How to fix damaged nails

I’ve never been the girl with hand model-worthy nail beds. I’ve been a biter since I can remember, and my ragged cuticles and short fingernails always bothered me. Like many others in my position, I figured that acrylics were my best bet at good nails. I loved them: The long, almond shape made me feel like a Kardashian, and the thickness of the plastic prevented me from nibbling. But then, reality set in. I got fill after fill until they finally fell off… resulting in thin, brittle, acrylic-damaged nails underneath. I’m finally on the path to nail rehab for my natural nails, and with some expert input from the pros, I’ve made some much-needed leeway.

Read more: Are Powder Dip Nails Harmful? Pros Weigh In

“The only way to nurse damaged nails back to health is to give them a break from whatever caused damage in the first place,” Mazz Hanna, a celebrity nail artist who works with Julia Roberts and Selma Blair, tells TZR. “If you've ripped off your gel one too many times, take a break.” In my case, that means letting go of my beloved acrylics and giving my stubby lil’ nails some extra love.

That’s not to say that all nails that’ve been through the gel or acrylic process need repair. “The telltale sign of damaged nails are when they become thin and brittle and they break off before any growth can accumulate,” Hanna says. “Ridges are another way to tell if there has been damage to the nail plate.”

If you tend to get your fake nails refilled instead of soaked off and reapplied, you likely have some ridges — i.e., uneven texture on the surface of your natural nail. “Sometimes nail techs are pressed for time and end up grinding down the natural nail before refilling acrylics,” Hanna explains. “This is what can lead to ridges.” To treat the ridges in my nails, I like to use Dermelect’s Makeover Ridge Filler to camouflage the bumpy surface. It’s a simple, light pink polish infused with protein (aka, what nails are made of) to fill in dips while simultaneously strengthening the nail.

How To Treat Paper-Thin Nails After Acrylics

Your nails go through a lot when you’re constantly getting acrylics or gel polish applied and removed. “When gels or acrylics are removed, sometimes they aren't soaked for long enough and as a result, a layer of nail is scraped off with the product,” Hanna says. This usually makes nails thin, bendy, and prone to breakage — three of my top concerns. Of course, I use the prerequisite clear strengthening top coat, but the product that’s made the most difference thus far is actually a nail serum — kind of like the vitamin and antioxidant-packed serums you use on your face, but for nails instead. I slather on a bit of Sally Hansen’s Hard As Nails Vitamin Strength Serum, fortified with vitamins A, C, and E, every day, and I’m dealing with fewer broken nails as a result.

Cuticle oil can also help maintain healthy nails. Think of cuticles like the scalp — this is the bedrock of nail growth. Just like healthy hair can only grow out of a healthy scalp, strong nails can only grow out of cared-for cuticles. I swear by Mazz Hanna’s Amethyst Cuticle Oil for three reasons: It works (thanks to conditioning hemp seed oil), it smells good (care of lavender and geranium essential oils), and its rollerball applicator is actually an amethyst crystal, “which can aid in fighting the urge to pick or bite nails and cuticles,” Hanna tells me. I’m a believer.

While the nail-repairing game requires a lot of patience, that doesn't mean you have to skip out on manicures in the meantime. Natural-looking nails will never go out of style. Try out a negative space manicure if you want to spice up your natural nails. Hanna suggests using a bobby pin to create tiny polka dots around the cuticle for a style that’s easy to achieve from home.

If your nails are going through a thin phase, make sure to ditch acetone nail polish remover. I’ve developed an obsession with Tenoverten’s rose-scented, acetone-free liquid remover for this reason. It actually has horsetail leaf extract, vitamin E, and aloe inside — so instead of stripping your nails (like most removers), it actually strengthens them.

Here are a few more picks for nail-strengthening treatments at home if you’re experiencing any kind of natural nail damage.

We only include products that have been independently selected by TZR’s editorial team. However, we may receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.

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This article was originally published on 3.12.2019

How to fix damaged nails
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Addressing Injuries | Building Healthier Nails | Maintaining Nails | Addressing Injuries | Building Healthier Nails | Maintaining Nails |

Whether your nails are brittle, discolored, or cut, it is possible to improve their health over time by following certain practices. Start by looking over your nails to determine how they were damaged. Make an appointment with your doctor if the injuries are severe. Build your nails strength by applying moisturizer frequently and soaking them in natural oils. Following a healthy diet can also build up your nail beds.

