Game version mismatch dead by daylight

Game version mismatch dead by daylight

Image by Behaviour Interactive

Dead by Daylight players have likely encountered the Version Mismatch error while playing the game. It’s a common error that you may encounter, and how you fix it will vary, but it should not be a huge issue. In this guide, we will cover what you need to do when you encounter the Game Version Mismatch error in Dead by Daylight.

You might encounter this error when attempting to join another friend’s lobby or by trying to sync onto the game with those on other platforms. When you encounter the Game Version Mismatch error, it’s a simple fix. All you have to do is update your current game of Dead by Daylight. However, you will need to wait for the update to go through to your game. The time it happens will vary for each person on their platform, and it may occur at different intervals, based on the console’s developer.

There is no other reason you’re encountering this error beyond not having an updated game, so you don’t need to worry about doing anything else for Dead by Daylight. We do recommend checking out the Dead by Daylight website to view the latest patch notes to see what was added to the game.

There isn’t anything players can do to work around or fix the Game Version Mismatch error. When the update does go through, you’ll need to wait for it to apply to your platform and when you can jump into a game with friends.

Game version mismatch dead by daylight
Dead By Dayligh

Common errors are inevitable in almost any video game, and Dead by Daylight is no different. But when we are talking specifically about the game updates, the Dead by Daylight is typically more susceptible to post-update bugs. The Version Mismatch error is somewhat players have been recently encountering a lot after the latest patch.

It generally appears when you are trying to join your friend’s lobby who has been playing on a different platform than yours. And, you’re more likely to see it often whenever a new Dead by Daylight update drops out. So the real question is, “How do you fix it?” Let’s find out in this article.

Game version mismatch dead by daylight

As the error name suggests, the Version Mismatch occurs when you’re trying to join someone’s party who is running a different Dead by Daylight version than yours. And as we’ve mentioned earlier, this typically emerges for players who are not on the same platform.

The reason behind it is pretty straightforward. Dead by Daylight updates usually rolls out on different dates for the distinct platforms. For instance, Xbox players received the Dead by Daylight 5.2.2 hotfix patch on September 18, and it hasn’t been released yet on PC and PlayStation, at least not at the time of writing this article.

The update mismatch issue on #PS4 is now resolved!
Players that have installed version 1.3.9 can now update to the latest version (1.4.0) to fix the issue. Thank you for your patience!

— Dead by Daylight (@DeadByBHVR) September 18, 2018

Hence, the crossplay between these two platforms is unfeasible and as a result, Dead by Daylight will return you the Version Mismatch error whenever you try to make a party with Xbox players. So there’s nothing you can initiate on your end to get rid of this.

But you shouldn’t disappoint as the developers behind Dead by Daylight work actively to keep all the platforms under the same version. Thus, the Version Mismatch error will eventually get a fix within the next couple of days. Meanwhile, you can always keep an eye on Dead by Daylight’s official Twitter handle for any further development on this topic.

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What does it mean by version mismatch?

The version mismatch error is simply when a player loads up the game while running an outdated version of the game. Developers very often patch their games for hotfixes or content updates, and when players don't update their game, they are met with the version mismatch error.

How do I fix NMS version mismatch?

How do I fix the version mismatch error? It's actually quite simple to resolve the situation. The game must be exited and the client must be restarted. This will trigger gamers to install the most recent version of the game, which should resolve the issue.

How do I fix version mismatch sea of thieves?

In order to fix the BeigeBeard error, you will need to check for updates, as it means your client is out of date, this is why you'll be receiving a "game mismatch" message. This happens whenever Rare releases a new update for the game and you have yet to download and install it.