Does your son need money in spanish

money [ˈmʌnɪ]


1 (gen) dinero (m)

Spanish money dinero español; there's money in second-hand cars los coches de segunda mano son (un) buen negocio

"money back if not satisfied" "si no queda satisfecho le devolvemos su dinero"

we're talking [big] money the drug pushers were making big money outside the school gates the impact of big money on policy and politics the really big money in athletics is found elsewhere

to bring in money aportar dinero

who brings in all the money in this household? my part-time job brings in a bit of money

to come into money heredar dinero

I came into some money when my husband died it's a bargain [for] the money

when do I get my money? ¿cuándo me vas a pagar?

he gets his money on Fridays to get one's money [back] I want my money [back] an investor who wants to get his money back in a hurry if you cancel the booking you don't get your money back I lent him £10 knowing full well I wouldn't get it back

to earn good money ganar un buen sueldo; ganar su buen dinero or dinerito (informal); ganar sus buenos dineros or dineritos (informal)

I was earning good money then - I couldn't afford two holidays a year now you can earn good money as a software engineer

I paid or gave good money for it pagué un buen dinero por ello

I'd rather be paid in money prefiero que me paguen en dinero

he paid his servants in kind rather than in money the refund can be paid in money or in the form of a credit voucher

your money or your life! ¡la bolsa o la vida!

to make money [+person] ganar dinero; [+business] rendir; dar dinero

he made his money by dealing in cotton ganó el dinero que tiene comerciando con algodón

they couldn't find work or make money in the cities the only bit of the firm that consistently made money to [print] money he warned that they should not print money to spend their way out of the economic hole they're simply printing money to make war Serbia cannot print money indefinitely and cannot continue to borrow from bankrupt banks

to put money into sth invertir dinero en algo

we've put a lot of money into coaching these youngsters to put money into an investment you put money into an investment in the hope that it will generate a profit Chinese businessmen went on putting money into Southeast Asian countries what's the good of putting my money into aeroplanes? to [put] money [on] sth he put £100 on a rank outsider in the 2 o'clock

it was money well spent fue dinero bien empleado

bad money drives out good el dinero malo echa fuera al bueno

money doesn't grow on trees el dinero no cae del cielo or de los árboles

to have money to burn estar cargado or podrido de dinero (informal)

he was a high-earning broker with money to burn to make money hand over fist the shop was doing well - we were making money hand over fist

money isn't everything el dinero no lo es todo

it's money for jam or money for old rope (Britain) es dinero regalado (informal)

the shares were up by 86% to Pounds 5.63m in the first half - sounds like money for old rope he might have been grateful for the opportunity to earn some money for old rope

to throw good money after bad echar la soga tras el caldero

further investment in delorean might amount to throwing good money after bad

to be in the money estar bien de dinero

if you are one of the lucky callers chosen to play, you could be in the money I'll pay for the meal - I'm in the money at the moment

to be made of money ser millonario; tener un banco

I'm not made of money do you think I'm made of money?

for my money

that's the one for my money! ¡yo apostaría por ese!

for my money it's not worthwhile

I'd put money on it

he'll be back, I'd put money on it apuesto (lo que sea) a que volverá

my money is on ...

my money is on Fred yo apuesto por Fred

he may be putting his money on a loser the PLO, in putting its money on Saddam, has made one of the biggest gambles in its history I'd put my money on Clinton before I'd go with Bush again China experiments with financial freedom and puts its money on Hong Kong with England not playing, /the [smart] money was on the Germans/

to put one's money where one's mouth is predicar con el ejemplo

if the government is so keen to improve standards in schools they should put their money where their mouth is and give us more resources

to spend money like water tener un agujero en el bolsillo; ser un/una manirroto/a

he spends money like water, you know, he'll probably buy half-a-dozen of your airships

to throw one's money about or around tirar or derrochar el dinero

he'd hire planes, anything he wanted, throwing money about they say she is mean, and it is true she does not throw her money around, but ... Madonna didn't throw her money around when she hired extras to make a quickie pop video - she hired people on the cheap who were prepared to work a 12-hour day for £65

to throw money at a problem intentar solucionar un problema a base de dinero

rather than simply throwing money and technology at the problem, we needed to establish priorities for our financial and technical resources

to get one's money's worth sacar partido a su dinero

he certainly gives the audience its money's worth la verdad es que con él el público sale contento

having paid so much, I was determined to get my money's worth

money can't buy happiness el dinero no da or trae la felicidad

money makes money dinero llama dinero

money makes the world go round el dinero mueve montañas

Money makes the world go round, and much more so after 16 years in which money and markets have made inexorable advances into corners of society where social and ethical considerations once used to apply

(the love of) money is the root of all evil el dinero es la raíz de todos los males

money talks poderoso caballero es don Dinero

2 (Jur) monies or moneys (pl) sumas (f) de dinero

monies paid out we drew up a scedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed pension fund trustees should be brought to parliamentary account over the misuse of these monies the moneys allotted to the school budget

public monies dinero (m) público

plans that would shift public moneys into private schools it is absurd to spend government time, public moneys and people's own anxieties on trivial risks


[+worries, problems] de dinero; económico

a lot of people are hitting money problems because their income has fallen it's easy for people with no money problems if you are in debt or having money problems, we can help he committed suicide last year because of money worries

money back guarantee (n) garantía (f) de devolución (del dinero)

the money back guarantee is valid for three months there's a money back guarantee on all our products

money belt (n) riñonera (f)

Hart tucked the pouch into his own money belt next to his skin Chance kept his poker winnings in a soft-skin money belt beneath his shirt I strapped on my money-belt

money economy (n) economía (f) monetaria

the breakdown of the traditional family, creation of centralized governments, and the growth of the money economy have all been contributory factors women were not part of the money economy technological societies based on a money economy

money market (n) bolsa (f) or mercado (m) de valores; mercado (m) monetario

on the money markets the dollar was weaker against European currencies millions of yen stashed away in money market certificates the Bundesbank has already cut money market rates 1 percent

money matters (n) asuntos (m) financieros

I was reluctant to bring up money matters for fear of seeming mercenary bankers are presumed to know about money matters and doctors about medicine

money order (n) (US) giro (m) postal

checks and money orders are accepted for deposit only

money prize (n) premio (m) en metálico

a tennis tournament offering substantial money prizes

money spider (n) araña (f) de la suerte

the money supply (n) la oferta or masa monetaria; el volumen de moneda

they believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation they seek and get higher money wages to offset tax increases workers would take their share partly in higher money wages, partly in lower prices for imported products unlike medieval retainers they earn money wages

Do you need money in Spanish duolingo?

¿Tú necesitas dinero, Antonio? is correct and should be accepted.

Do you need help Bruno in Spanish duolingo?

¿(Usted) necesita ayuda, Bruno? [formal]

Why don't you ask Maria now in Spanish duolingo?

------ por que no le haces una pregunta a maria ahora ? . . .