  1. 1

    Assess the extent of injury. Before you decide how to treat your nails, you'll want to take a closer look to determine in what ways they were damaged. Examine the nails shapes to see if they are distorted. Look at the coloring of the nails, as a green or yellow shade could indicate infection. Feel the surface of the nails to see if you can detect any surface bumps or ridges.[1] X Research source Go to source

    • Once you make a detailed note of your nails' appearance, then it will make it easier to track improvement and healing over time.
    • If your nails have a green or yellow coloring, you may have a nail fungus. Talk to your doctor about possible treatments.
    • Small, white patches on your nail may be from a keratin build-up or they may signal a nutritional deficiency of a vitamin or mineral, like zinc or magnesium. Your doctor can diagnose whether it is a deficiency or not by doing a full-blood count.

  2. 2

    Treat any wounds. If your nail is split open or cut, then wash the area carefully under water with soap. Sanitize it with an alcohol wipe. Apply a bit of antibiotic cream or gel to the nail bed. If the cut is large, cover it with a band aid. If the injury is minor, let it air out and keep it clean.

  3. 3

    Make a doctor's appointment. If your nails are damaged due to a blunt injury, it is probably a good idea to talk with your general physician. They can take an x-ray and assess whether or not the damage extends down to the bone. Or, if your nails simply refused to heal after three weeks or more of extra care, then see your doctor to rule out an underlying condition, such as kidney disease.

    • There are many illnesses which an effect the health of your nails. Kidney disease, for example, overloads your nails with nitrogen waste products, causing damage.[2] X Research source Go to source

  4. 4

    Avoid spreading fungal infections. If you have been diagnosed with a fungal infection, take steps to make sure that it does not spread. Fungal infections can spread from your fingernails to your toenails, your eyes, and to other people.

    • Wear gloves to prevent contaminating others.
    • Avoid cooking or serving food to other people during this time.
    • Keep your hands clean, and treat any broken skin around the nail.
    • Apply anti-fungal cream as directed by your doctor.

  5. 5

    Get emergency help. If you've cut deep into the nail bed and the bleeding won't stop or if a large part of the nail has separated from the skin, then consider getting medical attention sooner rather than later. A doctor can treat the immediate injury, while making it less likely that you will get a secondary infection.[3] X Research source Go to source

    • Sometimes a nail injury is actually a sign that the finger has been fractured. Unless the finger is visibly damaged, an x-ray or MRI will be ordered.

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  1. 1

    Forgo polish for a few weeks. Dermatologist Mohiba Tareen suggests minimizing nail polish and removal, since chronic chemical exposure can dry you out over time.[4] X Research source Go to source Remove your polish and then allow 2-3 weeks before reapplying. Watch to see if your nails improve. When you do decide to paint your nails again, go with a polish that is fortified with vitamin A and other nutrients.[5] X Research source Go to source

    • Small, white patches on your nails indicate a keratin build-up, which can be treated by giving your nails a polish break.[6] X Research source Go to source

  2. 2

    Clip and file your nails down short. It may seem counterintuitive, but keeping your nails trimmed can actually help them to grow in strength and length. Use a small pair of nail clippers to shorten your nails. Make sure that you cut to match the natural arch of your nail, not straight across. Then, file your nails in a gentle horizontal motion across the tips. Go slowly and apply even pressure until the nails begin to shorten.[7] X Research source Go to source

    • Repeat every few days to keep your nails just skimming the edges of your fingertips.
    • Use the soft side of the nail file to buff the surface of your nails. This can improve blood flow while also creating a surface shine. Apply a nail cream afterwards for even more pay off.[8] X Research source Go to source

  3. 3

    Moisturize constantly. Look for a nail-specific cream, serum, or gel. Apply it throughout the day, especially after you wash your hands. At night, rub on a generous portion of the moisturizer and then pull on cotton gloves or socks. The cotton will keep the nails moisturized overnight and will keep the air from drying them out.[9] X Research source Go to source Dermatologist Mohiba Tareen also recommends moisturizing frequently around your cuticles.[10] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source

    • Washing your hands can dry them out. To protect your skin and nails, keep a bottle of hand lotion next to every sink at home and at work. Apply it whenever you wash your hands. If you have to wash your hands a lot, dermatologist Mohiba Tareen recommends using a lotion that contains dimethicone, a protective ingredient.[11] X Research source Go to source

  4. 4

    Do a nail soak. In a medium bowl, add together warm water and a four teaspoons of sea salt. Place your hands in the solution and soak for up to ten minutes. Or, place your hands in a bowl or warm milk or olive oil. Apply a moisturizer directly to the nails afterwards to promote even more healing.[12] X Research source Go to source

  5. 5

    Fashion a tea bag patch. Get a paper tea bag and cut out a small piece. Apply a clear basecoat to the damaged nail. Place the tiny teabag patch on top of the cut or injured area of the nail. Press it down to remove any bubbles and then wipe on another coat of clear polish. This is a great quick fix for a nail split, but make sure to keep a watch for any signs of infection.[13] X Research source Go to source

    • Keep the tea bag patch on your nail for only a week or so at a time. If needed, replace the patch with a fresh one.

