Capulets and Montagues forces the young couple to keep their relationship a secret. These examples of feuding in Romeo and Juliet can be considered to be significant factors in the suicides of Romeo and Juliet.

William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet play is one filled with conflict from the start to the end. Shakespeare describes a love story filled with family feud from the word go. This takes a toll on a young blossoming love between two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, who are in the center of the conflict between two families.

Why did the montague and capulets fight

The family feud between the Montagues and Capulets is well laid out through the play. Juliet’s family and that of Romeo have been in a long-running dispute, and in the famous balcony scene Juliet says that she is willing to deny her family name to marry her love, Romeo.

The Main Problems Between the Montagues and Capulets

Back in college, I can admit that I wasn’t the biggest fan of William Shakespeare. Whenever I had an assignment based on his work, I would pay someone to write my paper. However, there was something about the Romeo and Juliet play that made me appreciate and start loving his work. After reading it, I never had to pay for an essay again.

From the story, here are the main conflicts between the Montague and Capulet families:

1.     Tybalt and Romeo

Being a Capulet, Tybalt is very upset when Romeo, a Montague, crashes a Capulet party. This is the origin of the feud between these two, and it eventually leads to the death of Tybalt at the hands of Romeo, after he killed one of Romeo’s close friends. In the first scene, Tybalt challenges Romeo to a duel which results in two deaths.

Before his death, Tybalt comes after Mercutio, a very close friend to Romeo. When Romeo arrives to stop the fight, Tybalt stabs Mercutio to death. This angers Romeo who goes after Tybalt and after a fight, stabs and kills him as well.

2.    Montague and Capulet servants

The feud between these two families is so deep-rooted that the servants of the two houses have learned about it. The fight between the servants of the two houses quickly escalates when Benvolio and Tybalt get involved. This shows that hostility existed between these two families for a long time.

Once you decipher the play you can pay someone to write your paper. It will help you to understand the themes, with the main one being conflict and role played by characters in the play. So if you need help, why don’t you order an essay from Edubirdie writing service? There’s no shame in taking help from professional writers.  For this play, the family dispute between Capulets and Montagues dominates all the themes. Easy, right?

Why did the montague and capulets fight

3.    Inner conflict for Juliet

In the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene, Juliet is heard expressing her inner conflict. The fact that her lover Romeo is a Montague forces her to have an inner conflict on whether or not to deny her family name to be with her lover. At this moment, she doesn’t know what to do about the situation.

According to her family, she is supposed to hate all the Montagues, despite the fact that she doesn’t know why she has to hate them. However, she has fallen deeply in love with Romeo, a Montague, who she is naturally supposed to hate. This makes her have an inner conflict on whether to love Romeo or not. She wishes circumstances were different for her.

4.    The Capulet and Montague feud

The author of the play, William Shakespeare, does not highlight the cause of the feud between these two dignified families in Verona. It has been going on for quite some time since even the servants are part of it. The Montagues and Capulets cannot stand each other and are always on the verge of a fight.

The conflict between these two families is the main cause of all the conflicts within the play. The loathing between them has fueled the conflict between Romeo and Tybalt, the servants of both houses and Juliet’s inner conflict about the identity of her lover.

The Effects of the Hostility between Capulets and Montagues

After the death of Romeo and Juliet, the two families decide to bury the hatchet and end the conflict between them. They both acknowledge the losses they have suffered as a reason for this dispute and decide to end it. Both families suffer devastating losses because of the feud. The most common effects of this conflict include these below.

Tybalt, a Capulet, is described as a high tempered person who readily walks into a fight. When he kills Romeo’s friend, Romeo feels inclined to seek revenge. In the process, he ends up stabbing him and killing him too. The Capulets suffer the loss of Tybalt’s life.

Mercutio is not a part of the two houses, despite the fact that he was Romeo’s friend. The conflict between them has nothing to do with him. However, he dies as a result of the feud.

This is the most significant effect of the conflict between these two families. The death of Romeo and Juliet marks the end of the conflict between these two families. Both families feel the pain of losing their own blood because of the conflict.

Although the deaths of Romeo and Juliet are responsible for ending the long-standing conflict between these two families, the two lovers never get to enjoy being together. Their death is like a sacrifice that brings peace between the Capulets and the Montagues.

Final Remarks

With a deep understanding of Shakespeare’s play, you can even get paid to write essays for other students. However, you must be willing to spend time analyzing the characters and the themes in the play. You should be able to write summaries Romeo and Juliet essays and papers for academic purposes.