Which is a best practice for creating effective bumper ads build a single bumper ad to convey your entire message?

Focus on a single product, feature, or brand message is a best practice for creating effective bumper ads.

  • Build a single bumper ad to convey your entire message
  • Cut down your :30 TV spot
  • Don’t include branding
  • Focus on a single product, feature, or brand message

The correct answer is: Focus on a single product, feature, or brand message

Focus on a single, simple purpose: Bumpers are built for mobile, delivering brand messages as a quick hit to viewers on the go. With only seconds to convey a message, make it clear and single-minded from the start.

  • Learn more here: https://skillshop.exceedlms.com/student/path/18216-google-ads-video-certification
  • Fourth chapter: Explore Creative Essentials for YouTube
  • Sub-Chapter: Tell your story in six seconds

A tip Google recommends to create an effective bumper ad is to Focus on a single, simple purpose.

  • Leave the audio out of your ad.
  • Shorten an existing YouTube ad.
  • Include all your ideas in one ad.
  • Focus on a single, simple purpose.

Correct Answer is: Focus on a single, simple purpose.

Google recommends a tip of Focusing on a single, simple purpose to create an effective bumper ad.
 Bumpers are built for mobile, delivering brand messages as a quick hit to viewers on the go. With only seconds to convey a message, make it clear and single-minded from the start.

  • Learn more here: Skillshop Video Certification
  • Second chapter: Explore Creative Essentials for YouTube
  • Sub-Chapter: Tell your story in six seconds

October 11, 2018 By

Which is a best practice for creating effective Bumper ads?

  • Don’t include branding
  • Build a single Bumper ad to convey your entire message
  • Cut down your :30 TV spot
  • Focus on a single product, feature, or brand message

Which is a best practice for creating effective bumper ads build a single bumper ad to convey your entire message?

  • More About Google Ads Video Certification
  • Other Important Google Exam Links – Must visit
  • Which is a best practice for creating effective Bumper ads?

Which is a best practice for creating effective Bumper ads? Correct Answer is Focus on a single product, feature, or brand message, asked in Google Ads Video Certification Exam. Check All Question and Answers of Google Ads Video Certification Exam Here.

More About Google Ads Video Certification

Google Ads Video Certification is given by Google and with Google Ads Video Certification you can Showcase your ability to get results from YouTube and Google Video advertising solutions. The Google Ads Video Certification can studied in 165 minutes. Google ads video Certified users will demonstrate an understanding of how to tell effective stories on YouTube to reach potential customers along the entire purchase journey at scale. One of the question asked in certification Exam is, Which is a best practice for creating effective Bumper ads? Google Ads Video Certification will make you expert in Google Youtube, google video advertising solution through which you can gain benefit in your business or career.

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1. Google Ads Video Certification Official Link
2. Completed Google Ads Video Certification Exam Answers
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3. Other Best Free Certification Exam Details

ServiceCentreList.com is providing the answer of questions asked in Google Ads Video Certification exam. With these answers you will be able to score 100% exam and can get Google Ads Video Certification. For that you need to just attempt all the questions mentioned for Google Ads Video Certification.

Which is a best practice for creating effective Bumper ads?

Don’t include branding

Build a single Bumper ad to convey your entire message

Cut down your :30 TV spot

Focus on a single product, feature, or brand message

Check All Question and Answers of Google Ads Video Certification Exam Here.

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Qual è una best practice per la creazione di annunci Bumper efficaci?
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Which is the tip Google recommends to create an effective bumper ad?

Which is a tip Google recommends to create an effective bumper ad? Leave the audio out of your ad. Shorten an existing YouTube ad. Include all your ideas in one ad.

What is a bumper ad when is it useful to use such an ad?

Bumper ads are a short video ad format designed to allow you to reach more customers and increase awareness about your brand by using a short, memorable message. With videos of 6 seconds or less, bumper ads let you reach people with bite-sized messages, while providing a minimal impact on their viewing experience.

How do you make a bumper ad?

In the Campaign tree, select the account that has the bumper ad campaign you'd like to edit..
In the Type list, select Ads..
Select Bumper video ads..
To create a new ad, click Add bumper video ad and enter the required information in the Setting panel..

How long should bumper ads be?

Short, non-skippable video ads of up to 6 seconds that must be watched before a video can be viewed. Bumper ads are turned on when skippable or non-skippable ads are turned on. Plays in video player, up to 6 seconds long.