Who killed rosie on the killing

Let's get something clear -- by reading this you are accepting that there will be spoilers ahead. And not just little spoilers, but two seasons worth of major spoilers. Understood? OK, cool. Carry on.Twenty-six episodes later and Rosie Larsen's killer is finally revealed. But all those Hallmark cards say it's not the destination, it's the journey. Right? We admit we weren't the some of the cr

Who killed rosie on the killing

Carole Segal / AMC / Today

June 18, 2012, 4:26 AM UTC

By Christina Dowling

Let's get something clear -- by reading this you are accepting that there will be spoilers ahead. And not just little spoilers, but two seasons worth of major spoilers. Understood? OK, cool. Carry on.

Twenty-six episodes later and Rosie Larsen's killer is finally revealed. But all those Hallmark cards say it's not the destination, it's the journey. Right? We admit we weren't the some of the critics who needed the killer to be revealed ASAP. We watched all this season. Part of the frustration fun has been the long, rainy moody journey. And basically we are the biggest Holder (Joel Kinnaman) fans to walk the earth. But we digress.

So first things first. Who killed Rosie Larsen?

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The killer is ... Terry!

Big Reveal: After Jaime's (Eric Ladin) dramatic death 15 minutes into the episode, savvy TV watchers knew that it couldn't be over there. And of course it wasn't. A despondent Terry (Jamie Anne Allman), plus a broken taillight and a very observant Linden (Mireille Enos) leads to a sad confession. Terry was out there that night, and in an effort to secure her runaway plan with married Michael Ames (Barclay Hope), she pushed the car into the water. But she didn't know it was her niece begging for help from the trunk. Nice.

The Good: While they aren't always the most competent of detectives, Linden and Holder do make a great team. Our favorite moments are of them together, but the end of this episodes lead them in separate directions. Assuming the show gets a third season, just how fast will these guys get back together?

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The Better: Rosie (Katie Findlay) is quite compelling as a live character, it's a shame she was killed off in the first episode. In that "on the nose" video to her parents, Rosie is absolutely enthralling so we can't help but mourn the fact that this main character was missing for most of the show. Although we don't condone relying on flashbacks, it was those flashbacks that were the most interesting thing about this finale.

The Unsurprising: Oh politics. It's pretty gross that after all the shady things we know about the Chief and Ames that they aren't actually killers so can't be charged. Also, we wished "The Killing" bosses would have made Jamie slightly less despicable as he went out. All sorts of "I did it for you" excuses make a complex character very one note.

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"I was only thinking of you." --Jaime

"Your weakness put you in that wheelchair!" --Jaime

"And you, stop feeding that dog potato chips or I'm going to put you in one of those boxes with him for a week." --Stan

"I wanted to get him." --Linden

"We got him." --Holder

"Don't be mad at me." --Terry

"I'm out. You should quit. Save me some bank." --Holder

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Did you predict Rosie's killer way back in season one? Calling shenanigans on "The Killing"? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page!

After making us wait almost two years to find out who killed Rosie Larsen, AMC's "The Killing" gave it up in the first 15 minutes of Sunday night's season two finale.

(Warning: Stop here if you don't want to know.)


But after a graphic and not terribly remorseful confession by new Mayor Darren Richmond's loyal campaign manager Jamie Wright, the show then spent the next 45 minutes 1) making it clear Jamie was not the only perp, and 2) building a potential framework for a Season Three, to which AMC has not yet given either a green or red light.

In the process, creator Veena Sud closed the Rosie case just enough to give the Larsen family a chance to glue itself back together.


After two hellish seasons during which short-fused Stan Larsen blamed everyone but Kim Il-Jong for Rosie's death, they learned what seems to have happened.

Jamie, sleazy developer Michael Ames and sleazy Tribal Chief Janice Carter met at Carter's casino to seal a sleazy deal for Richmond to approve a major casino expansion. Richmond, by the way, knew nothing about it. As they were leaving, Jamie saw Rosie, who had worked there, and was afraid she'd overheard too much. So Jamie beat her senseless and was driving out to dump her in the woods when she woke up and ran.

He chased her down and beat her again, stuffing her in the trunk of his campaign car. Then he called Ames, who earlier had said this was the night he would leave his wife and run away with Terry, the sister of Rosie's mother Mitch.

