Brake caliper slide pin rubber Boot

Brake caliper slide pin rubber Boot


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Brake caliper slide pin rubber Boot

Brake caliper slide pin rubber Boot
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Protex Caliper Guide Pin Boot Kit - P7149


05.99 AUD

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What is the rubber on a caliper slide pin for?

“Pin Boots” are small tubular, ribbed rubber components (red in the picture) that snap into grooves in the slide pin and also the fixed caliper bracket. Their job is to keep the water, sand and dirt away from the slide pin bores and helps keep the special grease inside.

What does the rubber boot on a brake caliper do?

This causes them to stop sliding correctly and your brakes begin to stick or fail to engage completely. Caliper Piston – There is a rubber boot surrounding the piston. This boot protects the piston from dirt and grime.