Taking Cara Babies 2 month schedule

You’ve reached the two-month mark with your sweet baby, and both of you have learned so much already. Let me show you a 2 month old sleep and feeding schedule and answer the most common questions I get about two month olds.

First, when it comes to sleep and feeding, my motto is “flexible routine, not rigid schedule.” We want to work with babies right where they are developmentally, which means watching your baby's wake windows and cues rather than trying to follow an exact schedule.

What are wake windows for a 2 month old?

A baby’s wake window is simply how long they stay awake between naps. At two months, your baby will need about 60-90 minute wake windows. 

When they're closer to 8 weeks, your baby's wake windows might be on the shorter end of that range, but as your baby gets closer to 12 weeks, you'll see those wake windows expand to the longer end of the range.  We also see that wake windows are often shortest in the morning and grow throughout the day, with the longest wake window before bedtime. 

Remember that wake windows are a guide. Sleepy cues will help you best know when your baby is ready for sleep. If you’re not sure whether your baby is tired at 60 or 90 minutes, watch for sleepy cues to know when it’s time to put him down for a nap or go to bed.

What is a sample schedule for a 2 month old?

An example of a sleep and feeding schedule for two month olds could look like this:

Keep in mind: this is just an example of how a day could play out, and you should NOT try to follow it exactly. Instead, know that you’ll adjust your day based on your baby’s nap lengths, hunger cues, and sleepy cues.

What are developmental milestones for a 2 month old?

It’s exciting as a parent to watch your baby learn new things! Please keep in mind that milestones aren’t deadlines your baby has to meet. Milestones are based on ranges, and every baby is different. If your sister’s baby started smiling at 8 weeks, but your baby hasn’t, there is no need to panic. That first beautiful smile could be days away! If you have any concerns about your baby hitting her milestones, make sure to speak with your pediatrician.

At two months old, your baby may start to:

  • Move her head back and forth more easily laying on her back

  • Hold his head up for about 2 seconds during tummy time

  • Cry to ask for attention

  • Smile at the sound of your voice or other familiar caregivers

  • Make “pre-talking” noises like squealing and gurgling

  • Try to grab her feet or stare at her hands

How do I play with a 2 month old? 

Now that your baby’s wake windows are a bit longer, there's more time for “play.” At 2 months old, everything can be play – making funny faces at your baby, going for a walk, or looking at board books together. There's no need for complicated activities!

I do have some favorite toys for a two month old you can find in my Amazon store. I also have a blog on baby play for newborns that can give you more ideas if you need a bit of inspiration.

Why is my 2 month old suddenly so fussy? 

It can be so normal to see an increase in fussing and crying around 6-8 weeks. Maybe you're wondering if you have a colicky baby.

If you’re noticing your baby is often fussy in the late afternoon or early evening, you might be experiencing the witching hour. Read my blog on the Witching Hour for Babies to learn more about it and how to work through it.

If your baby seems fussy all the time, rarely content, you might be seeing a sign of a physical need. The three most common we see at this age are overtiredness, hunger, or discomfort like reflux. Pay close attention to your baby's cues and follow up with your baby's doctor if you're seeing a constantly fussy baby.

Why does my 2 month old fight sleep?

When babies fight sleep, this is usually a result of being overtired or overstimulated. Watch those wake windows (60-90 minutes) and sleepy cues to make sure your baby is going down for a nap or bedtime when sleepy.

If you’re still struggling with getting your baby to sleep, my First Five Months Bundle lays everything out with all my best tips and leads you step-by-step towards sleep success. I can help you lay a healthy foundation that will make your baby a great little sleeper without any crying.

How do I get my 2 month old to sleep in a crib or bassinet?

Here are some tips to help your two month old sleep in a crib or bassinet:

  • Practice one nap each day in the crib to help your baby get comfortable.

  • When practicing, start with a calm baby so they’re more responsive.

  • Watch those wake windows and sleepy cues so your baby goes for a nap or bedtime before getting cranky.

  • Set up a successful sleep environment by making the room dark, using a sound machine to block out outside noises, setting the room at a comfortable temperature, and having your baby in comfy clothing.

  • Swaddle your baby if appropriate.

  • Use a bedtime routine to cue your baby that it’s time to get ready to sleep.

If you find that you're relying on baby loungers, sleep positioners, or holding your baby all night long, please check out my blog on Ditching Unsafe Sleep Products. I can show you how to move in the direction of safe sleep.

What is a good nap for a 2 month old? Can a 2 month old nap too long?

There is a wide range of “normal” with a two month old’s naps. Healthy, normal naps can range from 20 minutes to 2 hours. My blog on Short Naps and Newborns will walk you through all of the things to consider if your baby is taking short naps regularly.

If your baby likes to nap on the longer end, I recommend you wake him up after 2 hours. I know you've probably heard that you should never wake sleeping baby, but I’ll encourage you to go ahead and do it. Babies need that important awake time to ensure they get the number of calories they need during the day, to keep their development on track, to help them with day-night confusion, and to work towards longer stretches of sleep at night.

How much total sleep should a 2 month old have?

