When was lets pretend this never happened published?

You should probably go buy it right now, because it’s filled with awesomeness.  And cocaine.  But only if you hollow it out and fill it with your own cocaine.  I’m not buying you cocaine.  Because I love you.

And that’s why you should buy my book.  Because I’m saving you from yourself.  And from cocaine.


If you want a signed copy you can order one from my book store, Nowhere Bookshop.  Just tell me what you want me to write when you order.

It’s also available at Bookshop, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indie Bound, Books-A-Million, Audible and iTunes and it somehow became a #1 NYT BestSeller the first week out.  I have no idea how that happened either.

In the UK you can get it at Amazon.UK, Waterstones and UK indie stores.

Book summary:  

For fans of Tina Fey and David Sedaris-Internet star Jenny Lawson, aka The Bloggess, makes her literary debut.

When Jenny Lawson was little, all she ever wanted was to fit in. That dream was cut short by her fantastically unbalanced father (a professional taxidermist who created dead-animal hand puppets) and a childhood of wearing winter shoes made out of used bread sacks. It did, however, open up an opportunity for Lawson to find the humor in the strange shame spiral that is her life, and we are all the better for it.

Lawson’s long-suffering husband and sweet daughter are the perfect comedic foils to her absurdities, and help her to uncover the surprising discovery that the most terribly human moments-the ones we want to pretend never happened-are the very same moments that make us the people we are today.

Let’s Pretend This Never Happened: A Mostly True Memoir is a poignantly disturbing, yet darkly hysterical tome for every intellectual misfit who thought they were the only ones to think the things that Lawson dares to say out loud. Like laughing at a funeral, this book is both irreverent and impossible to hold back once you get started.

AUTHOR BIO: Known for her sardonic wit and her hysterically skewed outlook on life, Jenny Lawson has made millions of people question their own sanity, as they found themselves admitting that they, too, often wondered why Jesus wasn’t classified as a zombie, or laughed to the point of bladder failure when she accidentally forgot that she mailed herself a cobra. Her blog (www.thebloggess.com) is award-winning, extremely popular, and she is considered to be one of  the funniest women alive by at least three people.

Praise and advanced reviews:

“Even when I was funny, I wasn’t this funny” ~ Augusten Burroughs, author of Running With Scissors

“The Bloggess writes stuff that actually is laugh-out-loud, but you know that really you shouldn’t be laughing and probably you’ll go to hell for laughing, so maybe you shouldn’t read it. That would be safer and wiser.”
-Neil Gaiman, author of The Sandman, Stardust, American Gods and Coraline

“There’s something wrong with Jenny Lawson-magnificently wrong. I defy you to read her work and not hurt yourself laughing.” -Jen Lancaster, Author of Bitter is the New Black, Jeneration X, Bright Lights, Big Ass

“Jenny Lawson will make you laugh again and again – at things you didn’t even know were funny.  And what’s more, she can write.  What she knows about pacing, punchlines, setups and surprises could fill a book.  Lucky for us, it’s this one.  – Katherine Center, author of The Bright Side of Disaster, Everyone Is Beautiful, and Get Lucky

Want to learn the ideas in Let’s Pretend This Never Happened better than ever? Read the world’s #1 book summary of Let’s Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson here.

Read a brief 1-Page Summary or watch video summaries curated by our expert team. Note: this book guide is not affiliated with or endorsed by the publisher or author, and we always encourage you to purchase and read the full book.

Table of Contents

  • Video Summaries of Let’s Pretend This Never Happened
  • 1-Page Summary of Let’s Pretend This Never Happened
    • Overall Summary

Video Summaries of Let’s Pretend This Never Happened

We’ve scoured the Internet for the very best videos on Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, from high-quality videos summaries to interviews or commentary by Jenny Lawson.

1-Page Summary of Let’s Pretend This Never Happened

Overall Summary

In her New York Times bestselling memoir, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened—A Mostly True Memoir (2012), Jenny Lawson explores why the moments we want to forget about are the ones that truly define us. Receiving various award nominations, critics praise its blend of humor and humanity. Lawson, an Internet blogger, journalist and social media influencer runs a popular blog where she writes about life’s absurdities and gives hope to those who feel alone in their struggles. In 2011 The Huffington Post named her as one of their “Greatest Person of the Day” for doing charity work and outreach with people who felt like they were all alone in this world. Let’s Pretend This Never Happened is her debut book written by Jenny Lawson which was published on September 18th 2012 by William Morrow Paperbacks.

Lawson challenges us to remember our most embarrassing moments. We want to forget these experiences because they make us feel bad about ourselves. However, Lawson believes we shouldn’t forget them because they help define who we are and shape us into the people we become today. She shares her own embarrassing moments with us so that we can relate and realize that those times don’t have to be something shameful or embarrassing about yourself. They’re just part of being human, and it’s okay if you’ve experienced them too.

Lawson begins her story with memories of growing up in West Texas. She had a crazy father and a long-suffering mother, but one event that stands out is when her father brought home the corpse of a raccoon and turned it into a puppet. This was horrifying for Lawson, but she still remembers it fondly because it made childhood special.

Lawson’s mother believed that whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. She took this to the extreme by bathing her children in radon-poisoned well water, which Lawson questioned at the time. However, she now sees how it made her strong and is grateful for it.

Lawson meets Victor in college. At first, she can’t believe he’s her type. He is a quiet and wealthy Young Republican who is her complete opposite. However, after spending time with him, she realizes that he may be the kindest man she has ever met. Eventually, they fall in love and get married.

When was lets pretend this never happened published?

Lawson introduces Victor to her family, and it doesn’t go as planned. Her father surprises Victor with a live bobcat before showing him his taxidermy collection. Although the collection terrifies Victor, he tries to fit in by understanding Lawson’s family.

Victor and Lawson are married, so they travel around the country for Victor’s job. They also go home to West Texas often, but Lawson realizes that it is not her home anymore. There are too many Starbucks everywhere, and there isn’t much open space left in the town. Also, she has outgrown West Texas; now she sees it as a place where she grew up rather than somewhere she could live again.

The Lawsons live in West Texas. They move away but return to have their first child, Hailey. She has a blood clotting disorder, so it’s not an easy pregnancy for them. However, they’re thankful that she was born healthy and will never forget the overwhelming feeling of love they had when she was born.

Now that Lawson is settled into family life, she decides it is time to tackle other problems in her life. Suffering from severe social anxiety, she doesn’t have many friends. Now that she is home all day looking after Hailey, she wonders if it is possible to make friends online. She decides to seek out other stay-at-home mothers who understand what she’s going through and are willing to help her overcome the issues related with being a stay at home mom.

What is the book Let's pretend this never happened about?

In the #1 New York Times bestseller, Let's Pretend This Never Happened, Lawson takes readers on a hilarious journey recalling her bizarre upbringing in rural Texas, her devastatingly awkward high school years, and her relationship with her long-suffering husband, Victor.

Is Let's pretend this never happened nonfiction?

Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson is a completely hilarious, inappropriately outrageous and a truly courageous memoir. Miss Lawson details events from her unconventional childhood in Wall, Texas, where she grew up poor with her sister Lisa, her loving mom and her eccentric yet endearing dad.

Are memoirs nonfiction?

A memoir is a nonfiction book that tells your own story, focusing on elements of your real life like personal experience, intimacy, and emotional truth. 1. Enables self-discovery. The memoir book writing process requires you to really reexamine your own experiences, not just write an entire book retelling them.