How much does it cost to build a road

Roadways are everywhere — but how much do they cost?

Here in the United States, we use roads so frequently that we often take them for granted — it can almost seem like they simply emerge from the natural landscape. But, no, somebody has to build the roads, and then maintain them for the duration of their life cycle.

And when you consider the 4.09 million miles of roadway in the U.S. (8.61 million lane-miles when accounting for highway travel), it’s a lot of upkeep. And, as it turns out, it doesn’t come cheap, either. So I’m going to run into a little bit of detail as to what it actually takes to keep America’s thoroughfares up and running.

Pavement Payment

The real question is: how much does it cost to build a mile of road? As it turns out, there’s no easy, straightforward answer. The realities of road building have much to do with a number of variables: location, terrain, type of construction, number of lanes, lane width, surface durability, and the number of bridges, to name a few, according to the American Road and Transportation Builders Association.

But, in general, it costs much more to build an entirely new road than to rehabilitate or add new lanes to an existing byway. Also, it generally costs more to build roads in urban settings than in rural areas. And as you might expect, it costs more to build in mountainous areas than on stable, flat land.

The Soft Figures

Nonetheless, here are the daunting numbers: constructing a two-lane, undivided road in a rural locale will set you back somewhere between $2 and $3 million per mile — in urban areas, that number jumps to between $3 and $5 million. In a rural area, you can essentially build a road wherever you please (local zoning and property laws abiding), but in a city, you have to avoid the surrounding firmament and infrastructure and comply with strict construction codes.

And remember, these are cost models — actual expenses can certainly rise far beyond these estimates.

And if you want wider roads, the costs understandably go up: for the production of a 4-lane highway, the cost per mile will run between $4 and $6 million in rural or suburban areas, and between $8 to $10 million in urban areas. For a 6 lane interstate highway, you’re looking at $7 million for a rural mile of road, and $11 million-plus in an urban locale.

Again consider the 4.09 million miles of navigable roadway, and you can start to paint a picture of the truly massive expenditures at hand.

The Means to Maintain

As I mentioned, it’s much less expensive to maintain existing roadways. To mill and resurface a 4-lane road, it costs an average of $1.25 million per mile. Then, if you want to expand said road from four lanes to six, you can expect to pay roughly $4 million.

With road conditions at all-time lows, and with the National Highway Trust Fund dwindling in recent years — indeed, to a level that’s inadequate to fulfill existing approved projects — many localities are searching for alternate and innovative ways to keep roads in good condition while staying on budget.

Companies like Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc. are providing an answer. By using proprietary technologies, Midwest is revolutionizing the way we think about roads. Their synthetic, environmentally friendly, and effective products and solutions have offered an economical and timely alternative to our long-standing and inefficient tradition of paved roads. With new, personally-tailored, and affordable solutions, the costs of road maintenance no longer have to become astronomical.

How much does it cost to build a road

(Image credit: Michael Thesis/flickr)

Frank is the sales unit manager of Midwest's road construction and natural paving markets.

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Cost Per Mile Models for Long Range Estimating

Disclaimer: These models are generic in nature, and not based on actual construction projects. They are for reference purposes only, and are not intended to predict or support future estimates.

Information: For guidance on estimating bridge costs, see Vol. 1 Chapter 9 of the Structures Manual.