At two months old, we’re still following your baby’s lead with how much sleep they need. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t let any one nap go longer than 2 hours.

  • Aim for wake windows around 60-90 minutes. 

  • Don’t let your baby’s night last any longer than 12-12.5 hours.

When is bedtime for a 2 month old?

There isn't a universal answer to this. Some newborns do best with a 7:00-8:00 pm bedtime. These newborns, when kept up past 8:00 pm, start to become fussy and overtired. On the other hand, some babies thrive with a nap around 7:00 pm and bedtime between 8:00 and 10:00 pm. It’s all about finding what works for your baby. If you need a bit more guidance, check out my blog on False Start Bedtimes, which can help you choose the best option.

Is there a sleep regression at 2 months old?

Sleep regressions are simply a progression in development that makes sleep tricky for a short period. Though your baby is learning and progressing every day, we rarely see a sleep regression at two months old.

There are a few common sleep struggles at two months old that can make it feel like a sleep regression (but it’s not). If you’re dealing with sleep struggles, ask yourself:

  • Is your baby getting full feedings or only snacking during the day? If your baby isn’t getting all of his day calories, this could be why he’s waking more during the night.

  • Is your baby actually awake or going through a period of active sleep? Babies experience REM sleep differently than we do, and what appears to be an awake baby could just be a sign of active sleep.

Can my 2 month old sleep with a pacifier?

Yes! Pacifiers have so many benefits for babies: They’re a great tool for sleep and may even reduce the risk of SIDS. My Newborns Sleeping with Pacifiers blog is all about how to introduce pacifiers, concerns about their use if you’re breastfeeding, and what to do if your baby becomes dependent on them for sleep.

Should I swaddle my 2 month old? 

It’s safe to swaddle babies as long as they’re not showing signs of rolling. I have a whole blog on swaddling that answers questions like why you should swaddle and how to swaddle safely to give you a deeper understanding of swaddling and why I recommend it for newborns.

I also have a blog for you if your baby always seems to be fighting the swaddle and another if you do see those signs of rolling and need to transition out of the swaddle.

Can a 2 month old sleep on their stomach? 

Newborns should not be placed on their tummies to sleep. Babies need to be laid on their backs to sleep for the first twelve months. Once a baby can roll themselves from back to belly, most pediatricians agree it’s safe for them to sleep on their stomachs. But you want to always lay your baby on her back first and allow her to roll over on her own. Keep in mind that tummy sleep is never safe for a swaddled baby.

What should my 2 month old wear for sleep?

This all depends on the temperature of your home. For warmer homes, a swaddle and diaper may be all a baby needs. While in a cooler home, they may need a diaper, footie pajamas, and swaddle. We don’t want your baby to get too warm since overheating is dangerous, but if it’s too cold, your baby won’t sleep well. Read my blog on how to dress your baby for comfortable sleep for a better understanding of room temperature and sleepwear.

What is a bedtime routine for a 2 month old?

A bedtime routine is a great way to help your baby understand the day is ending. Around 8 weeks, some babies start to notice that the bedtime routine means sleep is coming. If you haven’t started using a bedtime routine yet, now is a great time to start.

For your bedtime routine, you can try something like bath, lotion, feeding, reading a book, singing a song, and then putting your baby to bed. It’s up to you and what works for your family. If this seems like too much, then make it shorter. You can also add in an activity that’s important to your family, like bedtime prayers.

Can I sleep train my 2 month old? 

Formal sleep training is not developmentally appropriate at two months old. Please know that my newborn class does not include any sleep training. I’ll show you how to work on laying that healthy sleep foundation and getting longer stretches of sleep at night all while meeting your baby right where she is developmentally with no crying involved.

When do babies start sleeping through the night? 

As much as I know you want to hear a specific age for when your baby will start sleeping through the night, there isn’t one. Every baby is different.

If you’re not getting any good stretches of sleep at night, check out my First Five Months Bundle. It will help you navigate newborn sleep, work on longer stretches of night sleep, and give you the tools you need to make sleep successful as your baby grows. I want you to love the newborn stage!

What is a good schedule for a 2 month old?

While every baby's sleep needs are slightly different, a typical 2-month-old sleeps a total of 14 to 17 hours a day, including four to six naps. Day-night confusion should be subsiding, and you may see baby settle into a rough pattern of 60 to 90 minutes of awake time followed by 30 minutes to two hours of napping.

What time should a 2 month old go to bed taking Cara babies?

Some newborns do best with a 7:00-8:00 pm bedtime. These newborns, when kept up past 8:00 pm, start to become fussy and overtired. On the other hand, some babies thrive with a nap around 7:00 pm and bedtime between 8:00 and 10:00 pm.

How long should a 2 month old sleep at night without eating?

Between the age of 2 to 3 months old, healthy babies are often able to sleep for six hours without feeding. Research suggests that about half of babies are able to sleep at least six hours without a nighttime feed by 3 months of age.

How long can a 2 month old sleep?

At 2 months old, your baby may be getting about 14 to 17 hours of sleep over a 24-hour period.