What does a female red breasted grosbeak look like?

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What does a female red breasted grosbeak look like?

Rose-breasted GrosbeakPheucticus ludovicianus

  • ORDER: Passeriformes
  • FAMILY: Cardinalidae

Basic Description

Bursting with black, white, and rose-red, male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks are like an exclamation mark at your bird feeder or in your binoculars. Females and immatures are streaked brown and white with a bold face pattern and enormous bill. Look for these birds in forest edges and woodlands. Listen, too, for their distinctive voices. They sound like American Robins, but listen for an extra sweetness, as if the bird had operatic training; they also make a sharp chink like the squeak of a sneaker.

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Find This Bird

A good way to find Rose-breasted Grosbeaks is to listen for them. The song sounds like an American Robin in an unusually good mood—a long sing-songing string of sweet whistles. Once you hear one, follow the sound until you walk up under his song perch and look for his black, white, and red plumage. Also pay attention for squeaky chink calls—so sharp-sounding that they’re very distinctive. Both males and females frequently give this call. In flight, look for a distinctive pattern of big white spots in their dark wings.

Other Names

  • Picogrueso Pechirrosado (Spanish)
  • Cardinal à poitrine rose (French)

Backyard Tips

Rose-breasted Grosbeaks often visit bird feeders, where they eat sunflower seeds as well as safflower seeds and raw peanuts. Even if you live outside their summer range you may still catch one visiting during spring or fall migration if you keep your feeders stocked.

  • Cool Facts

Learn what a male, female and juvenile rose breasted grosbeak looks like, what their song sounds like, what they eat and how to attract them.

What does a female red breasted grosbeak look like?
Courtesy Kirk HatzmannMale and female rose breasted grosbeaks visit a feeder

Male Rose Breasted Grosbeak

To some birders, spotting a rose breasted grosbeak is a definite sign of spring. Rose breasted grosbeaks show up east of the Rockies in spring. Males are dressed to the nines in black and white with a red ascot-like marking on their chests. Their bold feathers make them easy to identify. These birds measure about 8 inches long with a 12 1/2 inch wingspan.

Check out 5 types of grosbeaks backyard birders should know.

Female Rose Breasted Grosbeak

Females sport a more subtle look and are harder to identify because of their drab coloring. They are brown and white with a striped breast and a dark cheek patch. Look for long white stripes above their eyes on a heavily streaked brown body with yellowish underwings. As different as they are, both share one easily recognizable feature: thick conical bills. 

Don’t miss these outstanding pictures of rose breasted grosbeaks.

Nests and Eggs

Pairs build a lightly woven cup shaped nests made of twigs, grasses and leaves. From late spring to summer, the female lays up to five bluish or greenish speckled eggs. Rose breasted grosbeaks build their nests so loosely that the eggs they lay can occasionally be spotted through the bottom.

A nest is usually located on a tree branch 5 to 20 feet off the ground, but sometimes can be much higher and closer to the forest canopy. “Rose breasted grosbeak nests are often very high in trees, so they can be hard to spot from the ground,” says Emma Greig, a project leader for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s citizen science program Project FeederWatch.

Both males and females spend time incubating the eggs and then quietly sing to each other. Eggs hatch in about 13 days under the watchful eyes of both parents.  If a pair raises a second brood, the male may take charge of the first while his mate sits on the new eggs. Males and females share incubation, brooding and feeding duties.

Get to know gorgeous blue grosbeaks.

Juvenile Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

What does a female red breasted grosbeak look like?
Courtesy Donna SparksJuvenile rose breasted grosbeak

Immature birds are brown and heavily streaked. Young males look like a blend of a female and male with a white eyebrow and a less visible chest patch. Within two weeks, the chicks leave the nest.

Learn how to identify baby orioles and juvenile orioles.

What Does a Rose Breasted Grosbeak Eat?

What does a female red breasted grosbeak look like?
Courtesy Pam Garcia

Rose breasted grosbeaks mostly stick to foraging for insects, seeds and fruit in the foliage of trees, but they will come to backyard feeders. Make sure your feeders are full during migration months, when they’ll need the most energy. Draw in these timid, stocky birds by setting up several feeders filled with birdseed or peanuts. Be sure to provide generous perching room. “A great way to attract rose breasted grosbeaks to your yard is to offer black oil sunflower seeds in a platform, hopper or large tube feeder,” Emma says.

Ensure that the young get a healthy start by offering a habitat filled with native plants that attracts a steady diet of insects. “Even though adult rose breasted grosbeaks love seeds and berries, their young are fed mostly insects,” says Emma. “This is because the young need the extra protein for their growth.”

I have fed orioles for years but had an awesome surprise the day I took this photo (above). I was thrilled when rose breasted grosbeaks showed up,” says Pam Garcia.

Did you know: evening grosbeaks and pine grosbeaks are special winter visitors.

Attract Rose Breasted Grosbeaks With Plants

What does a female red breasted grosbeak look like?
Steve and Dave Maslowski

You’ll have a better chance of attracting these fliers if you plant berry-producing trees and shrubs.

  • American elderberry
  • Arrowwood viburnum
  • Blueberries
  • Flowering dogwood
  • Mountain ash
  • Red mulberry
  • Serviceberry
  • Virginia creeper

Rose Breasted Grosbeak Song

Their song is similar to an American robin’s whistle, but faster and more musical. Upon arriving around May from their wintering grounds in Mexico, Central America and northern South America, these songbirds kick off courtship. The males’ melodies are designed to attract mates, claim territory and warn off competitors. Males are known to sing more than 650 times per day. The male’s courtship dance can consist of the head tipped back and tail spread out and held upright while the bird flashes its rose-colored underwings.

Bird songs provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

Habitat and Range Map

Look for these birds in deciduous and mixed woods, also well-wooded residential areas and parks. They are primarily spotted in the eastern half of the country and are summer residents in northern states. Interestingly, they cross paths and sometimes mate with black headed grosbeaks in the Great Plains, resulting in hybrid offspring.

What does a female red breasted grosbeak look like?

Range maps provided by Kaufman Field Guides, the official field guide of Birds & Blooms.

What color is a female grosbeak?

Adult male Evening Grosbeaks are yellow and black birds with a prominent white patch in the wings. They have dark heads with a bright-yellow stripe over the eye. Females and immatures are mostly gray, with white-and-black wings and a greenish-yellow tinge to the neck and flanks.

What looks like a female grosbeak?

The female Purple Finch is frequently mistaken for the female Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Far less colorful than the males, these females are very difficult to distinguish from each other.

What does it mean when you see a red breasted grosbeak?

Grosbeak Native American Symbolism In many Native traditions, the cardinal or “red bird” is associated with messages. The presence of a cardinal could signify good news to come. Alternatively, a visit from the red bird could indicate that death approaches, since this bird was said to deliver souls to the afterlife.

How big is a female rose

39 – 49 gRose-breasted grosbeak / Massnull