ModelCost Per MileReport
New Construction Undivided 2 Lane Rural Road with 5' Paved Shoulders: R01 $2,546,993.64 Report
New Construction Undivided 3 Lane Rural Road with 5' Paved Shoulders, Center Turn Lane: R02 $3,091,693.93 Report
New Construction Undivided 4 Lane Rural Road with 5' Paved Shoulders: R03 $3,649,480.40 Report
New Construction Divided 4 Lane Rural Road with 2' Paved Shoulders Inside and 5' Paved Shoulders Outside: R04 $5,088,824.60 Report
New Construction Divided 4 Lane Rural Interstate with Paved Shoulders 10' Outside and 4' Inside: R05 $6,433,556.63 Report
New Construction Undivided 5 Lane Rural Road with 5' Paved Shoulders, Center Turn Lane: R06 $4,327,381.81 Report
New Construction Divided 6 Lane Rural Road with 5' Paved Shoulders Inside and Out: R07 $6,160,611.11 Report
New Construction Divided 6 Lane Rural Interstate with 10' Paved Shoulders Inside and Out: R08 $7,529,958.11 Report
New Construction Extra Cost for 1 Single Additional Lane on Rural Arterial: R09 $567,700.52 Report
New Construction Extra Cost for 1 Single Additional Lane on a Rural Interstate: R10 $667,532.16 Report
Mill and Resurface 2 Lane Rural Road with 5' Paved Shoulders: R11 $478,977.22 Report
Mill and Resurface 3 Lane Rural Road with 5' Paved Shoulders and Center Turn Lane: R12 $668,889.65 Report
Mill and Resurface 4 Lane Rural Road with 5' Paved Shoulders: R13 $1,034,518.59 Report
Mill and Resurface 4 Lane Divided Rural Arterial with 5' Outside Shoulders and 2' Inside: R14 $1,088,878.27 Report
Mill and Resurface 4 Lane Divided Rural Interstate with Paved Shoulders 10' Outside and 4' Inside: R15 $1,284,941.77 Report
Mill and Resurface 5 Lane Rural Road with 5' Paved Shoulders and Center Turn Lane: R16 $1,245,664.51 Report
Mill and Resurface 6 Lane Divided Rural Arterial with 5' Paved Shoulders Inside and Out: R17 $1,551,489.10 Report
Mill and Resurface 6 Lane Divided Rural Interstate with 10' Paved Shoulders Inside and Out: R18 $1,829,087.24 Report
Mill and Resurface 1 Additional Lane Rural Interstate: R19 $294,208.37 Report
Mill and Resurface 1 Additional Lane Rural Arterial: R20 $240,698.62 Report
Widen Existing 2 Lane Arterial to 4 Lanes Undivided; Add 1 Lane to Each Side; 5' Paved Shoulders: R21 $2,815,021.83 Report
Widen Existing 2 Lane Arterial to 4 Lane Divided; Resurface Existing 2 Lanes; 5' Paved Shoulders Inside and Out: R22 $3,264,515.17 Report
Widen Existing 4 Lane Divided Arterial to 6 Lane Divided; Resurface Existing 4 Lanes; 5' Paved Shoulders Inside and Out: R23 $3,133,423.67 Report
Widen 4 Lane Interstate to 6 Lanes (In Median); Mill and Resurface Existing; 10' Paved Shoulders Inside and Out: R24 $4,695,688.41 Report
Widen 4 Lane Interstate to 6 Lanes (Outside); Mill and Resurface Existing; 10' Shoulders Outside; Widen Existing 4' Inside Shoulders to 10': R25 $4,276,327.16 Report
Widen Existing 6 Lane Divided Arterial to 8 Lane Divided; Resurface Existing 6 Lanes; 5' Paved Shoulders Inside and Out: R26 $3,434,380.44 Report
Widen 6 Lane Interstate to 8 Lanes (in Median); Mill and Resurface Existing; 10' Paved Shoulders Inside and Out: R27 $5,173,763.91 Report
Widen Divided Rural 4-Lane to Allow for Left Turn Lane, 300': R28 $172,134.71 Report
Widen Divided Rural 4-Lane for Right Turn Lane, 300': R29 $169,383.18 Report
New Construction 2 Lane Undivided Urban Arterial with 4' Bike Lanes: U01 $4,285,161.73 Report
New Construction 3 Lane Undivided Urban Arterial with Center Lane and 4' Bike Lanes: U02 $4,838,900.28 Report
New Construction Undivided Urban Arterial with 4' Bike Lanes: U03 $5,263,198.95 Report
New Construction 4 Lane Urban Road with 22' Median and 4' Bike Lanes: U05 $8,203,526.28 Report
New Construction 4 Lane Divided Urban Interstate, Closed 22' Median with Barrier Wall, 10' Shoulders Inside and Out: U06 $13,214,021.59 Report
