Ultrasonic pest repeller side effects on humans

There is nothing worse than having a pest problem. Getting an ultrasonic pest repeller is a common solution, but are these devices safe? Are there any side effects they can cause if you use them in your home?

If you hate chemical control and your choice is an ultrasonic device, it’s great to get familiar with the pros, cons, side effects, and possible damages. Before we get into detail, it’s important to mention that these devices are tested and completely safe for your health. But, there’s much more to know than this, so you have to finish the entire article to get educated on this topic.

Below we also talk about some common pest control myths that you might have tried in your home. Let’s not forget that you’ll also learn about the effects that a repeller can have on your pets.

Is Ultrasonic Pest Control Safe?

Yes, an ultrasonic rodent repeller is a safe device that won’t harm your health or your family’s health. Many people are worried that ultrasonic sound waves can be damaging to human hearing. The human ear can only detect sounds with a frequency that goes up to 20 kHz. Repellers emit frequencies that are higher than 20 kHz. There is no scientific evidence that proves that these devices lead to damage or hearing impairment.

Since this is a device that doesn’t use chemicals, it’s also safe around kids and pets. A repeller emits high-frequency noises that only pests can hear. There will be no toxic substances in your house that pets and children can access. Although there are certain exceptions when it comes to pets, most of them won’t even notice that there’s a new device in your home.

If you want to know whether repellers work, what their possible side effects are, the pros and cons, keep scrolling down.

Side Effects and Dangers of Using an Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

One of the main reasons why some people decide to stay away from repellers is that they think they are dangerous. We decided to convince you otherwise and list some of the very rare but possible side effects that a human can experience. There is no real health danger from plugging in a device of this kind in your home, but you should always be aware of symptoms related to ultrasonic wave presence.  


Although there is no solid proof that these side effects are due to ultrasonic wave exposure, some people report noticing them. The range includes symptoms such as a continuous ringing sound in the ears, dizziness, nausea, headaches, migraines, insomnia, vomiting, fainting, and more.

Although the sound waves that these devices emit are above the hearing range of humans, people who are already sensitive to sounds can experience some discomfort. Also, younger people are more likely to hear high frequencies than older people. That’s why kids sometimes can mention they can hear a sound that no one else in the room can.

If you ever notice any of these symptoms, you should get in touch with your doctor. The chances are these aren’t side effects caused by ultrasonic devices, and you have to check whether there is another underlying health issue.

The thing about ultrasonic repellers is that they have to go through a very detailed testing process before they’re released for sale. No device can be available on the market if it doesn’t go through rigorous safety experiments. That’s why you should always opt for a reputable brand that doesn’t sell fake, dangerous products.


When you live in a home with pets, it’s understandable to be worried about their health too. In general, these ultrasonic devices are entirely safe for your furry friends.

Cats and dogs can hear the high-frequency waves, but in most cases, they aren’t affected. If your pet barks at the device, runs towards it, or howls, you should move it to a room where the pet doesn’t have access. If this behavior continues, it’s probably because of a particular neurological or hearing sensitivity. The signs point out that the pet is in distress, so you should probably remove the repellers from home.

Small pets such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits can hear these sounds and often feel distressed. That’s why you should keep these pets away from the devices. You can still have an ultrasonic pest repeller at home and have a hamster, as long as there is a certain distance. Also, remember to read the instructions that come with the device regarding animal safety.


Habituation is a situation when a person or an animal gets used to a sound or a repeated stimulus. We mention habitation because there are claims that pests figure out that the sound these devices emit won’t hurt them. Once they do, they stop being fearful and start invading the home again.

This claim is not well-researched, and numerous households report continuous success from using ultrasonic repellers.

Pros and Cons of Using an Ultrasonic Bug Repeller

Repellent devices come with certain pros and cons that you have to read about before purchasing. Thankfully, the benefits of these devices outweigh the drawbacks, so you will have a house free of rats, mice, and bugs.


