Baby Aggressively rubbing face into shoulder

My little daughter also buries her face either in the pillow or my chest and rubs vigorously even when asleep, to the point of waking herself up. Swaddling helps but restricting her also seems to wake her up as she tries to fight to free her hands.

Paediatrics is part of my course and I picked up that she had acid reflux when she was about 2 months old. Symptoms being: spitting up, pulling her face when burping, crying after a burp and not wanting to eat as much.
After some research, I found a correlation between the silent reflux and face rubbing. I think any parent would pick up on face rubbing when tired and vigorous face rubbing. I tried all the methods of soothing her e.g. holding upright for 30mins, making sure she burps even if it takes an hour, feeding her in an upright position, giving the pacifier right after feeding and also I got these natural drops called Iberogast from my paediatrician. I give her these drops just before a feed. All of this seemed to work. She's a smiling little 3 month old now.

She also has atopic eczema, so I make sure I put on her cream from her Paed once a day. I never changed detergent etc as this cream helped her.

Also don't forget about over stimulating baby. Reflux / fussy babies get over stimulated quickly. Monitor the times she's awake and look for signs of tiredness / over stimulation. (Random hiccups not related to feeding, fussing, yawning, not willing to interact or not interested in toys).

Soothing, in my opinion, doesn't last very long and they should eventually settle down without waking themselves up again to sooth. So just rule out all possible causes you suspect (in my case: reflux,thrush,eczema) and go with your instinct. Good luck to all!

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Baby Aggressively rubbing face into shoulder

My 6 wk old has reflux. She has been frantically rubbing her face into my chest and shoulder when laying on me. I thought this was a sign of being over tired but then she started doing it while asleep. So now I’m wondering if it’s related to her reflux. Anybody else experience this? Any suggestions? (I’m currently on a dairy/ soy free diet and exclusively pumping)


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My daughter is ebf and does it when she wants to nurse



thx for responding! I totally thought it was the rooting reflex too- but then noticed it’s different. It’s more face rubbing then actually searching for a nipple (if that makes any sense lol). And she will do it when full and won’t accept pacifier. It’s so bizarre.

Baby Aggressively rubbing face into shoulder


Could be the baby looking for your nipple!

My little one does this exact same thing too. She is exclusively formula fed so unsure if seeking nipple is applicable. I took this as a sign of over tiredness but not sure if this entirely the case.

Could it be allergies? Try offering a cool towel wipe down if baby’s face.


my 10 week old babe started doing this exact same thing a few days ago! I think it might just be that babe is overtired and/or trying to self soothe.


My baby does the same usually lets me know hes hungry

Baby Aggressively rubbing face into shoulder


I know what you mean. My baby does this after feeds when he’s uncomfortable. I can usually get an extra burp out of him when I notice this and he will feel better. He has reflux too.

My daughter does this typically when she is hungry, or is struggling to pass gas. She will wiggle around as well and push into my chest. I try nursing and If that doesn’t work I lay her flat on her back and try to help with the gas (stomach massage, bicycles).


Try putting baby on tummy. My son has gas problems even on the sensitive formula and our pediatrician suggested tummy time after each feed. it helps with digesting and passing gas! He normally burps and extra time and calms right down. He also does the face rubbing when gassy!

My baby does it too. She’s probably uncomfortable, move her position

Baby Aggressively rubbing face into shoulder


All of my babies have done this and it was all related to their skin being dry.

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