Can I use my carpet cleaner as a vacuum?

Vacuuming helps remove loose dirt particles, hair strands, and pet dander that have been tracked into the home. Besides making cleaning easier, vacuuming first removes small items or sand particles that can damage the carpet cleaning machine as well as the carpet itself.

Reasons Why You Should Vacuum First Before Cleaning Your Carpet

  • It Makes Cleaning Easier

Can I use my carpet cleaner as a vacuum?

You get the best results after eliminating dirt and dust from the surface of your carpet. If the carpet is not vacuumed before steam cleaning, your carpet will look clean on the surface but remain dirty underneath. The steam cleaner cannot get rid of loose soil that is embedded deep inside the carpet fibers. Deep cleaning without vacuuming the carpet can also damage the cleaning machine over time because of improper usage.

  • It Helps Protect Your Carpet From Damage

Failure to address this problem makes your carpet age faster because the gravel and particulates that settle below damage the fibers that hold the carpet together. The action of pulling the steaming machine back and forth can make the carpet fibers fall off as they rub against the dirt. You may not notice the wear and tear in your carpet until it is too late to do anything about it. Maintaining your carpet in good condition when cleaning increases its lifespan and aesthetic appearance.

  • It Improves Indoor Air Quality

As long as dirt and other debris remain embedded inside the carpet fibers, you can never get rid of the unpleasant smell in the air until the carpet is thoroughly cleaned. Vacuuming the carpet before deep cleaning provides an elegant appearance and a refreshing scent for a warmer and tidier home. A clean carpet improves the indoor air quality in your home by providing a hygienic environment.

  • Saves Time And Money

Sticking to a certain timetable when renting a carpet washer is crucial as it helps keep down the rental costs. If you do not vacuum first before cleaning your carpet, you will spend more time getting it clean, which translates to high rental costs. Completing the vacuuming task beforehand not only keeps the rental costs at a minimum but also delivers very good results within a short time.

Should I Vacuum If I Have A Carpet Cleaning Service?

A professional cleaning service will start by vacuuming the carpet first before they clean it with a steaming machine. They follow this procedure to ensure your home is sparkling clean and smelling fresh. Vacuuming your carpet before the cleaning service arrives is not necessary as they include it as part of the service. However, many homeowners fear that a traveling vacuum may be transporting bacteria, fleas, germs, and urine deposits with it from one place to another. Not many homes are as clean as yours and other unwanted germs or bacteria may be transported from another home into your house via a commercial vacuum cleaner. To avoid this from happening, some people feel safer when they vacuum their carpets first before hiring a carpet cleaning service.

However, reputable carpet cleaning companies sterilize their equipment to rid them of any germs, bacteria, or fleas that could be transported to other people’s homes. If you do not have time to vacuum your carpet before the cleaning service team arrives, you must do your research beforehand to find the best carpet cleaning service in your area. Having your carpet professionally cleaned delivers the best results than doing it yourself. They not only use the best cleaning products and equipment but also have a wide experience in carpet cleaning.

Vacuuming your carpet before deep cleaning eliminates any loose soil and particles that might cause an inconvenience during the cleaning process. Following the right procedure when cleaning your carpet not only improves the appearance and indoor air quality of your home but protects your carpet from damage. Although some choose to vacuum their carpets before the cleaning company arrives, it is not necessary as they include this process in the beginning. Furthermore, a commercial vacuum cleaner is powerful and more capable of removing dry soil from carpets than a domestic vacuum cleaner. If a cleaning service team starts cleaning your carpet without vacuuming, they will be missing a very crucial part of the process.

After hiring carpet cleaning professionals, many people wonder if they should vacuum their carpet after the session. In addition, most people are hesitant to touch their carpets since it’s now fresh and pristine. So, is vacuuming after carpet cleaning a good idea? We certainly do recommend it, and here’s why:

Only Vacuum a Dry Carpet

Before you start vacuuming, check that the carpet is 100% dry. This is a crucial step, and not waiting for a complete dry can cause an even bigger problem. This is because dirt from your vacuum cleaner can get stuck on the damp carpet, and a standard vacuum is just not designed to handle wet carpets.

If you vacuum a wet carpet, dirty water could enter the motor and cause damage to it. In severe cases where the carpet is too wet, you could even risk electrocution. Even in a mild scenario, you’d still end up with a soggy mess to deal with when you eventually empty the dust bag.

In general, vacuuming helps restore the carpet’s pile and removes any bits of dirt. The additional vacuuming can also help remove any cleaning residue that tends to dry and settle on the carpet surface.

Benefits Of Vacuuming Your Carpets After Cleaning

For starters, you can expect your carpet to look more uniform in appearance with the help of your vacuum cleaner. A professional clean may have left some minor patterns from the cleaning machine, and vacuuming can help remove these marks. In addition, vacuuming will restore your carpet pile to its fuller, fluffier original state.

Even for professional cleanings, there may be a slight chance of leaving behind cleaning residue. But, however minute the amount is, it is still not good to leave it lying around. 

When dry, cleaning residue often presents itself as a flaky substance that needs to be removed. Running your vacuum over will help remove them to keep your carpets clean. The same applies to stubborn stains that can take a while to be removed. By going through the cycle of cleaning and vacuuming, there is a better chance of removing the stain in the long run.

It is also good to note that as a carpet dries after cleaning, dirt that has been embedded deep in the carpet may slowly surface. Vacuuming after the carpet is completely dry will guarantee that the last bit of dirt no longer plagues your carpet and maintains its level of cleanliness until the next deep clean session.


Ultimately, running your vacuum over your carpets after a professional deep clean is great but remember to do it only after your carpet is completely dry. 

Vacuuming your carpet when it’s still damp could cause dirt to be transferred from your vacuum cleaner, so patience does pay off. Help your carpet look its best with this simple additional step, and you’ll get to enjoy a fresh, clean and fluffy carpet once again.

Can I use my Bissell carpet cleaner as a regular vacuum?

No it can not be used aa a vacuum cleaner., it is a carpet cleaner, to be used as cleaning Did you read your instructions?

What happens if you don't vacuum after using carpet cleaner?

Carpet that's neglected, and not vacuumed consistently, can become a breeding ground for bacteria to live. This can be dangerous for your kids and pets who may lay on the carpet.

Can a steam cleaner vacuum?

Steam cleaners are the ultimate, versatile tool for keeping your home in tip-top shape without the use of chemicals. They work by using pressurised steam to prise tough grime and dirt from surfaces, which can then be easily wiped or vacuumed.

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