  • It’s a generally safe device to use because it doesn’t use any harmful or toxic chemicals. Unlike chemical pest control, repellers only use ultrasonic sounds to keep pests away from your home.
  • They are safe to use around kids and most pets because they can’t get their hands into harmful chemicals. The device is wrapped in protective packaging, so there is no way a family member can be injured around one of these repellers.
  • They last a very long time. One device can last up to five years in your home, even if it’s plugged in day and night.
  • These devices are small, compact, aesthetically pleasing, and don’t take too much space.
  • Ultrasonic pest control devices are easy to use. All you need to do is plug them into an electrical outlet, and they start emitting high-frequency sounds that repel rodents and bugs.
  • These devices are affordable and energy-efficient.
  • They’re effective on almost any type of pest you can think of. You’ll be protected from mosquitoes, cockroaches, birds, fleas, ticks, mice, rats, and more.


  • You’ll probably need to purchase several ultrasonic repellents to cover the entire house. Although these devices cover large areas, our recommendation is to add one in each room.
  • You shouldn’t place them near pets such as hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, and other domestic rodents.

Common Pest Control Myths You Need to Know About

Although so many myths are easy to check online and see if they’re true, people still choose to believe them. Finding a single study that supports the claim is enough; however, some tales are as old as time. Today, we decided to break some of the most common myths and explain the reality.  

  1. DIY Methods Are Great

Yes, there are times when a DIY recipe will save you from a small pest infestation, but they are not a permanent pest management method. That’s why it’s always wise to invest in a device that will actually keep pests away.

  1. If You Can’t See Them, They’re Not There

Although that’s sometimes the case, not seeing pests doesn’t mean that they’re not present in your home. Most people are under the impression that if they don’t see a mouse, there is no reason to worry about it. Some types of pests are so good at hiding; it will take a lot of effort for you to figure out where they’re located. Termites and cockroaches can live in your home without you knowing it. What’s even worse is that they can cause a lot of damage.

  1. Mice Like Cheese

Well, according to scientific evidence from a recent study, mice hate cheese. They are huge fans of carbohydrates, but they don’t like cheese at all. Leaving food out in your home is wrong, no matter the kind; however, this is a myth that we finally have an answer to.

  1. Boiling Water Can Save You From Ants

Only sometimes! Boiling water is a commonly recommended treatment against ants, but it doesn’t always work. The thing is that boiling water will only kill the ants that it reaches. Sometimes their nest goes much deeper, and the queen isn’t affected by the water. If you’re dealing with a nest located deep, this won’t be your solution.


Buying an ultrasonic rat repeller is much safer than not having one. Since none of us want a house infested with rats, mice, insects, we should all invest in a harmless device that will keep all these pests away.  

Repellers that use ultrasonic technology are safe and can’t harm your health. Some people report side effects such as tinnitus, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, vomiting, but these are usually individuals with sensitive hearing. Cats and dogs are generally not affected by the sounds, but domestic mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, and rabbits can show signs of distress.

Ultrasonic pest control is affordable, small, easy to use, lasts for years, can cover a large area, doesn’t take too much space, and efficiently removes pests from your home.

Can ultrasonic pest repellers hurt humans?

Repellers that use ultrasonic technology are safe and can't harm your health. Some people report side effects such as tinnitus, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, vomiting, but these are usually individuals with sensitive hearing.

Why can I hear my ultrasonic pest repeller?

Although humans may sometimes fail to notice ultrasonic noise, the sound produced by these devices have high frequency waves above their hearing capacity.

Do ultrasonic pest repellers affect WIFI?

This is why some homeowners are skeptical about using ultrasonic devices for pest control in their homes. Well, ultrasonic pest repellers do not affect wifi, and you can still use your wifi normally, even with pest repellents.

Is ultrasonic pest repeller safe for newborns?

Yes. Ultrasonic waves are completely safe for babies. There is little evidence suggesting that ultrasonic sound causes anything negative in babies. If you feel your baby is being affected by a pest repeller, then you should see a doctor.