How many ounces is 4 quarts of water?

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Quarts to Ounces [water] Conversion


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Convert Ounces to Quarts (oz to qt) [water]▶

Conversion Table

quarts to ounces
qt oz
1 33.3816
2 66.7632
3 100.1449
4 133.5265
5 166.9081
6 200.2897
7 233.6713
8 267.0529
9 300.4346
10 333.8162
11 367.1978
12 400.5794
13 433.961
14 467.3426
15 500.7243
16 534.1059
17 567.4875
18 600.8691
19 634.2507
20 667.6324

How to convert

1 quart (qt) = 33.38161781 ounce (oz). Quart (qt) is a unit of Volume used in Cooking system. Ounce (oz) is a unit of Weight used in Standard system. Please note this is volume to weight conversion, this conversion is valid only for pure water at temperature 4 °C.
1 US qt = 0.946352946 liters = 0.946352946 kg of pure water at temperature 4 °C.
US oz = 28.349523125 g
US fl oz = 29.5735295625 ml (milliliters) = 29.5735295625 g (grams) of pure water at temperature 4 °C.
US cup = 8 fl oz = 236.5882365 ml (milliliters) = 236.5882365 g (grams) of pure water at temperature 4 °C.
The US liquid quart equals to 0.946352946 liters.

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Quarts to Cubic Yards
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Quarts to Milliliters
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Quarts to Tablespoons
Cubic Centimeters to Cubic Feet
Cubic Centimeters to Cubic Inches
Cubic Feet to Cubic Centimeters
Cubic Feet to Cubic Inches
Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards
Cubic Inches to Cubic Centimeters
Cubic Inches to Cubic Feet
Cubic Meters to Liters
Cubic Yards to Cubic Feet
Cups to Grams
Cups to Grams
Cups to Liters
Cups to Milliliters
Fluid Ounces to Liters
Fluid Ounces to Milliliters
Fluid Ounces to Ounces
Fluid Ounces to Tablespoons
Gallons to Liters
Liters to Cubic Meters
Liters to Cups
Liters to Fluid Ounces
Liters to Gallons
Liters to Milliliters
Liters to Pints
Liters to Quarts
Milliliters to Cups
Milliliters to Fluid Ounces
Milliliters to Grams
Milliliters to Liters
Milliliters to Ounces
Milliliters to Pints
Milliliters to Quarts
Pints to Liters
Pints to Milliliters
Quarts to Kilograms
Quarts to Liters
Quarts to Milliliters
Tablespoons to Fluid Ounces
Tablespoons to Teaspoons
Teaspoons to Tablespoons

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Here are my quick and easy conversions for calculating Ounces In A Quart for your fluid ounces required in a recipe! There are some really simple amounts to remember, then making adjustments to your recipes on the fly will be a snap!

How many ounces is 4 quarts of water?
A variety of different liquid measuring cup sizes with ounces, mL, pint, and quart measurements.

How Many Ounces In A Quart?

While some styles of cooking call for “a pinch of this” and a “dash of that,” many rely on precise recipes for a successful outcome, especially baking. Your grandma may be able to rely on her memory to create her famous spaghetti sauce and mouthwatering meatloaf, but most of us need some direction when it comes to making dinner. Perhaps one day we’ll be a good as granny! *Pinch and dash are actually fractional teaspoon amounts. You can read more about them in my Tablespoons to Cups conversion guide!

Jump to:
  • How Many Ounces In A Quart?
  • Some Quick Conversions
  • Easy Conversion Chart: Fluid Ounces to Quarts
  • More Measurement Conversions

Why Do I Need Conversions?

As you go through your recipes, you may find that some metrics are not what you’re used to, or you need to convert the measurements from ounces to quarts. Since I love international recipes, this is my most common issue when I see a drool-worthy recipe from another country!

Knowing how many ounces are in a quart will be useful when you’re in the kitchen. Once you have the info already in your head, you won’t have to worry about looking it up while you’re busy cooking. Your cooking time will be cut down and you’ll always be prepared!

Depending upon how many people you’re serving, you may need to scale your recipe up or down, making this equation information useful as well. Before long, these conversions will come second nature, but for now, you can refer to this go-to guide to get you going. With a little practice, you won’t have to think twice when preparing your family’s favorite meals!

Remember to have all your measuring spoons and cups on hand when you’re prepping a recipe. It really does help to thoroughly check out the recipe before you get started and see what you may need, what you must convert, and so forth!

Just as you set out your ingredients, the measuring gadgets should be at the ready as well. The more organized your kitchen, the better the process will go. Even cleanup will be more convenient!

The Breakdown

  • There are 32 ounces in one quart using the Imperial System of measurement. In the U.S., the imperial system is currently used for measurements. It was originally called the “British Imperial System,” but when the U.S. was established, we continued using the Imperial System whereas many other countries around the world moved along to the Metric System.
  • Fluid ounces (for liquids) are not the same as weight by the ounce. An ounce (or a fluid ounce) is the amount of water weighing one ounce. You may notice that many recipes call for cups. There are 4 cups in one quart, 8 oz per cup. There are 4 quarts in one gallon (literally a 'quarter' of a gallon apiece, which is where the name comes from). And there are 2 pints in one quart, 16 fluid ounces in one pint.

Remember to use measuring gadgets designed for liquids, not for dry ingredients.

  • 1 Gallon = 4 Quarts = 8 Pints = 16 cups = 128 fl oz
  • 1 Quart = 2 Pints = 4 Cups = 32 fl oz
  • 1 Pint = 2 Cups = 16 fl oz
  • 1 Cup = 8 fl oz

Easy Conversion Chart: Fluid Ounces to Quarts

Use this basic conversion chart below for easy access.

Fluid Ounces Quarts Other
1 0.03125  
2 0.0625  
3 0.09375  
4 0.125  
8 0.25  
16 0.5 1 pint
24 0.75  
32 1  
40 1.25  
48 1.5  
56 1.75  
64 2  
128 4 1 gallon

Good luck with your recipes! Once you know how to properly and quickly convert measurements your recipe results will be fantastic and tasty!

More Measurement Conversions

Tablespoons To Cups Ounces In A Quart Liters In A Gallon
Cups In A Pint Cups In A Quart Milliliters in a Cup
Teaspoons To Tablespoons How To Measure Butter Tablespoons In An Ounce
Grams Of Sugar To Teaspoons Grams In A Cup Ounces In A Cup
Ounces In A Shot Tablespoons In ¼ Cup Cups In A Gallon
Handy conversion information for all your cooking and baking!

How many ounces is 4 quarts of water?

Angela is an at home chef that developed a passion for all things cooking and baking at a young age in her Grandma's kitchen. After many years in the food service industry, she now enjoys sharing all of her family favorite recipes and creating tasty dinner and amazing dessert recipes here at Bake It With Love!

Reader Interactions

What is 4 quarts of water equal to in cups?

There are 16 cups in 4 quarts.

Does 32 ounces equal 1 quart?

Liquid: There are 32 fluid ounces in 1 quart. Dry: There is 37.23 oz in 1 quart.

Does 16 ounces equal 1 quart?

1/2 quart = 16 fl oz. 1 quart = 32 fl oz. 1.5 quarts = 48 fl oz.

Is 4 quarts the same as 1 gallon?

Answer: 4 quarts constitute for 1 gallon. Let's convert quarts into gallon. Explanation: A quart contains 4 cups or 2 pints while a gallon contains 16 cups or 8 pints. Hence, a liquid gallon is equal to 4 liquid quarts.