Why is my cat bleeding from his bum

My cat is a 1.5 year old Male we adopted from the local humane society. Ever since we got him he had some tummy trouble, he had diarrhea often. We put him on a food that was meant for sensitive tummies and he has been fine ever since so thinking he may be sensitive to chicken and or fish. Anyways he has had healthy poops consistently for awhile now but tonight he had gone poop and it was a little bit lighter in color but still pretty solid, but he had bright red blood around his anus that looked like it was mixed with mucus. There was no blood in his stool though and he acted like he was in no pain at all, as after he went poop he was so energetic and playful we had a hard time catching him to clean the blood off. He sat just fine while we cleaned it so it must not have hurt him when we did it, he actually looked like he enjoyed it and he does not like being touched when he is in a playful mood ever! What could the blood have been caused from? His anus looked fine after we cleaned it, normal color and couldnt see any tears and it didnt bleed after it was cleaned. Is this something that needs emergency attention or something to give a few days to see if it happens again? Thanks.

Why is my cat bleeding from his bum

  • Why is my cat bleeding from his bum

Welcome to TCS. Yes, bit of a late welcome. Cats are extremely good at hiding pain. The thing that is really confusing me is that there was no blood in the stool. It's important to note that both constipation and diarrhea can cause blood in the stool of cats. Bright red blood without either diarrhea or hard, dry stools generally indicates the problem is closer to the rectum and anus. Are you sure that there was dried blood on the stool? Dried blood can tend to be a darker color, such as brown, which would blend into the stool. Some common causes for blood are;

  • Constipation
  • Impacted or infected anal glands
  • Hookworms
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Anal abscess
  • Recto-anal polyps
  • Cancer
  • Colitis or inflammatory bowel disease
  • Internal bleeding due to blood clotting disorders
Blood can originate internally, from the stomach and intestines (colon, rectum, anal canal) or externally, from the anus or the anal glands. Blood may be seen on and around the anus, on the outside of the feces or throughout the feces. Other symptoms vary depending on the underlying cause but may include:
  • Anal scooting – Dragging the bottom along the floor.
  • Difficulty defecating – Spending longer than normal in the litter tray or defecating outside the litter tray.
  • Painful defecation – Crying in the litter tray or defecating outside the tray due to associating the litter box with pain.
  • Swelling around the anus – Due to impacted anal glands or an anal gland abscess.
  • Mucus in the stool – Due to inflammation or infection.
  • Diarrhea – Loose, watery stools.
  • Blood in the urine – Due to internal bleeding caused by blood clotting disorders.

Please keep an extremely close eye on the kitty, again, these are all pretty serious conditions but because I'm not a vet, I cannot diagnose your kitty. I would definitely take the kitty to the vet for at least a check up.

Why is my cat bleeding from his bum

  • Why is my cat bleeding from his bum

  • Why is my cat bleeding from his bum

The MOST common cause for this is intestinal parasites, with coccidia and girardia infections a close second. All three are rampant in shelters, where cats have to be housed so closely. Once properly diagnosed, however, all three are fairly easily treated and cleared up. Take him into you vet as soon after the Hiliday today as you can manage, though. The longer you wait, the harder any of these will be to clear up.

Dyschezia is a condition in which defecation is extremely difficult or painful, and hematochezia is symptomized by bright red blood in the stool. Both conditions are visible symptoms of an underlying disease that causes inflammation or irritation of the rectum or anus. Hematochezia can also be concurrent with diseases of the colon.

Symptoms and Types

  • Crying and whimpering during defecation
  • Straining to defecate
  • Inability to defecate
  • Mucosal, bloody diarrhea
  • Hard feces
  • Diarrhea
  • Lumps around the anus
  • Draining pus tracts around the anus
  • The anus is blocked by mats of hair and/or feces


Rectal/Anal Disease

  • Stricture or spasm
  • Anal sac abscess or inflammation
  • Draining tracts around the anus
  • Rectal or anal foreign body
  • The anus is blocked by mats of hair and feces
  • The rectum is hanging out of the anus
  • Traumas – bite wounds, etc.
  • Cancer
  • Rectal polyps
  • Mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus (an immune disease)

Colonic Disease

  • Cancer
  • Idiopathic megacolon (disease of unknown causes, where the colon expands with feces instead of releasing the feces normally)
  • Inflammation
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Infectious parasitic agents
  • Allergic colitis
  • Constipation

Extra-intestinal Disease (outside of the intestinal tract)

  • Fractured pelvis or hind limb
  • Disease of the prostate
  • Perineal hernia (a hernia around the anus)
  • Cancer


You will need to give a thorough history of your cat's health and onset of symptoms. Your veterinarian will perform a complete physical exam on your cat, including a blood chemical profile, a complete blood count, an electrolyte panel and a urinalysis. If an underlying disease is causing inflammation or infection of any part of the intestinal tract, the complete blood count should show this.

Your doctor may also use x-ray imaging to visually inspect the abdominal space. This diagnostic method can detect many of the disorders that affect the digestive tract, including foreign bodies in the stomach or intestinal tract, or internal fractures. An abdominal ultrasound can deliver even greater visualization than an x-ray, enabling your veterinarian to detect disease of the prostate, or masses in the lower abdomen.

Your veterinarian may also employ another useful diagnostic procedure to visually inspect the internal space and to take a tissue sample for laboratory testing. A colonoscope or proctoscope, both of which are very slender instruments that are designed to be guided into and through the body's internal pathways – in this case the rectum. These instruments have micro cameras attached at the end so that your veterinarian can see the internal space, and that can also be equipped with a tool for taking a tissue samples for biopsy. These tools are especially useful for the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases or cancer.


Most patients with dyschezia and hematochezia may be treated on an outpatient basis unless the underlying condition is severe enough to require supportive care. For example, dehydration or internal bleeding will need to be brought under control before further treatment can be undertaken.

Balloon dilation can be used to relieve strictures of the intestinal canal. This method widens the canal gently and gradually, using a balloon, so that blocked feces can be released.

Rectoanal diseases, such as hernias of the perineum (the space between the genital and the anus), or rectoanal polyps may need surgical correction. Your veterinarian may also prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and/or laxatives, depending on the underlying cause of the disease. Laxatives can be used to ease defecation if rectoanal disease is present.

Living and Management

Your veterinarian will schedule follow-up appointments as necessary to continue treatment of your cat's underlying condition, to evaluate your cat's progress, and to modify the treatment as it becomes necessary.