How to build a giant chest in minecraft

How to build a giant chest in minecraft
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Chests are Minecraft blocks that allow your character to store items gathered throughout the game.

A single chest can store up to 27 stacks of items or blocks. It can hold up to 1728 blocks.

  1. 1

    Get eight wooden planks.

  2. 2

    Place the planks in the crafting table. Use the chest recipe to craft the chest: Arrange the planks in every slot, apart from the middle one.

  3. 3

    Place the chest. Always place a chest with free space above it. Otherwise, you won't be able to open it!

    • Note that there are a few blocks that won't stop the chest from being opened if they're placed on top of it. These include: water, lava, leaves, cactus, glass, snow, stairs, farmland, cake, beds, fence, another chest, a torch, rails, signs, and a few more (translucent blocks).
    • As of Minecraft 1.13, you can place more than two chests next to each other.

A large chest will have 54 storage slots. It opens as a single chest, with six rows of slots and can hold up to 3,456 blocks.

  1. 1

    Make the chest as for the single chest above. You can't craft a large chest.

  2. 2

    Place two chest blocks adjacent to each other. You now have a large chest.

    • You must place both chests from the same direction for them to connect into a large chest.
    • If you hold shift while placing the chest, it won't connect and make a large chest.

This is much like a normal chest, with a few differences. for one, it releases redstone when open. .

  1. 1

    Obtain a single normal chest.

  2. 2

    Make a tripwire hook. These are made by, in a crafting table, putting 1 plank on top of a stick, on top of an iron ingot.

  3. 3

    Combine the hook and the chest in the crafting table. This is a shapeless recipe.

    • Note that you can put two trapped chests next to each other, to make a large chest.

  1. 1

    Note that chests are designed with compass orientation that affects placement of items.

    • The top three rows in the chest correspond to the western or northern chest block.
    • The bottom three rows correspond to the southern or eastern chest block.
    • In the large chest, you'll find the items organized into the southern or eastern side, which will depend on the orientation of the chest.

For the first time of use, here is what to do:

  1. 1

    Right click on the chest. It will open.

  2. 2

    Transfer items into the chest. Shift click on the item. The item will go into a slot that's available for it.

  3. 3

    Transfer items out of the chest. As with the previous step, shift click on the item in the chest and it will come out of the chest.

    • Left clicking will help you to collect all of the items in the slot. Left click again to place items.
    • Right clicking will let you take just half of the items in a slot.
    • Right click to place a single item.

  4. 4

    Close the chest. This can be done by simply pressing the inventory button or the ESC button.

  1. 1

    Look for goodies to grab from naturally occurring chests. The best place to look is in dungeons (under guard though), NPC villages, abandoned mineshafts, jungle and desert temples and strongholds.

  • Can a chest be relocated?

    You can break a chest and move it, but all of the items inside the chest will fall out onto the ground.

  • Can I make a chest made of iron?

    You can't in vanilla, but if you install a mod that involves iron chests, you can.

  • When I try to put a chest on a donkey or a mule, it will no longer work. What could be wrong?

    You need to sit on the donkey and press "e" and then it will open up the donkey's inventory and its chest.

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 19 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 180,732 times.

Co-authors: 19

Updated: April 19, 2021

Views: 180,732

Article Rating: 62% - 29 votes

Categories: Minecraft Furniture

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It's is a really easy built. To know how you build it you can see down below..

On this I can't really tell you how much blocks I have used but it's really easy to build and you can pretty much copy the pics it's really easy as I said.. It's 14 blocks round (both sides) And 14 blocks high all together.Hope this goes really well for you it's really easy and O yea I have used coloured clay for my minecraft chest. If you wanted to know.

Hope this goes well BYE

How to build a giant chest in minecraft

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  • How to build a giant chest in minecraft
  • How to build a giant chest in minecraft
  • How to build a giant chest in minecraft