How far is davenport iowa from chicago

Disclaimer: All companies in the Trailways network are privately owned or independently operated. The Trailways headquarters office does not own or operate the companies or the vehicles in the network but does help facilitate bus charter operations and ticketing operations.


2 miles
2 minutes

181 miles to go
2 hr 52 min


14 miles
13 minutes

169 miles to go
2 hr 41 min

East Moline

18 miles
17 minutes

165 miles to go
2 hr 37 min


22 miles
21 minutes

161 miles to go
2 hr 33 min

Green River

24 miles
23 minutes

159 miles to go
2 hr 31 min


28 miles
27 minutes

155 miles to go
2 hr 27 min


36 miles
34 minutes

147 miles to go
2 hr 20 min


42 miles
40 minutes

141 miles to go
2 hr 14 min


46 miles
44 minutes

137 miles to go
2 hr 10 min


52 miles
50 minutes

131 miles to go
2 hr 4 min


58 miles
56 minutes

125 miles to go
1 hr 59 min


60 miles
58 minutes

123 miles to go
1 hr 57 min


66 miles
1 hour, 3 minutes

117 miles to go
1 hr 51 min

Coal Hollow

70 miles
1 hour, 7 minutes

113 miles to go
1 hr 47 min


74 miles
1 hour, 11 minutes

109 miles to go
1 hr 43 min


76 miles
1 hour, 13 minutes

107 miles to go
1 hr 41 min


78 miles
1 hour, 15 minutes

105 miles to go
1 hr 40 min


80 miles
1 hour, 17 minutes

102 miles to go
1 hr 38 min


82 miles
1 hour, 19 minutes

100 miles to go
1 hr 36 min

La Salle

93 miles
1 hour, 28 minutes

90 miles to go
1 hr 26 min


97 miles
1 hour, 32 minutes

86 miles to go
1 hr 22 min


119 miles
1 hour, 53 minutes


145 miles
2 hours, 18 minutes


169 miles
2 hours, 41 minutes


181 miles
2 hours, 52 minutes

Chicago to Davenport by bus

How long does a bus trip from Chicago to Davenport take? The distance between Chicago and Davenport is 5.4 km. Only 3 miles separate Chicago and Davenport, so choose a convenient bus route to save money. Cheapest way by bus end at the station San Jose.

Trains from Chicago to Davenport

How long does it take to travel from Chicago to Davenport by train? It takes approximately 12 mins to get from Chicago to Davenport. What is the distance from Chicago to Davenport? It is 7.8 mi from Chicago to Davenport. How much does the train ticket from Chicago to Davenport cost? You can buy a train ticket from Chicago to Davenport for about $3.85. Which train companies operate from Chicago to Davenport? To get the train from Chicago to Davenport, you can use one of these train companies: Bay Area Rapid Transit. To save up check these budget agencies: Amtrak. How many train stops from Chicago to Davenport? There are 3 stops between Chicago and Davenport.

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Change the route for US
After generating the route Chicago,IL - Davenport,IA could be changed by simply dragging the line with the mouse. The change can be applied to any intermediate points of that route as well as the points of departure and arrival.
Once modified all the other calculations for that route are automatically recalculated:
average speed Chicago,IL - Davenport,IA
driving time Chicago,IL - Davenport,IA
recommended break Chicago,IL - Davenport,IA
fuel consumption Chicago,IL - Davenport,IA
fuel price Chicago,IL - Davenport,IA.

Adjustment of fuel consumption and fuel price for Chicago,IL - Davenport,IA

You can modify the values corresponding to the average consumption value of your vehicle, fuel prices could be as well modified with any desired value.
Calculation of fuel cost and total fuel consumption will be automatically recalculated without having to press any other button or key.

The distance by car is 286 km.  Follow the Chicago to Davenport driving route along Chicago-Kansas City Expressway W.  Get driving directions from Chicago to Davenport.

 flight distance = 154 miles

The straight line distance between Chicago and Davenport is 248 kilometers.

 Travel time from Chicago, IL to Davenport, IA

 How long does it take to drive?

 How long does it take to fly?

This is estimated based on the Chicago to Davenport distance by plane of 154 miles.

 Chicago, Illinois

What's the distance to Chicago, IL from where I am now?

 Davenport, Iowa

How far is Davenport, IA from me?

How far is Davenport Iowa from Illinois border?

The total driving distance from Davenport, IA to Illinois is 147 miles or 237 kilometers.

How long is a car ride from Chicago to Iowa?

How long is the drive from Chicago, IL to Iowa? The total driving time is 5 hours, 1 minute.

How far is Chicago from the quad cities?

What is the distance between Chicago and Quad Cities? The distance between Chicago and Quad Cities is 461 miles. The road distance is 534.4 miles.

Where are the Quad Cities?

Made up of four cities in Iowa and Illinois, the Quad Cities includes Rock Island and Moline in Illinois and Davenport and Bettendorf in Iowa. Some people also include East Moline.