How many yards are in 1 mile

To convert miles to yards (mi to yd), you may use the miles to yards converter above. Alternatively, to find out how many yards there are in "x" miles, you may use the miles to yards table.

Below, you will find information of how to find out how many yards there are in "x" miles, including the formulas and example conversions.

How many yards in a mile?

There are 1760 yards in a mile. To convert miles to yards, multiply the mile value by 1760.

For example, to find out how many yards there are in a half mile, multiply 0.5 by 1760, that makes 880 yards in a half mile.

miles to yards formula

yards = mile * 1760

How to convert yards to miles?

1 Yard (yd) is equal to 0.00056818181 mile (mi). To convert yards to miles, multiply the yard value by 0.00056818181 or divide by 1760.

For example, to convert 5000 yards to miles, divide 5000 by 1760, that makes 2.84 miles in 5000 yards.

yards to miles formula

mile = yard * 0.00056818181

mile = yard / 1760

What is a Mile?

Mile is an imperial and United States Customary systems length unit. 1 Mile = 1760 Yards. The symbol is "mi".

There are two types of miles, the statute mile and the nautical mile. The nautical mile is used in air and marine navigation. So, depending on what type of mile is converted, the answer to the question of how many yards in a mile might be different. If you are converting from statute miles to yards, then there are 1760 yards in a mile. If you are measuring the marine or air, it means you are converting from the nautical miles to yards, then there are 2025.3718285 yards in a nautical mile.

The list of conversion factors from miles to yards:

  • 1 Statute mile = 1760 yards
  • 1 International nautical mile = 2025.3718285 yards
  • 1 UK nautical mile = 2026.6666667 yards

What is a Yard?

Yard is an imperial and United States Customary length unit. 1 Yard = 0.00056818181 Mile. The symbol is "yd".

Please visit all length units conversion to convert all length units.

Mile is also used to describe or translate a wide range of units that were derived from the Roman mile, nautical mile. 

Answer: 1 mile is 1760 yards. 

Let's check.


Miles and yards are the units of measurements commonly used while calculating and measuring the area of a given place.

The conversion factor for converting miles to yards is given as, 1 mile = 1760 yards.

You can also use this easy and accurate metric conversion calculator to convert the given quantity from yards to miles in seconds.

Therefore, we can say 1 mile is accurately equal to 1760 yards.

There are 1760 yards in 1 mile or miles in 1 yard. Both yards and miles are units of length in the US customary and imperial systems of measurement.

Yard to mile conversion

The following converter can be used to convert yards to miles or miles to yards. Enter a value in either yards or miles to convert between the two.

Yard to mile conversion explanation

Unlike units in the International System of Units (SI), where prefixes are used to denote varying powers of 10 of a base unit, units of measurement in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement are more arbitrary. To convert between units, it is necessary to remember or reference conversion factors. As mentioned above,

1760 yd = 1 mi

1 yd = mi

so to convert from yards to miles, divide the value in yards by 1760. To convert from miles to yards, multiply the value by 1760.


1. Convert 100 yd to mi:

100 ÷ 1760 ≈ 0.05682 mi

2. 26.2 mi to yd:

26.2 mi × 1760 = 46112 yd

Enter the length in miles below to get the value converted to yards.

How to Convert Miles to Yards

To convert a mile measurement to a yard measurement, multiply the length by the conversion ratio.

Since one mile is equal to 1,760 yards, you can use this simple formula to convert:

yards = miles × 1,760

The length in yards is equal to the miles multiplied by 1,760.

For example, here's how to convert 5 miles to yards using the formula above.

5 mi = (5 × 1,760) = 8,800 yd

How Many Yards Are in a Mile?

There are 1,760 yards in a mile, which is why we use this value in the formula above.

1 mi = 1,760 yd

Miles and yards are both units used to measure length. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.


The mile is a linear measurement of length equal to exactly 1,609.344 meters. One mile is also equal to 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards.

The mile is a US customary and imperial unit of length. Miles can be abbreviated as mi, and are also sometimes abbreviated as m. For example, 1 mile can be written as 1 mi or 1 m.


The yard is a unit of length measurement equal to 3 feet or 36 inches. The international yard is legally defined to be equal to exactly 0.9144 meters.[1]

The yard is a US customary and imperial unit of length. Yards can be abbreviated as yd; for example, 1 yard can be written as 1 yd.

We recommend using a ruler or tape measure for measuring length, which can be found at a local retailer or home center. Rulers are available in imperial, metric, or combination with both values, so make sure you get the correct type for your needs.

Need a ruler? Try our free downloadable and printable rulers, which include both imperial and metric measurements.

Mile to Yard Conversion Table

Mile measurements converted to yards
Miles Yards
0.001 mi 1.76 yd
0.002 mi 3.52 yd
0.003 mi 5.28 yd
0.004 mi 7.04 yd
0.005 mi 8.8 yd
0.006 mi 10.56 yd
0.007 mi 12.32 yd
0.008 mi 14.08 yd
0.009 mi 15.84 yd
0.01 mi 17.6 yd
0.02 mi 35.2 yd
0.03 mi 52.8 yd
0.04 mi 70.4 yd
0.05 mi 88 yd
0.06 mi 105.6 yd
0.07 mi 123.2 yd
0.08 mi 140.8 yd
0.09 mi 158.4 yd
0.1 mi 176 yd
0.2 mi 352 yd
0.3 mi 528 yd
0.4 mi 704 yd
0.5 mi 880 yd
0.6 mi 1,056 yd
0.7 mi 1,232 yd
0.8 mi 1,408 yd
0.9 mi 1,584 yd
1 mi 1,760 yd


  1. National Bureau of Standards, Refinement of Values for the Yard and the Pound,

More Mile & Yard Conversions

  • miles to feet
  • miles to inches
  • miles to kilometers
  • miles to meters
  • miles to centimeters
  • miles to millimeters
  • miles to micrometers
  • miles to nanometers
  • feet to yards
  • inches to yards
  • kilometers to yards
  • meters to yards
  • centimeters to yards
  • millimeters to yards
  • micrometers to yards
  • nanometers to yards

What is 1 mile equal to in yards?

Answer: 1 mile is 1760 yards. Let's check. Explanation: Miles and yards are the units of measurements commonly used while calculating and measuring the area of a given place. The conversion factor for converting miles to yards is given as, 1 mile = 1760 yards.

Why is a mile 1760 yards?

The applicable passage of the statute reads: "A Mile shall contain eight Furlongs, every Furlong forty Poles, and every Pole shall contain sixteen Foot and an half." The statute mile therefore contained 5,280 feet or 1,760 yards.

How many yards in a 10th of a mile?

If 1 mile is 1760 yards, then 1 tenth of a mile is 1 divided by 10 which equals 0.1, if you multiply 0.1 by 1760 you get 176 which is the number of yards that are in 1 tenth of a mile.

How many yards Makes 3 miles?

Convert 3 Miles to Yards.