What is the rarest thing you can get from fishing in Minecraft?

What is the rarest thing you can get from fishing in Minecraft?

Minecraft brings survival into a blocky sandbox world where imagination is the only limitation one can face. To get a better survival experience, players can craft fishing rods and go on to catch fish. Surprisingly, fish are not the only item obtained through fishing. In this guide, we have listed all the items players can get from fishing in Minecraft.

List of Items You can Obtain using Fishing Rod in Minecraft

Along with fish, a fishing rod can discover numerous items in the water. When fishing, players can catch an item from three different categories: Fish, Treasure, and Junk.


  • Raw cod
  • Raw salmon
  • Tropical fish
  • Pufferfish


  • Bow with random enchantment and low durability
  • Enchanted book with a random enchantment
  • Enchanted fishing rod with random enchantment and low durability
  • Name tag
  • Nautilus shell
  • Saddle


  • Lily pad
  • Bowl
  • Unenchanted fishing rod with low durability
  • Leather
  • Unenchanted leather boots with low durability
  • Rotten flesh
  • Stick
  • String
  • Water bottle
  • Bone
  • Ink sac
  • Tripwire hook

When fishing in jungle biomes, the loot table is a little different. Along with all other junk items, players may also get cocoa beans and bamboo from fishing in jungle biomes.

Related: Fishing Rod in Minecraft: How to make, recipe, uses and more

How to Get Better Items from Fishing in Minecraft

What is the rarest thing you can get from fishing in Minecraft?
Fishing Rod in Minecraft

After going through the loot table, most players will be interested in treasure items. Sadly, treasure items are the rarest to obtain from fishing in Minecraft. However, a couple of enchantments can help increase the chance of getting a treasure item.

Players looking for treasure items should enchant their fishing rods with max levels of Lure and Luck of the Sea. Lure enchantment decreases the wait time for a hook bite, whereas Luck of the Sea increases the chances of getting a treasure item while lowering the chances of getting junk or fish.

Fishing is an easy way to get lots of unique items in Minecraft. With some luck, players might also catch useful treasure items.

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Please look at this from a mathematical perspective. If you did, include math and sources. I will be using some data from here for a project.

asked Jan 5, 2021 at 21:22


391 silver badge8 bronze badges


There is a 0.9% chance of catching 10 ink sacs in a jungle biome, the rarest catch in the game. The second rarest is 1% for 10 ink sacs in a normal fishing environment. There's not really "math" to get that number besides understanding weights, which is just a natural number telling how common drop should be.

answered Jan 6, 2021 at 2:33

What is the rarest thing you can get from fishing in Minecraft?


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What is the best thing you can get from fishing in Minecraft?

Enchanted books, saddles, enchanted bows, enchanted fishing rods, name tags and nautilus shells can all be acquired by fishing, and some of those are pretty rare to get. Saddles can't be crafted, nor can name tags, which makes fishing them up a very valuable occurrence.

What is the luckiest thing you can get from fishing in Minecraft?

Junk and treasure The fishing rod can occasionally catch treasure or junk instead of fish. A fishing rod without the Luck of the Sea enchantment has an 85% chance of catching fish, a 10% chance of catching junk, and a 5% chance of catching treasure.

Can you get a diamond from fishing in Minecraft?

,No, although it is possible to catch a number of different kinds of fish, items that can only described as treasure, and a great quantity of things that may or may not be of value, you cannot get diamonds from fishing in minecraft.

What stuff can you get from fishing in Minecraft?

What can you get while fishing in Minecraft? There are four different types of fish you can catch: cod, salmon, pufferfish, and tropical fish. You can also catch various treasures: bows, enchanted books, name tags, saddles, nautilus shells, and fishing rods.