  6. 6

    Apply tea tree oil. With its anti-fungal characteristics, tea tree oil is a great option if your nails are discolored, brittle, or emitting any odor. Apply a few drops of tea tree oil to the damaged nails twice daily. Repeat until the nails begin to improve in appearance.

    • If you are irritated by tea tree oil, then try applying lemon juice to your nails with a cotton ball. The acid in the juice can help to kill off any fungus.
    • If your doctor has prescribed an anti-fungal, you should use the medicine instead of at home-remedies. These creams are the most effective way to get rid of a fungal infection.

  1. 1

    Wear gloves when working with harmful substances. When doing household chores or cleaning, put on a pair of latex or heavy plastic gloves. The corrosive elements in cleaners can eat away at your nail beds and wearing gloves prevents any possible damage.[14] X Research source Go to source

    • Even overexposure to dish soap can cause your nails to get weaker, so wear gloves when you're doing the dishes.

  2. 2

    Use gentler cleaning products. The chemicals in many antibacterial sprays, furniture polishes, and cleaning wipes can irritate your skin and nails. When shopping for cleaning products, choose natural or non-irritating formulas. Avoid products with ammonia, hydrochloric acid, sodium hypochlorite, or lye.[15] X Research source Go to source

  3. 3

    Take steps to end picking, tearing, or biting. If you find yourself biting or tearing at your nails, then this is a likely cause of at least some of the damage. Make a decision to end these behaviors and follow through by coating your nails in an unpleasant taste, such as lemon juice. There are also nail polishes that are designed to dissuade you from biting.[16] X Research source Go to source

    • Nail biting can happen in your sleep. To prevent this, put socks or mittens on your hands before you go to bed.
    • If you feel as if your nail biting is crossing the line into a compulsion, talk with a mental health professional.

  4. 4

    Take a biotin supplement. Dermatologist Mohiba Tareen agrees that oral biotin supplements can be helpful, as long as you don't take too much.[17] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source Taken daily these pills will start to strengthen your nail beds. This is a slow process, but will result in nails that can withstand rougher treatment without breaking or tearing. Expect to take biotin for at least 4-6 months.[18] X Research source Go to source

    • Tareen also suggests asking your doctor about taking a silicone supplement, which can help strengthen your nails.[19] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source

  5. 5

    Eat right and drink lots of water. Make sure that your diet contains many foods with the vitamins A, B, C, and E.[20] X Expert Source

    How to fix damaged nails
    Ritu Thakur, MA
    Natural Health Care Professional Expert Interview. 25 July 2019. Go to source These vitamins will help to build up your nails and cuticles. Foods, such as olive oil and eggs, or a good multivitamin can give you these nutrients. Also, make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to prevent dehydration and brittle nail beds an dry cuticles.[21] X Research source Go to source

  6. 6

    Be gentle when switching polishes. The main ingredient in most nail polish removers, acetone, can easily eat through your nail beds if not used properly. Only apply the minimum amount needed when removing your polish and place the remover on a cotton swab, not directly on your nail.[22] X Research source Go to source

  7. 7

    See a manicurist. If your nails are damaged, then it is a good idea to go to a professional for any polishing or new nail applications. Tell the technician about the problems that you've been having and ask for their treatment suggestions. If offered, go for hand massage as well as it will increase blood flow to the area and stimulate healing.[23] X Research source Go to source

    • A hand and nail massage with coconut oil, or any oil, is even better as it moisturizes the nail bed.

  8. 8

    Be patient. New nail growth takes anywhere from 3-6 months. So, expect to wait that long until you see clear improvements with your nails. Resist the urge to speed up the process by trying out aggressive treatments, as they may cause more harm than good.

  • What should I include in my diet to help strengthen my nails?

  • How can I repair my damaged nails at home?

Co-authored by:

FAAD Board Certified Dermatologist

This article was co-authored by Mohiba Tareen, MD. Mohiba Tareen is a board certified Dermatologist and the founder of Tareen Dermatology located in Roseville, Maplewood and Faribault, Minnesota. Dr. Tareen completed medical school at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where she was inducted into the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha honor society. While a dermatology resident at Columbia University in New York City, she won the Conrad Stritzler award of the New York Dermatologic Society and was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Tareen then completed a procedural fellowship which focused on dermatologic surgery, laser, and cosmetic dermatology. This article has been viewed 113,506 times.

Co-authors: 6

Updated: May 10, 2022

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