Generally, study groups do not accomplish as much toward the learning task as those who study alone.

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Generally, study groups do not accomplish as much toward the learning task as those who study alone.

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Generally, study groups do not accomplish as much toward the learning task as those who study alone.

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Joan is a 38 y/o female with no significant PMH. She is two weeks s/p a bicycle accident which resulted in a closed head injury with a right EDH (Epidural Hematoma) in the frontal and parietal region and a small EDH in the left occipital region. Joan underwent an evacuation of the right EDH via craniotomy 10 days ago. She now presents with left upper extremity (UE) hemiplegia. In addition to her other injuries, Joan sustained a right humeral fracture which was stabilized with an ORIF immediately after her injury. She is now cleared for WBAT seen in her home for an evaluation.
Joan is married, left-handed homemaker, with three children (7, 3, and 1 year old).
Cognition / Perception: She is A & O X 3. Joan follows simple motor commands consistently but struggles with multiple step commands. She is restless at times and continues to have occasional outbursts of anger and frustration. Although there is not a complete homonymous hemianopsia, Joan seems to have difficulty perceiving objects in the right visual field.
ROM and Strength (based on MMT):
Left UE; PROM is WNL, strength is 3/5 proximally, with grasp 2/5
Right UE; PROM is WNL, strength is 3+/5 throughout
Left LE; PROM is WNL, strength is 3/5 throughout with mild triceps extensor tone (1+ on Modified Ashworth scale)
Right LE PROM is WNL, strength is 4/5 throughout.
Activities of Daily Living:
Joan has difficulty with upper body dressing. She requires minimal assistance and simple verbal cues to complete. She struggles with most fasteners.
Bed mobility: Joan requires minimum assistance to roll side to side and transition from supine to short-sit at the edge of bed. Joan's movements are impulsive and poorly controlled. She indicates that she has pain upon use of her right UE.
Sitting Balance: Joan maintains her sitting balance by holding onto the mattress. Thus, she requires contact guard with static sitting balance and minimal assist for dynamic sitting balance.
Transfers: Joan transfers sit to stand with minimal assistance for balance.
Ambulation: Joan is ambulating house hold distances with a four wheeled walker and minimum assistance.