Ames drove to the lake to meet Jamie. Terry was there.

But when Ames arrived, he said he was not leaving his wife after all – causing an angry Terry to put the campaign car in gear and let it glide into the lake.

Later, when she was busted, her defense was that she didn't know it was Rosie in the trunk.

Okay, there are a few loose ends here. Okay, there are enough loose ends here to weave a rug that could carpet Madison Square Garden.

But the Larsens were spared, because Sud had detectives Sarah Linden and Stephen Holder find film that Jamie had taken from Rosie's camera the night she died.


It turned out to be nothing incriminating, as Jamie feared, but a sentimental short movie Rosie had made for her family, saying she loved them even though she had to leave to go see this big beautiful world.

The Larsens all sat and watched it with tears in their eyes. So maybe they really can make a new start with their new dog and their new house – not to mention the knowledge that Rosie borrowed her film-making technique from Bob Dylan's famous "Subterranean Homesick Blues" video.

As for those loose ends, well, start with the fact Terry apparently did hear someone screaming from the car trunk as it went into the water. Who did she think it was and why didn't she care?

Then consider that after two years of speculation on what Rosie was really doing that night, and how she really felt about her family, and whether she had a secret life, was Holder right that she ultimately just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? That this was as random as getting clipped by a distracted driver while crossing the street?

Either way, it's possible this may be all the closure we get on the Larsen case – and it's pretty clear that if we get a Season Three, it will need a new central case.

So hey, whattya know? Just moments before Season Two ends, Holder and Linden are sitting in the car when Holder gets a call saying a body has been found and they need to go investigate.


Sound familiar?

This time, however, Linden gets out of the car and walks away as Holder drives off. In fact, that's the last shot of Season Two – Linden walking down the street alone.

She's not smiling, but she's not frowning, either, which is pretty optimistic for Linden.

It's also not raining, which is pretty optimistic for Seattle.

It's one of those ambivalent shots that could go either way. It could set up further adventures when Linden returns, reclaims her badge and returns to her real addiction, which is chasing bad guys.

Or it could end the show on a note of Scandinavian melancholy.


"We got the bad guy," says Holder at the end.

"Yeah?" says Linden. "Who's that?"

If that sounds cynical, one need look no further than new Mayor Richmond for reinforcement. He hasn't been in office long enough for a cup of coffee when we see him apparently abandoning his idealistic reformer persona to dot the i's and cross the t's on that sleazy deal Jamie bequeathed him.

Meanwhile, his one-time flame Gwen, without whom he wouldn't have been elected, has been dramatically shut out of his meeting and possibly his life.

But the strongest argument for a Season Three of "The Killing" is that Linden and Holder have grown into one of the great Damaged Detective teams on TV. They have as much personality as Seattle has annual rainfall and with all due respect to the late Rosie, they don't need her to carry a show.

Still, Rosie does deserve the last word on the two seasons that have spun around her death.


It turns out that all she wanted to do was see the world, and she had barely peeked out the door when some chillingly indifferent people ensured that all she would see before she died was the cold, dark inside of a car trunk as it filled with water.

What happens to Rosie in The Killing?

Rosie's Death Jamie and Michael Aames were discussing a deal with the chief of the Indian land where the casino is located, Rosie overheard the conversation and was beaten by Jamie who then thought she was dead and hid her in the trunk of his car.

Did Terry know Rosie was in the trunk?

Obviously Terry didn't know that it was Rosie in the trunk, but she's still a murderer, so off she goes to jail and the Larsen family loses another member, essentially. That felt a bit cruel to them, but it wouldn't be The Killing without this sad, tragic family being sad and tragic.

Who is Rosie's dad in The Killing?

Stanley "Stan" Larsen, the husband of Mitch Larsen and the father of Rosie, Tommy, and Denny Larsen, is the owner of a Seattle moving company. After Rosie goes missing during the Larsen family's camping trip, Stan learns from her best friend, Sterling Fitch, that she spent the weekend with her ex-boyfriend Jasper Ames.

Who was the killer in season 2 of The Killing?

Throughout the show's course viewers were misguided with one red herring after another, but in Sunday night's season finale it was revealed that the real culprit behind Rosie's murder was her aunt Terry Marek (Jamie Anne Allman) who tearfully confessed to driving Rosie into the lake.