Dragon age awakening trade must flow

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  3. trade must flow

reichin 12 years ago#1

how do you finish this quest? i did the encounter on the road, and talked to the person at my keep, and the merchant from the silverite mine was there, but the quest says i still need to find more.

pk1154 12 years ago#2

Did Mistress Woolsey give you your reward?

If she did, the quest is as done as it's possible to be, no matter what it says in your log.

We're having a great time: food, wine, a little personal abuse, and the universe going foom.
PSN: pk1154

reichin (Topic Creator)12 years ago#3

no, i can't get the reward either. are there more merchants to find or is my game bugged?

pk1154 12 years ago#4

Did you actually initiate the quest before meeting Lilith on the road? Because that random encounter spawns even if you didn't talk with Mistress Woolsey. If you got the encounter out of sequence, the quest will never finish properly.

You absolutely must initiate that quest before you first journey outside the Keep.

We're having a great time: food, wine, a little personal abuse, and the universe going foom.
PSN: pk1154

reichin (Topic Creator)12 years ago#5

i did initiate it before meeting lilith, but i didnt initiate it before leaving the first time.

pk1154 12 years ago#6

Ah, well, I think your save is bugged.

Oh, and be sure to tell Varel to protect the trade routes, when you have that option, otherwise the merchant at the Keep may not restock, despite your having finished the Trade Must Flow quest.

We're having a great time: food, wine, a little personal abuse, and the universe going foom.
PSN: pk1154

Hopz_7 12 years ago#7

U have to finish 2 areas then go back to vigils keep. I finished the woods and had the same problem as u. But as soon as I finished the dwarf area, came back to vigils keep and entered the throne room, I got the triggered response from woosley and the quest finished. Maybe that is also required.

PSN: Hopz_7

  1. Boards
  2. Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening
  3. trade must flow

How do you complete trade must flow Dragon Age?

To complete the quest, you'll need to convince two merchants to come to the keep:.
Lillith. You'll meet her during a random encounter on the world map. She'll be surrounded by bandits, but when you show up, the bandits will ignore her and attack you. ... .
Armaas. You'll meet him near the exit of the Silverite Mine..

Where can I find wool padding in Dragon Age Awakening?

Wool Padding is in an unlocked chest in the Amaranthine Commons. The final ingredient, a Master Lyrium Potion, has to be crafted by an herbalist.

Where can I find Lyrium sand?

Found in small cavern in the Kal'Hirol - Trade Quarter. Turn left on the bridge after fighting the darkspawn in the room with the Giant Lyrium Stone in the center.

Where can I find granite Dragon Age?

The granite can be found in the Wending Wood to the east of the mine entrance (see picture). Once you have looked at the stone by clicking on it, return to tell Voldrick.