How to get motivated to exercise when depressed

Everyone knows exercise is great for depression. Studies show physical activity has an equivalent effect to medication for Major Depressive Disorder. As helpful as these findings are, they are of no use when people are unable to get motivated to exercise. So many people with depression feel they are lazy when they don’t exercise. This self-criticism makes them feel worse and, in a vicious cycle, leaves them feeling even more depressed.

Nonetheless, there are many reasons people with depression find it difficult to work out, none of which include laziness. Below are only a few. If you have depression, you can use the insights to better understand the condition and forgive yourself when you have trouble getting motivated to exercise.

1. Your Dopamine is Low

Depressed people don’t have motivation because they are low in dopamine, the neurotransmitter that makes you feel excited and enthusiastic. When you have decreased levels of this neurotransmitter, you feel apathetic and fatigued. This state is not “lazy” any more than someone with any other ailment is “lazy.” Your brain chemistry is literally telling you not to get up and move.

2. You are Experiencing “Leaden Paralysis”

In atypical depression — which actually isn’t atypical but is the name for the type of depression more common in women and in bipolar depression — symptoms include “leaden paralysis,” which means your limbs feel heavy and unable to move. This sensation is more intense than a normal level of tiredness.

3. You are Anxious About How Others Will Perceive You

There are many reasons for this. Individuals with depression can also experience anxiety, including social anxiety. The idea of going to a gym where others may judge you is not high on the list for people who worry about being evaluated even at the grocery store.

Many people with depression gain weight because they use food to self-soothe. When you couple this weight increase with a lack of exercise, this combination can make people even more reluctant to put on workout gear and hit the gym.

4. Starting a New Routine Can Feel Insurmountable

For people with depression, motivation is a major issue in all aspects of life. Exercise isn’t a one time deal, and you’re smart enough to know that benefits accrue over time. But committing to a whole new routine may feel completely impossible when you’re struggling with depression and even very small tasks become harder.

5. Lack of Social Support

Some people can start a new exercise routine with support from a friend who becomes their workout buddy. But many people with depression let their friendships slide, because they don’t feel able to keep up conversations or interact in a cheerful or energetic way with others. This situation means that when it comes time to start hitting the gym, you may be going it alone, which can feel even more depressing.

6. Negative Self-Talk

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When people are depressed, it is like there is a constant stream of mean self-talk in their heads, telling them they can’t do anything right, that they are failures. This mindset means that instead of feeling positive about any exercise they do accomplish, a depressed person will think it isn’t good enough. Hopelessness might stop them from trying again.

Thankfully there is hope, and most of it comes in the form of moderating expectations. Instead of focusing on beginning a whole new regimen, it may be enough to start walking a few minutes every day. This exercise routine can often kickstart your mood, and you’ll end up feeling better simply because you pushed yourself a bit.

Thinking outside the box can also help. While you may not feel sociable enough to have a friend join the gym with you, maybe an online group can provide you with social support and keep you accountable. You might feel too self-conscious to work out around other people, but using an exercise video on YouTube as your trainer is possible.

Therapy and medication can also help a great deal with the fatigue, apathy, and leaden paralysis that are symptomatic of depression. No matter what, though, when starting exercising during or after a depressive episode, you will have to consciously refrain from beating yourself up when you don’t reach the exercise goals you think you “should” be able to achieve.

Depression is a physical illness as well as a mental one. Self-compassion can make all the difference.

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Finding the motivation to maintain an exercise routine isn't easy for anyone, and it can be especially difficult for those of us struggling with depression or other mental health disorders. One of the most universal symptoms of mental illness (or any chronic disease at that) is fatigue, which can make even the most mundane, everyday tasks — like showering, getting ready for work, completing chores, or working out — feel like a challenge. Luckily, there are simple things you can do to ensure your basic routine doesn't completely fall to the wayside, including a handful of hacks for exercising when you're depressed.