New Construction 5 Lane Undivided Urban Arterial with Center Turn Lane and 4' Bike Lanes: U07 $6,106,970.11 Report
New Construction 6 Lane Urban Road with 22' Median and 4' Bike Lanes: U08 $9,009,892.98 Report
New Construction 6 Lane Divided Urban Interstate with 22' Closed Median with Barrier Wall, 10' Shoulders Inside and Out: U09 $14,213,805.09 Report
New Construction Extra Cost for Additional Lane on Urban Arterial: U10 $1,431,542.69 Report
New Construction Extra Cost for Additional Lane on Urban Interstate: U11 $711,192.49 Report
Mill and Resurface 2 Lane Urban Road with 4' Bike Lanes: U12 $553,956.74 Report
Mill and Resurface 3 Lane Urban Road with Center Turn Lane and 4' Bike Lanes: U13 $726,874.96 Report
Mill and Resurface 4 Lane Undivided Urban Roadway with 4' Bike Lanes: U14 $993,520.52 Report
Mill and Resurface 4 Lane Divided Urban Roadway with 4' Bike Lanes: U15 $1,168,960.70 Report
Mill and Resurface 5 Lane Urban Roadway with Center Turn Lane and 4' Bike Lanes: U16 $1,167,008.17 Report
Mill and Resurface 6 Lane Divided Urban Arterial with 4' Bike Lanes: U17 $1,663,983.80 Report
Mill and Resurface 1 Additional Lane Urban Arterial: U18 $277,126.24 Report
Add 2 Lanes to Existing 2 Lane Undivided Arterial (1 Lane Each Side), with 4' Bike Lanes: U19 $4,884,812.98 Report
Widen 2 Lane Urban Arterial to 4 Lane Divided with 22' Median, 4' Bike Lanes: U20 $5,480,586.42 Report
Add 2 Lanes to Existing 3 Lane Undivided Arterial (1 Lane Each Side with Center Turn Lane and 4' Bike Lanes: U21 $5,038,671.14 Report
Widen 4 Lane Urban Divided Arterial to 6 Lane Urban Divided with 22' Median and 4' Bike Lanes: U22 $4,954,841.91 Report
Widen 4 Lane Urban Interstate with Closed Median to 6 Lanes (Outside), Mill and Resurface Existing, 10' Shoulders Outside: U23 $9,679,599.76 Report
Widen 6 Lane Urban Divided Arterial to 8 Lane Urban Divided with 4' Bike Lanes: U24 $6,004,966.83 Report
Widen 6 Lane Urban Interstate with Closed Median to 8 Lanes (Outside); Mill and Resurface Existing; 10' Shoulders Outside: U25 $10,361,654.99 Report
New Construction Suburban 4 Lane with Paved Shoulders Outside and Curb Median: S01 $5,022,624.57 Report
Widen Existing Rural Facility to the Inside with Addition of Closed Drainage System and Median Barrier Wall: S02 $3,423,890.81 Report
Widen 4 Lane Suburban Roadway with 6.5' Paved Shoulder and Convert to Curb and Gutter Out; Stripe for Bike Lane: S03 $2,942,935.76 Report
Add 2 Lanes with Curb and Gutter Out to Existing 4 Lane Urban or Suburban Roadway with Curb and Gutter Out: S04 $3,046,554.11 Report
Two Directional, 12' Shared Use Path: O01 $344,768.94 Report
Rails to Trails project (12' width): O02 $324,466.71 Report
Sidewalk construction; 5' one side, 4 inch depth: O03 $180,232.85 Report
Mid-Block Crossing: O05 $152,764.67 Report

How much does it cost to construct 1 km of road?

MN Sreehari, adviser to the Karnataka government on traffic, transportation and infrastructure, told TOI it should cost only Rs 2 lakh to asphalt 1 km of road in normal circumstances. The figures mentioned above all are in multiples of that.

How much does it cost to build 1 mile of road UK?

A mile of new motorway costs on average £30m, according to the Highways Agency.

What is the cheapest road to build?

Earth Road. The type of low-cost road in which pavement structure is constructed with the soil available at the site is called earth road. ✔ It is also known as the earthen road.

How much is it to build a road in South Africa?

What does it cost to build a tar road in South Africa? According to recent estimates, it costs R40 million to construct just one kilometre of single-carriageway road. It takes around 45 days.