Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?

Strong acids and strong base dissociate completely in solution and therefore are said to be strong electrolytes.

An electrolyte by definition is a compound that dissociate completely or partially into its corresponding ions in solution.

A strong electrolyte is a substance that dissociates completely into its corresponding ions in solution such as #NaCl#, #KNO_3# and so on.

A weak electrolyte is a substance that dissociates partially into its corresponding ions in solution such as acetic acid.

A non electrolyte is a substance that does not dissociate at all into ions in solution such as sugar.

Strong acids and strong base dissociate completely in solution and therefore are said to be strong electrolytes.

Strong Acid:
#HA(aq)->H^(+)(aq) +A^(-)(aq)#

#HCl(aq)->H^(+)(aq) +Cl^(-)(aq)#

Strong base:


Strong acids and strong bases dissociate completely into their corresponding ions and therefore, they conduct electricity.

An electrolyte is a substance that conduct electrical currents.

For example, Ionic liquids conduct electricity because they are made out of ions that will serve a shuttles that will allow electrons to move across the liquid.

Ionic compounds do not conduct electricity at the solid state, however, they do when they are molten .

An ionic compound in solution dissociates into its ions that will present a phenomenon similar to that explained for ionic liquids.

Strong acids and strong bases dissociate completely into their corresponding ions and therefore, they conduct electricity.

The general reactions are:

Strong acids:

Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?

Strong bases:

Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?

Strong Electrolyte Definition and Examples

Potassium hydroxide is an example of a strong electrolyte. In water, it dissociates completely into its ions. LAGUNA DESIGN, Getty Images

Updated on September 16, 2019

A strong electrolyte is a solute or solution that is an electrolyte that completely dissociates in solution.

The solution will contain only ions and no molecules of the electrolyte. Strong electrolytes are good conductors of electricity, but only in aqueous solutions or in molten form.

The comparative strength of an electrolyte may be gauged using a galvanic cell. The stronger the electrolyte, the greater the voltage produced.

Strong Electrolyte Chemical Equation

The dissociation of a strong electrolyte is apparent by its reaction arrow, which only points toward products. In contrast, the reaction arrow of a weak electrolyte points in both directions.

The general form of the strong electrolyte equation is:

strong electrolyte (aq) → cation+ (aq) + anion- (aq)

Strong Electrolyte Examples

Strong acids, strong bases, and ionic salts that are not weak acids or bases are strong electrolytes. Salts much have high solubility in the solvent to act as strong electrolytes.

HCl (hydrochloric acid), H2SO4 (sulfuric acid), NaOH (sodium hydroxide) and KOH (potassium hydroxide) are all strong electrolytes.

Substances that dissociate completely into ions when placed in water are referred to as strong electrolytes because the high ionic concentration allows an electric current to pass through the solution. Most compounds with ionic bonds behave in this manner; sodium chloride is an example.

By contrast, other substances—like the simple sugar glucose—do not dissociate at all and exist in solution as molecules held together by strong covalent bonds. There also are substances—like sodium carbonate (Na 2CO 3)—that contain both ionic and covalent bonds. (See Figure 1.)

Figure 1. Ionic and covalent bonding in Na2CO3.

Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?

The sodium carbonate is a strong electrolyte, and each formula unit dissociates completely to form three ions when placed in water.

Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?

The carbonate anion is held intact by its internal covalent bonds.

Substances containing polar bonds of intermediate character commonly undergo only partial dissociation when placed in water; such substances are classed as weak electrolytes. An example is sulfurous acid:


Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?

A solution of sulfurous acid is dominated by molecules of H 2SO 3 with relatively scarce H 3O + and

Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?
ions. Make sure that you grasp the difference between this case and the previous example of the strong electrolyte Na 2CO 3, which completely dissociates into ions.

Acids and bases are usefully sorted into strong and weak classes, depending on their degree of ionization in aqueous solution.

The dissociation of any acid may be written as an equilibrium reaction: 

Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?

where A denotes the anion of the particular acid. The concentrations of the three solute species are related by the equilibrium equation 

Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?

where K a is the acid ionization constant (or merely acid constant). Different acids have different K a values—the higher the value, the greater the degree of ionization of the acid in solution. Strong acids, therefore, have larger K a than do weak acids.

Table 1 gives acid ionization constants for several familiar acids at 25°C. The values for the strong acids are not well defined; therefore, the values are stated only in orders of magnitude. Examine the “Ions” column and see how every acid yields a hydronium ion and a complementary anion in solution.

Use the equilibrium equation and data from the preceding chart to calculate the concentrations of solutes in a 1 M solution of carbonic acid. The unknown concentrations of the three species may be written 

Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?

where x represents the amount of H 2CO 3 that has dissociated to the pair of ions. Substituting these algebraic values into the equilibrium equation,


Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?

To solve the quadratic equation by approximation, assume that x is so much less than 1 (carbonic acid is weak and only slightly ionized) that the denominator 1 – x may be approximated by 1, yielding the much simpler equation

x 2 = 4.3 × 10 –7

x = 6.56 × 10 –4 = [H 3O +]

This H 3O + concentration is, as conjectured, much less than the nearly 1 molarity of the H 2CO 3, so the approximation is valid. A hydronium ion concentration of 6.56 × 10 –4 corresponds to a pH of 3.18.

You will recall from the review of organic chemistry that carboxylic acids have a single hydrogen bonded to an oxygen in the functional group. (See Figure 2.) To a very small extent, this hydrogen can dissociate in an aqueous solution. Therefore, members of this class of organic compounds are weak acids.

Why are strong acid strong electrolytes?
Carboxylic acids.

Summarize the treatment of acids so far. A strong acid is virtually completely dissociated in aqueous solution, so the H 3O + concentration is essentially identical to the concentration of the solution—for a 0.5 M solution of HCl, [H 3O +] = 0.5 M. But because weak acids are only slightly dissociated, the concentrations of the ions in such acids must be calculated using the appropriate acid constant.

  • If an aqueous solution of acetic acid is to have a pH of 3, how many moles of acetic acid are needed to prepare 1 liter of the solution?

Why are strong acids stronger electrolytes than weak acids?

Strong electrolytes ionize completely (100%), while weak electrolytes ionize only partially (usually on the order of 1–10%). That is, the principal species in solution for strong electrolytes are ions, while the principal specie in solution for weak electrolytes is the un-ionized compound itself.

Are strong acids strong electrolytes?

Strong acids, strong bases and soluble ionic salts that are not weak acids or weak bases are strong electrolytes. A substance whose aqueous solution or molten state decomposed into ions by passing electricity is known as electrolytes.

Why are strong acids also strong electrolytes quizlet?

Why are strong acids also strong electrolytes? This is because the acids have a large amount of ions that end up breaking up and when acids are put into water. The anions and cations sit there in the water, which makes the strong acid a strong electrolyte.

Why do strong acids and bases make good electrolytes?

An ionic compound in solution dissociates into its ions that will present a phenomenon similar to that explained for ionic liquids. Strong acids and strong bases dissociate completely into their corresponding ions and therefore, they conduct electricity.