Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Have you noticed that your dog is acting strange and hiding?

Then you might be out of your mind with worry what’s causing this behavior change in your dog.

Fortunately, I’m here to help you understand why your dog is acting weird.

Just keep on reading.

7 Reasons Why Your Dog is Acting Strange and Hiding

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Whenever my dog’s behavior changes out of a sudden, it always makes me Google the symptoms or ask questions on dog’s discussion boards.

I assume that you do the same since you’re reading this.

I have some solid guesses about why your pet might be acting strange and hiding.

But you have to understand that change in behavior and hiding have many probable causes.

So, what I’m giving you are directions to help you narrow down what the problem is.

#1 Illness

The first thing that comes to my mind whenever someone says that their dog is acting strange and hiding is an illness.

That’s because dogs instinctively hide whenever they’re in pain to protect themselves from predators.

In addition to this, some dogs don’t want to be around people when they feel unwell.

Instead, these dogs prefer to lay somewhere dark and safe, for example, under your bed or in the closet.

Don’t freak out just yet if your dog is acting strange and hiding. Observe your pooch.

If Rover is ill, you’ll notice other health warning signs such as lethargy, lack of appetite, change in coat’s appearance, and fever.

In addition to this, when you’re a pet parent, you develop something like a maternal instinct. For example, I always can tell that my pooch is feeling worse for the wear by the way he moves or looks at me. So trust your guts.

#2 Fear of Fireworks

Another reason why your dog is acting strange and hiding are fireworks. Dogs are sensitive to loud noises and bright, flashing lights.

Fireworks are not something that occurs regularly in your dog’s life. It’s an event which happens a couple of times a year.

It’s scary because it’s unpredictable, and your dog doesn’t understand what’s going on out there.

As such, fireworks tend to scare dogs senseless, especially if it’s your dog’s first exposure to illuminations.

It’s not unusual for a dog to spend the whole New Year’s Eve hiding under the bed or the closet once the festivities begin.

The bad thing is that your dog might continue to be fearful of loud noises for weeks or months after the initial event. As a result, Rover might dash to his hiding place whenever something noisy is going on in the house.

To ease your dog’s fears and help them deal with fireworks, you should close all the windows and draw the curtains to block the lights and the sounds.

#3 Storm Phobias

Besides fireworks, dogs often have storm phobias. They don’t like the sound of thunders or the bright flashes of lightning, so they pace, pant, whine, or hide during a thunderstorm.

Moreover, some dogs might act strange and hide all of a sudden because they are sensing an approaching storm. Such fearful behavior might continue for a while after the storm has passed.

During storms, you should provide your dog with a safe place to hide and be near him to provide emotional support.

Some specialists also suggest playing white noise or turning up the TV to drown the ranging storm.

#4 Traumatic Experience

Think about the days before your dog started acting strange and hiding. Did something happen that could have traumatized your dog?

For example, a fight with another dog during your daily walk or you accidentally stepping on their tails.

Furthermore, sometimes dogs accidentally break something when they are alone at home. If they get hurt in the process, it could explain your dog’s weird behavior.

So anything that could startle your dog badly can make your pooch fearful and likely to hide

In addition to this, dogs sometimes hide whenever they get reminded of a traumatic experience or an abusive situation from their past.

Angry voices, tensions in the house, a particular smell, or a hand gesture might scare an abused dog easily.

Once you discover what’s the trigger, you can work on desensitizing your dog to the stimulus. Or make sure that your dog doesn’t get exposed to them.

#5 Anxiety and Stress

Another reason why your dog might be acting strange and hiding is anxiety and stress.

Dogs don’t like it when things change because they don’t understand what is happening. It seems like the end of the world is coming, and the only logical solution for your pet is to hide.

Not only big changes stress dogs. Some dogs might get anxious because you’ve thrown away their favorite couch or moved a piece of furniture.

You working late or lack of enough daily exercise can also make your pooch anxious.

To avoid stressing your dog, you should always introduce changes slowly whenever possible. In several cases of anxiety and stress, your pooch is going to need medications to help him calm down.

#6 Strangers

Not all dogs are people friendly. Some are wary of people because of previous traumatic experiences or lack of proper socialization. Others are suspicious and alert by nature.

If your pooch gets nervous around other people, having strangers in your house might explain why your dog is acting weird and hiding.

In these situations, it’s better to leave your pooch alone for the time being.

Work on socializing your adult dog when Rover is calm, and you can control the situation. Then you might invite your friends again and allow Rover to get used to them.

#7 Solitude

Finally, sometimes, dogs act strange and hide because they want some peace and quiet.

Your furbaby might be tired of all the attention you’ve been giving him, or your children might be getting too much for Rover to handle.

