How do you unlock fast travel quest in 2K22?

If you’re wondering how to unlock NBA 2K22 fast travel spawn locations, then you’re in the right place. Getting access to the spawn points is a pretty smart thing to do, because it will help you travel around town much faster than normal. The problem is that you’ll have to work for it, and hard. So, without further ado, let’s begin.

How do you unlock fast travel quest in 2K22?
NBA 2K22 Unlock Spawn Location – Fast Travel

To unlock the fast travel spawn locations in NBA 2K22, the first step is to go to the NBA Store near the center of town. It’s to the right and down from the big glowing building in the very center of the map. Don’t go into the store, but look at the alley to the right of the store. There, you’ll find a guy called ATM who will give you a quest you need to complete. After you do, and walk around for a little while, you should get another quest from him called “Unlock Spawn Location.” Long story short, just do quests for ATM until you get this mission.

Now, all you have to do is travel around the city for 26.2 miles. If you track the quest, you’ll see how long you’ve traveled. This seems easy enough, right? Well, it isn’t. You have to travel for 26.2 miles on foot. No using the bike or skateboard or anything like that. To unlock the NBA 2K22 fast travel spawn locations, you have to run the distance of a marathon with no ways to speed it up. It will take you about, say, an hour and a half real-time to do this. If that sounds like a drag, keep in mind that the world record of running a marathon is two hours, so count your blessings.

Once you do unlock the spawn points, there are several places around the map you can instantly teleport to. These include the court of your city affiliation, the Pro Am arena, the Rec Center, the shopping area, Brickley’s gym, near the runway, and the Gatorade gym. In the long run, this will save you a lot of time.

How do you unlock fast travel quest in 2K22?

I see on some tutorials that you need to talk to ATM next to the NBA store to unlock the fast travel quest, but he's not there anymore. Is this quest still available to be unlocked in order to get the fast travel?

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How do you unlock fast travel quest in 2K22?

level 1

I guess you mean the zipline. For that, you need to unlock the penthouse by achieving 1M MVP points.

level 2

Nahh I'm not talking about the zipline. I'm referring to the quest where you have to walk 26miles to unlock fast travel.

level 1

ut should be, and you have to walk a certain distance, you may already have it

level 2

But how do I activate the quest?

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How do you unlock fast travel quest in 2K22?

How do you unlock fast travel quest in 2K22?

NBA 2K22 is more advanced than any 2K title we have ever seen.

As a result, there are a lot of places to visit when you're out and about in the City or MyCareer, which means you are away from home for the majority of the time.

But every now and again, you need to get back for something important and that is where the ability to fast travel can be ever so valuable. Here is how to unlock it.

How To Unlock Fast Travel In NBA 2K22

As is the case with any of the perks in NBA 2K22, you will have to earn it in order to be able to use it.

But as far as unlocking the fast travel ability is concerned, it couldn't be easier.

All you have to do is head to MyCAREER and once you are loaded in, you need to speak to the two Non Playable Characters (NPCs). You won't need to go looking for them, as they are found almost instantaneously when you begin your career.

After a brief chat with regards to whether you fancy plying your trade in the G League or going down the College route, you will unlock the ability to fast travel. It's as simple as that.

How To Use Fast Travel In NBA 2K22

Utilising the ability is very straightforward. All you need to do in order to be taken back to your home is hold down the R1/RT button and then select to fast travel back home.

Currently you can only use the feature to travel back to your home, although this may change in the future.

How do you get to ATM quest 2K22?

NBA 2K22 Shirt Off Quest On Next-Gen You'll get given this quest by ATM in front of Club 2K in the City. The quest requires that players play 25 games of two-vs-two, that's it. You'll also earn 1,000 MVP points for completing the quest.

How long does it take to run 26.2 miles NBA 2K22?

TIP: It will take you 3.5 hrs to travel 26.2 miles in the city to unlock the ability to choose spawn location : r/NBA2k.