I am a 5 letter word if you remove one

Any 5-letter word with the word ‘one’ somewhere in it. Examples include shone, stone, alone, money, loner, phone or ornery. Note it doesn’t say there is only one letter left, but only ‘one’ left. Tricky tricky.

Any 5-letter word with the word ‘one’ somewhere in it. Examples include shone, stone, alone, money, loner, phone or ornery. Note it doesn’t say there is only one letter left, but only ‘one’ left. Tricky tricky.

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Posted in Riddles


15 Comments on "Five Letters But One Left When Two Removed"

John says
March 5, 2014 @ 18:06

You put the answer down as ornery? As it can’t be as the question states 5 letters not 6 and take 2 away leaving the word one? Please understand doesn’t matter that the word one is not in order but it does need to be a 5 letter word.

Dan says
March 5, 2014 @ 23:09

Ack! You’re absolutely right. Thanks for catching that.

James says
October 3, 2014 @ 11:23


Zina Siryon says
July 21, 2015 @ 03:55

The answer is many u can take Phone,if u take away the first 2 letters which is ph u remain with one,also the same as stone or alone.Thanks.

Boeu Diandrei Alfonso says
November 12, 2016 @ 18:09

Three it has five letters and three minus two equals one

Alta says
November 19, 2016 @ 20:12

It is stone

Oslo says
June 23, 2018 @ 14:51

Boeu Diandrei Alfonso
It says two letters not two

Blue Lucero says
November 15, 2018 @ 03:07


ABBY says
May 28, 2020 @ 13:51

i don’t get it!!

Scott says
August 13, 2020 @ 16:47

Another alternative but from a different angle is queue.

Take away two letters, u and e, and only one remains (the q). completely different take on the problem, but still a valid result.

Anoushka says
October 24, 2020 @ 02:06

The answer is :

and it is a 5 letter word

Not saying says
March 10, 2021 @ 08:02

so if you take a word like phone and take away p and h you would be left with one as in the word one not 1 letter left

Albans says
June 18, 2021 @ 00:50

It’s like this we are in letters not numbers
So the correct thing is that when you have a word like ‘alone’ and you remove two letters ‘a’ and ‘l’ then you remain with ‘one’

Mia says
March 2, 2022 @ 14:16

How do you guys figure out these answers they are so hard

in 4th grade

Mia says
March 2, 2022 @ 14:19

If you guys were wondering what the answer was on the word ladder it is “Lone”. Like alone but take off the a

Riddle: It is a 5 letter word if you take away first letter it is something you get from sun, if you remove second letter you will get something to eat, if you remove third letter you get a word you use in pointing at and if you remove the fourth letter you get something to drink. What is it?

Answer: Wheat. Source: https://www.riddles.com/2947

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I am a 5 letter word if you remove one
Find it riddle (with answer) meme .
I am a 5 letter word if you remove one
Find it square meme riddle to solve.


Guess me:
I am 5 letter word,
people eat me,
If you remove my 1st letter I will be a energy form,
If you remove my 1st two letters I will be needed for living,
If you remove my 1st three letters I will be near you,
If you remove my 1st four letters I will be a drink for you.

Who am I?

posted Mar 7, 2015 by anonymous
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The correct answer to the timeless riddle, I’m a Five Letter Word If You Remove One, Only Two Letters Remain is, ‘I am a Stone’ 

Answer – I am a Stone

I am a 5 letter word if you remove one

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What 5 letter word has only one left when two are removed?

Cones , Clone , Owner and Drone are few five letters words has only "one" left when two letters are removed.

What 5 letter word sounds the same if you remove the first letter?

Answer: EMPTY. Explanation: If you remove E, P and Y it will be MT, which will still sound as EMPTY.

What 5 letter word sounds the same if 4 letters are removed?

Queue is the only 5 letter word which has the same pronounciation even if the last 4 words are removed. That is , even though if we remove "ueue" from the word Queue , we will get the same pronounciation which was earlier. Hence, The answer is Queue.