How many calories in a bacon egg and cheese on white toast?

Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese has 312 calories (1305 kilojoules) per 100 grams. There are 21g carbs in 100g of Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese. See the Nutrition Facts panel below:


Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Selected Weight

  • Calories 312

  • Total Fat (g) 20
  • Saturated Fat (g) 7
  • Kilojoules 1305
  • Sodium (mg) 602
  • Alcohol (g) 0
  • Cholesterol (mg) 167
  • Total Carbohydrate (g) 21
  • Dietary Fibre (g) 1
  • Sugars (g) 5
  • Protein (g) 13

How many calories in a bacon egg and cheese on white toast?

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About This Food

This Nutrition Information is for Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese. Were you looking for Croissant Sandwich With Ham, Egg, And Cheese, Croissant Sandwich With Sausage And Egg, or Croissant Sandwich With Sausage, Egg, And Cheese instead You can easily search for different foods with calcount’s search box.

The calorie, kilojoule and other nutrition information for Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese are derived from data published by USDA. The initial values given are for 100 grams, but you can see data for different quantities by adjusting the slider located above the Nutrition Facts panel.

Carbs in Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese

There are 20.79 grams of carbohydrates in 100g of Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

These are some frequently asked questions related to this food:

How many Calories are there in Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese

There are 312 calories in Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese per 100 grams.

How much Protein is in Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese

There are 13 grams of protein in Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese per 100 grams.

How much Fat is there in Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese

There are 20 grams of fat in Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese per 100 grams.

See Other, Similar Foods

You might also be interested to see nutrition information for these other foods. Just click the picture above the food title to see its Nutrition Facts panel and calorie content:

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You have just reviewed nutrition information for Croissant Sandwich With Bacon, Egg, And Cheese, thanks for choosing calcount! The calcount team does its best to ensure the accuracy of all of the information published in the Calorie Counter Australia website. However, we do not guarantee that all of the published information is accurate and complete. Please remember to consult your medical professional before you take any action in respect to anything you read on this site. Our information includes copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property such as brand names and descriptions which belongs to the respective owners of said property.

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Nutrition Facts

Serving Size

1 sandwich

per serve


1622 kj

388 kcal





Saturated Fat


Polyunsaturated Fat


Monounsaturated Fat














Last updated: 21 Aug 07 07:33 AM

Source: FatSecret Platform API


of RDI*

(388 cal)

How many calories in a bacon egg and cheese on white toast?

Calorie Breakdown:

Carbohydrate (29%)

Fat (49%)

Protein (22%)

*Based on an RDI of 2000 calories

What is my Recommended Daily Intake?

How many calories in a bacon egg and cheese on white toast?

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Nutritional Summary:









There are 388 calories in 1 Bacon and Egg Sandwich.
Calorie Breakdown: 49% fat, 29% carbs, 22% prot.

Common serving sizes:

Serving SizeCalories
How many calories in a bacon egg and cheese on white toast?
1 oz
How many calories in a bacon egg and cheese on white toast?
100 g
How many calories in a bacon egg and cheese on white toast?
1 sandwich
How many calories in a bacon egg and cheese on white toast?
1 serving (177 g)

Related types of Sandwiches:

Ham and Cheese Sandwich
Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwich
Chicken Sandwich with Spread
Cheese Sandwich
Turkey Sandwich with Spread
  View More Sandwiches Nutritional Info

Related types of Breakfast Items:

Scrambled Egg
Egg and Cheese Sandwich
Toasted Bread
  View More Breakfast Items Nutritional Info

See also:

Egg and Bacon Roll
Egg, Cheese and Bacon on English Muffin
Bacon and Egg Croissant Sandwich
Bacon, Egg and Cheese Croissant Sandwich
Egg Substitute (Liquid)
  View More

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How many calories in a bacon egg and cheese on white toast?


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Please note that some foods may not be suitable for some people and you are urged to seek the advice of a physician before beginning any weight loss effort or diet regimen. Although the information provided on this site is presented in good faith and believed to be correct, FatSecret makes no representations or warranties as to its completeness or accuracy and all information, including nutritional values, is used by you at your own risk. All trademarks, copyright and other forms of intellectual property are property of their respective owners.

How many calories in a bacon egg and cheese on toast?

Breakfast Bacon Egg Cheese On Toast (1 serving) contains 26g total carbs, 25g net carbs, 16g fat, 15g protein, and 330 calories.

How many calories in a homemade bacon egg and cheese sandwich?

How many calories are in a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich? The exact amount of calories in this breakfast sandwich really depends on the type of bread that you use, but you can expect it to land between 350 and 500 calories.

Is a bacon egg and cheese sandwich healthy?

Protein. Bacon, egg and cheese on toast also comes packed with protein. Protein nourishes your skin and hair to help you look your best, helps you maintain lean muscle tissue and also contributes to blood cell growth.

How many carbs are in a bacon egg and cheese on white bread?

Breakfast Bacon Egg And Cheese On White Toast (1 serving) contains 31g total carbs, 30g net carbs, 13g fat, 12g protein, and 290 calories.