Science has shown that exercise can alleviate symptoms of depression. In fact, TIME reported on Aug. 8 that a large new study found exercising anywhere between two to six hours a week seems to reap the most mental health benefits. However, though exercise is often recommended for depression, finding the energy to workout can be a serious struggle when you're living with chronic mental health issues. Depression can make dealing with your day-to-day responsibilities energy-zapping, so it's not surprising that self-care routines like exercise are often infeasible. That's why receiving unsolicited advice that you should "try yoga," or "just exercise," can be super unhelpful and frustrating AF for people who live depression.

However, if regular sweat sessions are something that boosts your mood, maintaining your exercise routine may be a matter of tricking yourself into feeling motivated. As someone who lives with mental illness, here are eight tried and true hacks I've found helpful for staying active, even when you are depressed.


Start Simple

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If you've been feeling low energy, it's probably a good idea to revamp your exercise routine with something simple to avoid getting too overwhelmed. Try starting with a 20 minute stroll, and work up to a longer walk, or jog if that's your preferred type of exercise. Also, don't underestimate the power of a simple stretching routine to help you stay active, and get back into the swing of things.


Exercise At Home

If you're finding it particularly difficult to get dressed and to leave your apartment to exercise, try not to push yourself past your limit. Luckily, you don't need a gym to break a sweat: Download a free exercise app, use Amazon Alexa as a personal trainer, or browse Instagram to find a routine you can commit to — without leaving the comfort of your home.


Enlist The Help Of A Friend

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Depression can make you feel isolated and alone, and the best way to combat that is by reaching out to your support system. Finding a friend that can be your workout buddy could be super beneficial, especially when you are feeling depressed. According to NBC News, research shows that exercising in groups can help you stay motivated and holds you accountable. It also releases more endorphins than solo workouts do. Meaning, you'll get more mood-boosting hormones that can help improve your mental health if you commit to working out with a buddy.


Try A HIIT Workout

If you really want to feel the burn from your workout, but know you have limited energy, consider trying a High-Intensity Interval Training (aka, HIIT) workout once or twice a week. HIIT workouts typically run ten to thirty minutes long, and consist of combining low-intensity aerobic exercise (like walking) with burst of high-intensity exercise (like sprinting as fast as you can).

Though HIIT workouts only last a short amount of time, The New York Times reported in 2015 that HIIT has been shown to be extremely effective for people with chronic health issues — improving cardiovascular health, glucose levels, and improving overall health. Not sure where to start? Try searching simple HIIT workouts on YouTube to start


Plan Ahead

If your depression is causing major fatigue, try to plan your sweat sessions ahead of time. While you're at it, set an alarm, and lay out your clothes ahead of time. This way, you can be a little more prepared for your workout, and hopefully, you can avoid unnecessary stress that may surround it.

Of course, depression has no rhyme or reason, so if you have a glimpse of energy and motivation to exercise, go for it! Oppositely, if that alarm goes off and you're feeling exhausted, do what feels best for you in the moment.


Try A New Activity

Ari Perilstein/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Mustering up excitement or curiosity during a depressive episode can be tough, especially when it comes to exercising. If you want to work out, but can't get excited about it, try a new activity or exercise class that's always interested you to beat the boredom. Goat yoga? Goat for it! Or, try browsing your area's ClassPass options to see what's new and different.

Working out should never feel like a punishment or chore; if it does, that's your cue to switch up your routine.


Work With A Trainer

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If you have the funds, consider hiring a personal trainer that understands mental health to help you stay active when you're depressed. Much like having a workout buddy, a personal trainer can help support you in identifying whatever your fitness goals are and maintaining them. Don't be afraid to call around, ask questions, and disclose whatever you feel comfortable sharing, so you can find a personal trainer that you vibe with. A lot of gyms will have a personal training option built in to your plan, so it might be worth looking into.


Be Gentle With Yourself

Overall, listening to your body and mind, and being gentle with yourself is essential to developing a healthy relationship with exercise. There may be days when your workout routine doesn't go as planned, but bogging yourself down in negativity will only demotivate you. Try not to be your own biggest critic, and be mindful and patient of your mental health.


Struggling with mental health issues and simultaneously maintaining a regular exercise routine can be challenging, but it's not impossible. If you find breaking a sweat benefits your mental health, trying some of these hacks could make it a hell of a lot more manageable.