Every person is a reflection of you

People around us are mirrors and life is a reflection of you. Once you understand this, you’ll realize that you create your reality for better or for worse. Then, we can identify our self-limiting behaviors & change them to be more positive!

The concept of mirroring is nothing new age. According to The American Psychological Association, “Mirroring is the behavior in which one person unconsciously imitates the gesture, speech pattern, or attitude of another. The concept often affects other individuals’ notions about the individual that is exhibiting mirroring behaviors, which can lead to the individual building rapport with others.”

Humans have mirror neurons that allow us to build connections and are one of the reasons we have empathy. When we realize that people are mirroring our behaviors and attitudes, we can observe this to learn about ourselves in the actions that are being reflected back.

Imagine you and everyone in the world as a mirror. Life and everyone in it is a reflection of you. If you are receiving reactions you don’t want that means it’s time to look within and work on yourself. Everything you admire in another person belongs to you, and the same goes for all that which you dislike.

Mirroring is done unconsciously and so changing your life requires changing the inner self because we can only see the world from the lens of our perspective. When we become aware of that, we will notice ourselves reflected by others. And we also will see our projections unto them. Once we observe this, we can identify and change our inner beliefs, then the reflection we see will change.

This is so powerful! We’ve all been in a room where we met someone who amplified our insecurities! Why? Because that person was a mirror of us. When we notice our insecurities amplified by someone it tends to throw us off and that’s the point. We can use that to better ourselves.

What feelings of negativity is this person bringing out of us? Or should I say, reflecting back at you? If you can notice those feelings and acknowledge that they are yours instead of getting in your head, then you can begin to realize that you can change those insecurities by working on self-love.

We all carry past burdens and traumas which we can subconsciously project outward. So we will often receive that same issue or pattern back from others until we can realize it’s coming from us!

When we look into a mirror and say we want to lose weight, we can’t change the mirror and look different! We have to get into shape if we want the reflection to change. The same goes for ourselves, we cannot change how other people act but we can change how we view ourselves and the world. We have to ask ourselves, is this person really thinking these things, or are these reflections of myself? When we realize that these self-limiting beliefs are our own we can finally start our life in a more positive direction.

When we choose to come from a place of love and compassion we project that onto others and it will be reflected back. Because not only are we showing others the love we have for ourselves but we allow them to see the love they have too!

Now, that’s not to say that there are not any negative people in this world. Everyone in the world is also projecting their selves onto you, and not everyone is as self-aware. When you come from a place of love instead of fear, you stop looking for the acceptance of others and you can choose to step away from these negative harming patterns. You now know that the only person who can love and accept you is you.

It is our job to come from a place of radiant light. Remember whatever we do, people will mirror and reflect back at us. So choose love and light always! Whatever you are seeking from the world, remember you are seeking that from yourself.

So give yourself the love and acceptance you desire and see how your life will change! You can’t change the mirror but you can and will change yourself. And then see how everything changes!

“We only see what we want to see; we only hear what we want to hear. Our belief system is just like a mirror that only shows us what we believe.” – Don Miguel Ruiz

I recently watched a lecture by Gabrielle Bernstein called, "Meaning is the New Money." It was a fabulous panel discussion about how to make money doing good in the world. While she talked about many inspiring and important elements, the thing that stood out to me the most was this:

The outside world will reflect your inner belief.

Meaning... if you have doubts about yourself, the world will seem to doubt you too. If you lack confidence and belief in your unique beauty, men will fail to see it too. If you believe that you're not worthy, not "cool enough" or that people won't like you, they will show you that you're right.

Everyone we meet is simply a mirror, reflecting our beliefs and perceptions back to us.

This is an incredibly powerful truth.

Every person is a reflection of you

So what do you do when the world seems to be working hard to bring you down, show you you're not good enough and make you feel like crap?


Take responsibility and look inward.

Gabby provided some ah-mazing questions to ask yourself in her lecture. When you find yourself in situations with naysayers or when you feel like you're receiving a push back from the universe, ask yourself one of the following:

What is it about me that's not in full faith?

How am I not supporting myself?

Where are you doubting yourself or lacking belief in your beauty, worthiness, or abilities? Where are you saying to the world that you're not ready, not prepared or not educated/experienced enough?

Until you start believing in yourself, you'll continue to receive a reflection that's unsupportive, resistant, and negative.

Other people's actions and reactions to us can be a powerful indicator of where you're lacking faith in yourself. Instead of getting upset and angry with these people, take the time to ask yourself how you've invited this response in to your life.


Take Action Now!

Think of a recent situation where you experienced a naysayer, negative attitude, lack of support or push back. Ask yourself one of the above questions and take time to really explore the possibilities. Don't get angry at the person, get honest. Where are you lacking belief in yourself?

Stephenie Zamora is the founder of www.stepheniezamora.com, a full-service, life-purpose development, design and branding boutique. Here she merges the worlds of personal development and branding to help young women build passion-based businesses. Click here to download her free guide, "The Unexpected Trick to Transforming Your Life With ONE Single Question."

Connect with Stephenie on Facebook and Twitter!

For more by Stephenie Zamora, click here.


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Every person is a reflection of you

Stephenie Zamora, Contributor

Life and Business Coach

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What does it mean when someone is a reflection of you?

It means that your perception of people or situations around you is truly a projection of what is going on inside your mind. This is why two people can witness the same thing, yet each perceives it differently.

Why is everyone mirroring me?

Mirroring is something we do with people we like or are interested in- we copy their body language, speech, facial expression and more. Mirroring body language is a non-verbal way to show empathy. It signals that we are connected to that person in some way.

Are people a reflection of ourselves?

It was Carl Jung who said it first: “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves”. Everyone is our mirror. Our own reflection in others shows us not only who we are, but also how to be better.

What you say about others is a reflection of yourself meaning?

We come to understand ourselves best through our relationships with other people. We can only be triggered by something we have experienced ourselves. The traits we tend to dislike in others are usually the traits we do not like about ourselves. We then tend to judge and criticize these characteristics.