White spots after laser hair removal

A few years back, I received a laser hair removal treatment on my legs. The laser machine was defective, causing waves of excessive energy as it hit my skin. The heat sensation I usually experienced from my previous treatments was tolerable but, during this session, I noticed an uncomfortable amount of heat with each pulse. At that time, I should have told the aesthetician what I was experiencing but, instead, I chose to stay silent and continue the treatment until the full session was completed.

The day after my treatment, my legs were swollen and red where the laser hit the skin. Sensitive to the touch, my legs felt as though I had received a second-degree burn. I started treating my skin as I would have with a burn, taking a vinegar bath and rubbing a high-numbered, physical SPF on my legs, hoping the redness and pain would subside. I contacted the aesthetician and told her what I was experiencing, only to be told that she knew her machine was defective and needed to be serviced by the company. Her words did not bring me any solace.

A week later, the redness was gone, but a new form of discoloration appeared. Where the laser spots were once red, now they were a pale white. Thinking that it was part of the process, I decided to wait it out and let my skin cycle out this newly formed discoloration. A week turned into months, and months turned into a year. I was embarrassed to show my legs, covering them with makeup concealer, tights, pants, and anything that would hide my spotted legs.

Once a year had passed and the white spots had not disappeared through my various treatments at home, I saw my dermatologist. He was unhappy about why I received the discoloration and his only prescription was sunlight – having both UVA and UVB rays hitting my naked skin. He needed my legs to be exposed to natural sunlight without any sunscreen or tanning lotion until the white spots went away. A few more months had passed and any opportunity I had within those months I would sit in the sun, hoping for this prescription to heal my wounds.

I noticed a small difference within my legs. The natural sunlight was starting to work; the spots were starting to lighten up from a pale white to a faint white. But, still, they were there, noticeably resting on my skin like a hypopigmented leopard’s coat. My hope of the spots disappearing seemed unattainable. I thought that there was nothing else I could do to treat the hypopigmentation and I would forever be discolored on my legs. That is when I took one more chance and found a red-light bed at a local tanning salon.

Red-light therapy was a tool that I would use in my facials to treat hyperpigmentation and found great results on my clients. I decided that there may be a possibility that it would work to help treat hypopigmentation. I went to the tanning salon – not to tan, but to bask under its red lights for 20 minutes each session. After eight sessions, my legs were back to their normal color. All the white spots had been filled in with healthy, new pigment of my natural skin tone. I no longer had to be embarrassed by my spotted legs – no longer had to find ways to cover up or mask the discoloration I received from one bad laser hair removal treatment. Almost two years had passed by that time – two years that I never want my skin to relive.

There are two side effects of laser hair removal on the face. Redness (erythema) and swelling of the hair follicle (follicular oedema). Both are very temporary and become less evident as you progress through your course.

When starting a course of treatment excess facial hair can be very thick and coarse. This is perfect for laser as there will be an abundance of melanin (brown pigment) contained within the hair.  Laser is designed to absorb into melanin. So the more melanin that is present in the hair the easier it is for the laser to target.

What will my face look like after laser hair removal treatment?

Immediately after treatment the skin on your face may be quite red.  Similar to having very mild sunburn. This feeling dissipates quickly after treatment for most people.  A thick layer of Aloe Vera applied to the skin after treatment.  This will help to soothe the skin and reduces redness. It is extremely important to apply SPF50+ to avoid direct sunlight after treatment.  SPF 50+ should also be worn on the face throughout your course of treatment. This will, in turn, prevent pigmentation occurring.

You may also see small raised bumps on the skin after treatment.  These are completely normal and may be white or red in colour. It is important not to pick or touch these areas, they will disappear over a period of a few hours. If you have very sensitive skin this effect may last slightly longer. Taking an anti-histamine will help the skin return to normal quite quickly.

Tips for reducing redness after facial laser hair removal

  • Store Aloe Vera in your fridge and apply a layer of cold gel to your face
  • We recommend applying mineral make up or mineral concealer after your treatment
  • Don’t pick or rub your skin after treatment
  • Avoid the gym, sauna, swimming pool or anything that may cause more heat in the area
  • Avoid exfoliation or any perfumed products for 4-5 days after treatment

How long does redness last after facial laser hair removal?

Redness usually fades over a period of 3-4 hours. However, it may last for longer periods depending on certain factors.  If you have sensitive or your hair is very coarse and thick redness may last longer.  Redness does become less evident as you progress through your course of treatment. As the hair becomes thinner it absorbs less heat resulting in less of an impact on the skin.

Skin will feel hot to the touch after treatment and follicles will remain open. At this time they will be very susceptible to bacteria and irritants. It is vitally important that after-care procedures are followed correctly to avoid breakouts or skin irritation.

Side effects from laser hair removal on the face are different for everyone. Some people will have very little others may experience slightly more. This may be because hair is denser and thicker in the treatment area. Over time as hair reduces so does the impact of treatment on the skin.


Without a doubt, laser hair removal is a very safe and effective way of reducing facial hair.  If you are tired of dealing with excess facial hair and are looking for a more long term solution contact us today. Our dedicated team of hair removal specialists are on hand to answer any of your questions.

Can laser hair removal cause white spots?

Sometimes temporary white spots can happen after laser hair removal if you were tanned or the setting was too high for your skin type. This occurs more often on darker skin types. This is typically temporary and reversible.

How do you get rid of white spots after laser treatment?

Common treatments for white spots include:.
Topical creams: Topical creams can be prescribed by a doctor and they work by bleaching the skin so that the hypopigmented area will easily blend in with the surrounding areas. ... .
Light treatments: ... .
Prescription medications:.

Does hypopigmentation from laser go away?

Hypopigmentation occur as small white macules matching the laser spot size and shape, within weeks of treatment. [3] These may last for few months and may rarely become permanent.

Why do I have white bumps after laser?

Small white pimples can occur after laser treatments. They are frequently due to the skin glands being over stimulated by the intense pulsed light (IPL) of the laser. They typically resolve in several days.