What cell phones have the most gold in them

Computer CPU's (processors) have the most precious metal value by weight, followed by Memory (RAM) & Circuit Board Fingers / Connectors / Pins, then Circuit Boards (Motherboards), then cables / wires, with hard drives & whole computers being last.

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What device has the most gold in it?

Early digital still cameras – again, the bigger the better. Big old desktop computers and peripheral devices like modems and scanners. Old televisions – some old pre-flatscreen large living room models can contain gold that is worth $5.00 or more.

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Is recovering gold from electronics worth it?

The worth you'll get from recovering gold in electronics depends on two factors: the type of electronic waste you'll be extracting gold from and whether you'll undertake the extraction process on a large scale or small scale. If you intend to conduct large-scale gold recovery from electronics, then yes, it is worth it.

View complete answer on somethingborrowedpdx.com

How much gold can you get out of electronics?

“Cellphones contain about two cents' worth of gold . . . “ “An old cathode ray computer monitor contains a nickel's worth of gold . . .” “A ton of electronics scrap should contain about 12 ounces of gold . . .”

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Do old TVs have gold in them?

Televisions are made of several different materials. Some of the most valuable components of an older CRT monitor are metals. CRT TVs usually contain parts made of copper, gold, iron, steel, and many more, all of which can be refined for the manufacturing of new products.

View complete answer on calmicrousa.com

Gold scrapping electronics - where to find jackpot.

What appliances contain gold?

Today, we'd like to give you a checklist of other easily overlooked electronic devices that contain gold too:

  • Remotes of All Kinds. ...
  • Old Stereo Components. ...
  • VCRs, CD Players and DVD players. ...
  • Older CB, Ham, and Shortwave Radios. ...
  • Two Ways to Collect Quantities of these Devices to Recycle.

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How much gold is in a microwave?

The earliest microwave ovens had a piece of the magnetron that was gold plated and worth between 35 to 75 cents. The magnetron is usually made from steel with some steel made into it.

View complete answer on homex.com

How much gold is in a RAM?

It depends on the type of RAM cards. DDR Ram cards? about 1.2 grams gold per 1 kg. DDR 2 & 3 Ram cards? about 3.75 grams gold per 1 kg. RD Ram chips? about 5 grams gold per 1 kg.

View complete answer on quora.com

How much gold is in a cell phone 2021?

There are 0.034 grams of gold in each cell phone, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. That's the equivalent of 0.001 troy ounces, worth about $1.82 at today's prices.

View complete answer on money.cnn.com

How much is the gold in a cell phone worth?

Did you know, for example, that it only takes around 41 mobile phones to recover 1g of gold? The price of gold is currently around US$1,700 (£1,365) per ounce, which is roughly US$60 per gram. That means there's about US$1.50 of gold in every junked device.

View complete answer on theconversation.com

How much gold is in a pound of computer pins?

The average range for 1 lb might vary between . 5 grams all the way to just over 2.0 grams. Certain types of pins will yield a lot more depending on the age, and what the pins were plated for, for example military grade pins will yield far more value than regular computer pins. Hope this helps, and good luck.

View complete answer on scrapmetalforum.com

Do all circuit boards have gold?

Motherboards and printed circuit boards - The motherboard in particular is often the best potential source of gold in computers. The edges of most components on the board will have gold contacts and connectors where the wires slide in. You will often find thin layers of gold on the motherboard's surface.

View complete answer on interestingengineering.com

How much gold is in a catalytic converter?

Catalytic converters contain Platinum, Rhodium and Palladium. However, there is no gold in catalytic converters.

View complete answer on ecotradegroup.com

How much gold is on a motherboard?

Magann: A PC circuit board, where the gold is, weighs about a pound. If you had a ton of those boards, you should have 5 troy ounces of gold.

View complete answer on dell.com

Are hard drives worth scrapping?

These boards fall under premium grade of circuit board, when scrapped. They are worth more than Computer Motherboards due to the higher density of precious metals in its packing. The scrap price of Hard Drives depends on the market rate of gold and other precious metals including silver, platinum and palladium.

View complete answer on scrapmonster.com

How much gold is in a Blackberry cell phone?

There is only about 1/35th of a gram of gold in an average cell phone's interior. Not much, because gold is super malleable and gold is so soft and nontoxic, we can eat gold sheets and shavings.

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What computer parts contain gold?

Gold – Printed Circuit Boards, Computer Chips (CPU), connectors / fingers. Silver – Printed Circuit Boards, Computer Chips, keyboard membranes, some capacitors. Platinum – Hard Drives, Circuit board components.

View complete answer on conceptmanagement.co.uk

How much gold is in the average computer?

We believe it conservative to say with today's gold price, over $10 of gold gets layered in an average computer. In other words, 1/5th of a gram of gold can get pulled or withdrawn from an average computer's interior.

View complete answer on sdbullion.com

How do you get gold off circuit boards?

Strip out the boards

In another container, mix two parts hydrochloric acid and one part weak hydrogen peroxide (a concentration of three per cent). Pour this mixture over the circuit boards so they are completely submerged. Wait for a week, giving the vessel a stir every day with a glass or plastic rod.

