Does hot cheetos make your poop red

“Honey, could you come to the bathroom for a minute and look at what Bobby’s done?” “Oh my, that is quite a vibrant shade of red, let’s panic and take him to the emergency room.” I don’t have kids but I imagine that’s how the conversation would go if your child’s bathroom output was an unnatural color, but it turns out it’d be an unnecessary visit. In fact, doctors are peeved at Flamin’ Hot Cheetos for sending parents needlessly rushing with their kids to the emergency room, all because of that pesky red food dye that’s used to show just how flaming hot those Cheetos really are.

Schools are already pushing back against the snack and banning it from their campuses due to its lack of nutritional value, reports CBS News. And there’s also research out there that likens the brain’s response to the snack to how addicts crave drugs. But in this case, it’s just red poop that’s worrying parents.

All that red dye can color your stool, say medical professionals, if you’re ingesting large quantities of the stuff. But parents immediately see blood when they see red and rush off to the hospital. Most of the time, they’re wrong.

“Food such as beets or red peppers can make stool appear red, however it is not actually blood in the stool,” an emergency medicine physician for a New York hospital, told

You have to eat so much of the stuff, however, that if you’re seeing red in the toilet it could be a sign that you’re eating way too many Cheetos.

“So even though we might eat some foods with red food dye in them regularly, our stool doesn’t usually become discolored unless you eat huge amounts of it,” another doctor pointed out. “Flamin’ Hot Cheetos is one food that people will eat enormous amounts of and will see a change in their stool.”

The poo problem with Cheetos isn’t the only health concern surrounding the snack, however.

“A number of patients who have consumed these Cheetos in excess have complained of pain in their upper abdomen, rising up into their chest, likely due to due to the red peppers and spice contained in the snack,” said one of the doctors, warning that if you already have problems like acid reflux or heartburn, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos could lead to a flare-up.

So the next time Bobby has a questionable output, look at his hands and face first to see if they’re covered in remnants of red Cheetos dust before you head to the ER.

Why Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are sending kids to ER [CBS News]

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Can Hot Cheetos make your stool red?

Because the spicy snack contains a lot of red food dye, it can turn the stools of people who eat large quantities red or orange. Parents and kids may mistakenly assume that it is a sign of blood in the stool, leading to panicked trip to the hospital.

What does your poop look like after eating hot Cheetos?

If you eat too many Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, your poop can turn a reddish color. Some people have thought it’s a sign of internal bleeding and rushed to the ER, only to learn it was just a sign they’ve been snacking a little too heavily on the spicy treats.

Can Flamin Hot Cheetos make your poop burn?

That leaves your poop laced with spicy particles, and helps explain why it burns when you poop. “Since the last part of your anal region—your rectum and anus—is lined by cells similar to those in your mouth, spicy foods can burn just as much on the way out as on the way in,” says Dr. Basso. Ouch.

Can food make your poop red?

Red diarrhea might occur if the food that a person eats causes food poisoning or irritates the stomach. Foods that can turn stool red include beets, cranberries, red candy, red frosting, red licorice, tomatoes, and tomato sauce.

Why do hot Cheetos make my poop burn?

As it passes through your digestive tract, it triggers TRPV1 receptors, which is why some people experience cramps or an upset stomach after eating something particularly spicy. By the time the digested food reaches your anus, there’s still capsaicin in the food waste and your butt feels the burn.

What happens when you eat too many hot Cheetos?

Flamin’ Hot Cheetos aren’t the easiest thing for your body to digest as it is, so when it’s consumed in quantities more than one bag, it can cause gastritis, “an inflammation erosion or irritation of stomach lining.” CBS reported.

What happens if you eat too many hot Cheetos?

So if you’re eating Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, and you vomit, it’ll look like you’re vomiting blood, or if you have a bowel movement, it’ll look red as well.” The spice in the food, however, can cause irritation in the stomach, resulting in inflammation, or gastritis, which is painful and uncomfortable.

How does blood look in stool?

When you have blood in your stool it can look a few different ways. You may have bright red streaks of blood on your poop or you could see blood mixed in with it. Stool could also look very dark, almost black, and tarry. Sometimes, you can have blood in your stool that’s not visible.

Why is my poop tinted red?

Summary. Red-colored stools may be the result of the foods you eat or bleeding. When red stools are caused by blood, it is important to determine where the blood is coming from. Sometimes blood in the stool may be from less serious things like hemorrhoids or anal fissures.

Can hot sauce cause blood in stool?

However, spicy food can cause digestive problems that can cause bloody stools. Frequent eating of spicy foods can cause hemorrhoids to anal fissures. Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the blood vessels in the anus.

Does spicy food clean your colon?

Spicy foods may calm your gut and keep it healthy. That same receptor is found in your digestive tract. When capsaicin enters your digestive tract and attaches to the receptor, it creates a chemical called anandamide.

What are the dangers of Hot Cheetos?

Specifically the danger of hot cheetos comes from the Xxtra Hot Flamin Hot Cheetos bag. Xxtra Flamin Hot Cheetos and regular Flamin Hot Cheetos have been known to cause diarrhea, gastritis, ulcers, and even at risk of stomach cancer.

Why are hot Cheetos bad?

Hot Cheetos are bad because in the long run it can cause gastritis, inflammation of the stomach, it can cause ulcers. Some kids even ten or eleven years old have ulcers in their stomach because of this snack.

Can Hot Cheetos hurt you?

When Hot Cheetos are eaten excessively, this spice can cause an upset stomach, bloating, painful burning sensations, acid reflux, hiccups, and vomiting. Because of the raised alarm and increase in emergency room visits, many school districts have decided to ban selling Hot Cheetos on their campus.

Is my poop red because I ate hot chips?

Otherwise, processed spicy foods, like chips, may also contain red food dye that could turn stool red. And if capsaicin from peppers does cause diarrhea, skin from those peppers could also appear in the stool.

Can Hot Cheetos make your stomach bleed?

One physician, Dr. Nelson Spinetti, says he sometimes sees as many as 15 patients in a single day with symptoms related to consuming Hot Cheetos and other spicy foods. Common issues, according to KGBT, are abdominal pain and internal bleeding.

What foods make your poop red?

Foods That Can Cause Red Stools:.
Red Jell-O, red or grape Kool-Aid..
Red candy, red licorice..
Red cereals..
Red frosting..
Red food coloring..
Fire Cheetos..

Can poop have a red tint?

If your stool is bright red or black — which may indicate the presence of blood — seek prompt medical attention. Food may be moving through the large intestine too quickly, such as due to diarrhea. As a result, bile doesn't have time to break down completely.