Should I delete iMovie from my Mac?

Apple’s iMovie is a free editing app for editing home movies. It makes everything easier, especially if you have an iCloud account and use other Apple apps to create videos. You can quickly integrate clips and songs from your Photos and Music.

Most people start on iMovie. After a few months or years, they move on to professional editing software like Apple’s Final Cut Pro and Adobe’s Premiere Pro. Others encounter iMovie errors and want to uninstall it instead to free up some space. 

Whether you’ve already moved on from iMovie or don’t see the need to use it, we’ll help you uninstall it. In this article, we’ve listed different app removal methods. These come with step-by-step instructions. Here’s how to uninstall iMovie on your Mac.

Let’s jump in!

1. Drag to Delete iMovie.

iMovie is not a system application. So it’s easy to drag it to Trash and then empty the Trash to uninstall it. This drag-to-delete method works in all versions of macOS. But if you can’t empty the Trash with iMovie in it, try holding the Option key as you do it.

Note that emptying the Trash will wipe off Apple iMovie and other files currently in the Trash. Make sure you haven’t mistakenly deleted anything before emptying the Trash. 

Here’s how to carry out the drag-to-delete method:

  1. On your Mac, launch Finder.
  2. Select Applications on the left side. 
  3. Next, click Apple iMovie. 
  4. Drag Apple iMovie to the Trash. Alternatively, you can right-click on it and then select the Move to Trash option.
  5. Go back to your Home folder. Select Movies.
  6. Then, drag the iMovie Theater and files on the iMovie Library to the Trash.
  7. Lastly, right-click the Trash icon. Select Empty Trash to start the uninstall.

Should I delete iMovie from my Mac?

2. Delete iMovie Through Launchpad.

In this guide on how to uninstall iMovie on your Mac, we offer more options other than the drag-to-delete method. These include removing iMovie through Launchpad. 

Deleting iMovie through Launchpad is a quick tap-and-hold method. It’s a pretty straightforward trick. You no longer need to empty the Trash afterward. 

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Launchpad. Type “Apple iMovie” in the search box.
  2. Once the Apple iMovie icon shows up, click and hold it until it starts to wiggle.

how to uninstall imovie on your mac

  1. Next, click the X button that appears on the upper-left corner of the Apple iMovie icon.
  2. Lastly, when the confirmation pop-up box shows up, hit Delete.

Want another option to uninstall iMovie on your Mac? Learn more below.

It’s good you’ve uninstalled iMovie through the Launchpad or drag-to-delete method. But you may need to also address any lingering iMovie-related files and caches on your hard disk. Delete these components for the complete removal of iMovie on Mac.

Here’s how to remove iMovie-related components:

  1. Launch Finder. 
  2. Click Go on the menu bar. Then, select the Go to Folder option.

go to folder option on finder

  1. A pop-up box will show up. Enter the path: ~/Library/.
  2. Once the folder opens, look for any files or folders with the program’s name. Right-click on those items and click Move to Trash to remove them.
  3. Go back to the Go to Folder option. Enter the following paths in the pop-up box to look for more iMovie-related components and move them to the Trash: 
  • ~/Library/Caches
  • ~/Library/Preferences
  • ~/Library/Application Support
  • ~/Library/LaunchAgents
  • ~/Library/LaunchDaemons
  • ~/Library/PreferencePanes
  • ~/Library/StartupItems

With this step, you can ensure a complete iMovie removal. You can free up more storage space than you expected. Want a faster option? Check out the next method. 

4. Use Built-in iMovie Uninstaller. 

Some applications, including iMovie, come with dedicated uninstallers. By using the built-in uninstaller, you don’t need to delete all the iMovie components manually. That’s a great way to save time. All you have to do is locate the uninstaller and run it after.

finder icon

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Using Finder, locate the Apple iMovie installation file on your Mac.
  2. Open the file and look for the uninstaller. 
  3. Double-click the uninstaller file to run it.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstalling process.

Couldn’t find the uninstaller file on the Apple iMovie installation package? You have another option to ensure a complete uninstall of iMovie on Mac. Read more below.

5. Use a Third-Party Tool to Remove iMovie.

Most users want a clean and complete uninstall of unwanted applications. But hunting down apps and related components manually can be a time-consuming process. A built-in uninstaller can get the job done. But what if you accidentally deleted it before?

This is where a third-party tool comes in handy. This tool can make the uninstallation process easier and faster. Plus, it can be a lifesaver if you encounter problems when emptying the Trash or are unsure which files or folders belong to iMovie. 

What happens if you delete iMovie on Mac?

Once you've uninstalled iMovie, you will no longer be able to access iMovies projects on your Mac. They will still be available on other devices, but if you have only used it on your Mac, you won't have any way of accessing them.

Why do I need iMovie on my Mac?

iMovie works across iPhone, iPad, and Mac, so you can save projects on iCloud Drive and pick them up on other Apple devices. You can also use AirDrop if you're working on large projects on a limited or slow data plan.

Is it OK to uninstall iMovie?

You just won't be able to edit them. You can still view videos if you delete the iMovie app from your iPhone. You just won't be able to edit them.

Can I delete Mac apps I don't use?

Use the Finder to delete apps Most apps are in your Applications folder, which you can open by clicking Applications in the sidebar of any Finder window. Or choose Go > Applications from the menu bar in the Finder. Use any of these ways to move the app to the Trash: Drag the app to the Trash.