What is the difference between diatomaceous earth and food grade diatomaceous earth?

What is the difference between diatomaceous earth and food grade diatomaceous earth?

The uses for diatomaceous earth (DE) are incredibly varied. DE is used with livestock, for pest control, as a health supplement, and for industrial filtering. One thing to realize, however, is there are different grades of diatomaceous earth. Different grades of DE determine what they can and cannot be used for.

DE is made from the skeletal remains of tiny, aquatic organisms that lived in ancient bodies of water (diatoms). Today, these fossilized remains are made from a very common substance called silica. Today, silica deposits are mined and used to make diatomaceous earth products.

How diatomaceous earth is treated determines whether it’s Food Chemical Codex Grade or Pool Grade (also known as filter grade).

Pool Grade diatomaceous earth is calcined, meaning it has been heat-treated and activated for use in filters. The high temperatures further harden the diatom exoskeletons, creating a better filtering agent. This process also turns the silicon dioxide within the DE into crystalline silica. Some calcined DE products, including pool grade diatomaceous earth, can contain high concentrations. Because crystalline silica is dangerous and can be harmful to both human and animal health, Pool/Filter Grade diatomaceous earth should only ever be used for filtration.

A majority of Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) DE products, on the other hand, are uncalcined and are largely composed of amorphous silica. Food grade diatomaceous earth products contain less than 1% crystalline silica. This can be used in animal feed and for insect control. Food grade DE must also meet heavy metal content specifications: it must not contain more than 10mg/kg of arsenic and 10mg/kg of lead, otherwise it might be classified as “feed grade.”

Diatomaceous Earth Filtration

DE filtration has been used in the food and beverage industries for the past 80 years. During WII, diatomaceous earth was used to filter potable water when they needed a new water filter that could be utilized during rapid, mobile military operations. This technology was then used for pool filtering and eventually for drinking water. Today, DE filters are popular among food and beverage manufacturers because diatomaceous earth is odorless, tasteless, and chemically inert.

Diatomaceous earth is a porous powder with microscopic openings not unlike tiny sponges. While clear water can pass through with no problem, particles as small as one to three microns are trapped when trying to pass through the media.

These filters have internal elements that are coated with diatomaceous earth. These are called “filter cakes” and they strain out insoluble contaminations like dirt, dust, algae, and even some forms of bacteria. This type of filtration system is often called “precoat” filtration because it relies on a layer of DE placed on a filter element or septum. The solids separation takes place on the built-up precoat layer of diatomaceous earth.

Shop DE Filter Aids for Water Purity

At Ingredi, we know that creating a product that delivers in both taste and quality starts with the base ingredients. More often than not, the overall quality of finished products can be shaped by something as simple—yet incredibly important—as water.

We carry Celatom calcined diatomaceous earth filter aids from EP Minerals in bulk 50-pound bags that may be just what you need for all your brewing and wine-making needs.

We currently carry Celatom® Filter White (FW) flux-calcined diatomaceous earth in the following grades:

  • FW-12
  • FW-14
  • FW-50
  • FW-60
  • FW-70

We also carry Celatom® Filter Pink (FP) calcined diatomaceous earth FP-4.

Different applications require different filter aids; however, these can be used for a number of different applications including industrial, pharmaceutical, swimming pools, and more. You can view Celaton filter applications, as provided by EP Minerals, here.

At Ingredi, we make ingredients easy. Find everything you need for your beer, wine, baking, and more when you shop Ingredi.com!




Garden Grade Vs. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth: What Is Garden Safe Diatomaceous Earth


What is the difference between diatomaceous earth and food grade diatomaceous earth?

While one type of diatomaceous earth is toxic to humans and animals, there is another type that is relatively safe to use. The type you should purchase depends on the intended use. Find out about the advantages and disadvantages of garden grade vs. food grade diatomaceous earth in this article.

The two types of diatomaceous earth include food grade and garden grade, also called pool grade. Food grade is the only type that is safe to eat, and you have probably eaten small quantities of diatomaceous earth without realizing it. That’s because it is mixed in with stored grain to prevent the grain from becoming infested with mealworms and other insects.

Some people use food grade diatomaceous earth as a natural remedy for a variety of human and pet ailments. It isn’t recommended these days because we have better, safer ways of dealing with health problems. It is also a pretty good flea killer, but remember that dogs and cats groom themselves by licking their fur, so you’ll want to use food grade rather than garden safe diatomaceous earth for any purpose that causes it to come in contact with your pet.

Another difference between food grade diatomaceous earth and regular garden grade is that the garden grade may have insecticides and other chemicals mixed in. It’s best to reserve garden or pool grade for outdoor use. In fact, many experts feel that garden grade should only be used for pool filtration and industrial applications.

When using any grade of diatomaceous earth, take care not to inhale the dust. When the diatoms are ground in the manufacturing process, the dust that results is nearly pure silica. Inhaling the product can damage the lungs and irritate the eyes and skin. It’s best to wear a mask and gloves to prevent injury.

One of the benefits of food grade diatomaceous earth is that it doesn’t contain insecticides. Even so, it does a good job of getting rid of insects indoors and out. Use it to safely and effectively repel and kill silverfish, crickets, fleas, bedbugs, garden snails, and cockroaches.

This article was last updated on 07/27/22

Read more about Pesticides

Is food grade and diatomaceous earth the same?

Two diatomaceous earth grades are commercially available and have specific differences. The food grade variety has many uses and is safe for both human and animal consumption. The pool grade, also known as garden grade diatomaceous earth, is toxic to people and animals, and should be used only in pools.

What is the difference between food grade and insect killer diatomaceous earth?

Answer: The insecticide grade DE is manufactured using a special process and is usually from different mines than food or other grades of diatomaceous earth. Food grade DE will come from specific mines that do not contain elements such as arsenic and quartz, so it is essentially the "purest" form of diatomaceous earth.

Can humans eat food grade diatomaceous earth?

Diatomaceous earth is safe for humans and animals to consume, and it's also beneficial for skin, so it's used both inside and outside the body. Just be sure to check the source, and make sure your product is food-grade.

Why does diatomaceous earth need to be food grade?

One of the benefits of food grade diatomaceous earth is that it doesn't contain insecticides. Even so, it does a good job of getting rid of insects indoors and out. Use it to safely and effectively repel and kill silverfish, crickets, fleas, bedbugs, garden snails, and cockroaches.