In these cases, your dog might seek the comfort of a hiding place so that he can have a nap without someone disturbing him.

A dog who is acting strange and hiding is not always a reason for you to panic. Just like humans, dogs need space when they’re sad, worried, or anxious.

However, hiding could also be a sign of illness, especially if it continues for more than a day or two.

So, you talk about it with your vet if you believe that something isn’t right with your pet

What do you think about these 7 reasons why your dog is acting strange and hiding? Tell us your story in the comment section.

Dog behavior typically runs the gamut from quirky to cute. While it’s perfectly normal for your pooch to tremble with excitement at mealtime or during a romp through the park, it’s concerning if your dog suddenly begins shaking and acting strangely at the same time. If you’ve ever frantically searched phrases like “my dog is shaking and acting weird” with the hope of finding answers, we’re here to help. We’ll walk you through some of the most common reasons why your precious pup may be shaking and acting peculiar. However, even if you think the reason for your dog’s unusual behavior is completely benign, we still recommend a trip to the vet to make sure everything is okay. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when your pet’s health is concerned. 

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Every dog parent has witnessed their pup shake with excitement. But when trembling is accompanied by strange behavior, it could be a sign of a problem. Here are some of the most common reasons dogs shake and behave oddly. 

#1: Your dog is in heat

If you have an unspayed female, your dog will go into a period of fertility known colloquially as “heat” twice a year. According to the National Canine Research Association of America (NCRAOA), female dogs in heat “will often exhibit erratic behavior, such as shaking, frequent urination, and general anxiety.” Additional symptoms of heat include a swollen vulva, vaginal bleeding, and increased friendliness toward male dogs. There’s an easy fix if her estrus cycle is responsible for your dog’s shaking and unusual behavior: Have her spayed. While the procedure is quite common, your pup has a slightly elevated risk of bleeding during surgery because estrus increases blood flow. 

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from mental issues like stress and anxiety. If your dog begins shaking and behaving strangely during a thunderstorm or a fireworks display, it’s likely he suffers from anxiety. Speak to him in a calm tone of voice, move him to a quiet room as far away from the source of noise as possible, and speak to your vet about the possibility of medication that can help calm your dog during times of stress. 

#3: Your dog has Cushing’s disease

Cushing’s disease, also called hypercortisolism, primarily affects middle-aged and senior dogs and can become serious if left untreated. When your dog’s adrenal glands create too much cortisol (a stress hormone), it can lead to side effects like lethargy, trembling, incontinence, plaques on the skin known as calcinosis cutis, increased hunger and thirst, panting, and hair loss. Only your veterinarian can diagnose Cushing’s disease, so you should take your pup in if you suspect he’s ill. 

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

While it may sound odd, dogs often shiver when they’re suffering from heat exhaustion. In addition to shaking and behaving unusually, your dog will most likely pant excessively. Unlike humans, dogs don’t release their body heat by sweating. Instead, they pant to cool themselves off. If heat exhaustion is left untreated, your dog may suffer serious health consequences. In extreme cases it can be fatal, so you should take your pooch to the vet right away if you think he’s suffering from heat exhaustion. 

#5: Your dog has been poisoned

Erratic behavior, vomiting, pale gums, and shaking are all signs that indicate your dog may have ingested something toxic. Household cleaning products, chemicals like antifreeze, rat and insect poisons, chocolate, grapes, and the sugar substitute xylitol are all common culprits of poisoning. Take your dog to the vet immediately if you suspect he’s eaten something toxic. 

Thanks to readily available distemper vaccinations, this virus is most common in puppies and young, unvaccinated dogs. Unusual behavior, discharge from the eyes and nose, fever, shaking, diarrhea, vomiting, and coughing are all symptoms of distemper. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) says, “Distemper is often fatal, and dogs that survive usually have permanent, irreparable nervous system damage.” There is no cure for distemper, but your pup will receive supportive care if he’s diagnosed. If you believe your dog is suffering from distemper you should contact your veterinarian without hesitation. 

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Always consult your vet

If you notice your dog shaking and acting weird, you’ll want to assess the situation quickly and calmly. Are there any loud noises in the area that may be disturbing your pooch? Has he been outside in the heat for too long? Does your dog suffer from any health conditions that may be causing his shaking and unusual behavior? If possible, film your dog’s behavior for a minute. The footage may help your veterinarian properly diagnose your pup. If you notice any additional symptoms, contact your vet to let him know you’re on the way. Even if your dog quickly returns to normal, it’s still worth touching base with the vet. There’s no such thing as being too careful with your fur baby’s health.

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Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

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Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?

Why is my dog acting weird all of a sudden at night?