View complete answer on wired.co.uk

Is there gold in refrigerators?

Over the last decade, gold-bearing circuit boards have found their way into a growing number of appliances that include air conditioners, microwaves, refrigerators, and even kitchen stoves. The more features and “bells and whistles” that are present, the more likely it is that they contain small quantities of gold.

View complete answer on specialtymetals.com

What precious metals are in a TV?

A television contains copper, quartz, iron, gold, platinum, and silver in its parts. List any other uses you know for these mineral resources.

View complete answer on mineralseducationcoalition.org

Where can I find precious metals in everyday items?

Jewelry boxes and dresser drawers, where small, easy-to-overlook small pins, forgotten coins, and bits of jewelry can contain gold, silver and platinum. Kitchen drawers and storage areas, where pieces of silver tableware could be intermixed with other items.

View complete answer on specialtymetals.com

How much gold is in a iPhone?

A typical iPhone is estimated to house around 0.034g of gold, 0.34g of silver, 0.015g of palladium and less than one-thousandth of a gram of platinum. It also contains the less valuable but still significant aluminium (25g) and copper (around 15g).

View complete answer on bbc.com

There are now more combined active and deactivated cell phones in existence than human beings.

You can find gold in laptop and desktop computers. So it stands to reason that inside smartphones and even old cell phones, there are also trace slivers of both gold and silver getting used too. 

Here we describe, 'How Much Gold is in a Cell Phone?' We also ponder common questions relative to metallurgy.

Why is gold often used in high-end cell phones and other electronic parts, over cheaper and faster-conducting silver?

Let's dig into the cell phone gold content details below.


Gold Cell Phone Extraction is a Messy Global Business


The scientist, at 20 seconds in this clip above, mentions that something like 7% of gold demand is for electronics.

That is correct; if you study gold investing fundamental truths, you will see that about 10% of newly mined gold volumes get funneled into high-end electronics every year. Gold laced electronics like the smartphone or computer you are using to read this content.

How Much Gold is in a Cell Phone?

The answer varies depending on the e-waste recycling source, and cell phone recycled.

We believe it conservative to say with today's gold price; there are only a few fiat US dollars of gold layered into an average cell phone.

There is only about 1/35th of a gram of gold in an average cell phone's interior. 

Not much, because gold is super malleable and gold is so soft and nontoxic, we can eat gold sheets and shavings.

Often claimed is the idea that the gold recycled from cell phones and other electronic e-waste is of a much higher gold percentage than mined ore (grams per tonne).

While this may be true, consider that we humans mine about 3,000 tonnes of new line gold every year. To get that much gold from our cell phones, we'd run out of them in about one month worldwide. 

Still, when gold-laced mobile phones and other e-waste get recycled at scale, it can be a profitable business and ultimately more sustainable for the environment.

Why do we use Gold in our SmartPhone electronics?

Why not use both cheaper and faster silver inputs, in place of gold?

The modern lifecycle of cell phones and computers are limited to around two years for most global consumers.

The fact that silver oxidizes when exposed to the open air makes thinly hammered gold a more reliable electronic connection in key circuit boards within cell phones and computers.

There is not just gold, silver, platinum, but also about 60 other metals contained within a modern-day smartphone.

Of these three precious metals mentioned above and the various other metalloids inside smartphones, allegedly twelve materials effectively have no replacements at all.

Where is Gold within Cell Phones?

What cell phones have the most gold in them

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In the 2019 New York Time's FX documentary 'Apple's Gold,' you can quickly see how we extract gold from cell phone motherboards on a busy street corner in Medellin, Columbia.

As far back as 2010, the US Geological Survey stated that almost a decade ago, 130 million cell phones were being retired each year in the USA alone.

That number has likely only grown on an annual basis as we head into the year 2020.

Collectively, 130 million cell phones conservatively weigh about 30 million pounds. When scrapped this yields over 67 million oz of copper, almost 1.5 million oz of silver bullion, and over 125,000 oz of gold bullion.

For comparison sake, here is what a ton of gold looks like (32,150.7 oz).

And here is what about nine tons of silver or 288,000 ounces of silver looks like.

Now multiply both those amounts by about four to five times while also remembering this data is almost 10 years old. It only measured the USA's cell phone e-waste alone (we are only 1 of 20 people on Earth).

Many old computers and cell phones don't get recycled because people are concerned about privacy. Often old cell phones and junked out laptops or desktops sit in storage bins for years.

Most gold is still gets used either as a long term store of value money (central banks and investors) or within high-grade 22k and 24k gold jewelry in the east (India and China mainly buy gold jewelry pieces priced close to their gold weight value).


What cell phones have the most gold in them

Gold in cell phones is a lot less than the gold found in computer desktops and laptops.


Finally, both computer (e.g., Dell) and smartphone makers (e.g., Apple, Samsung) are wisening up and building out recycling programs for various reasons.

While late to the game, of course, Apple has a slick commercial posing as if they are ahead of blood gold allegations still chasing them.

Gold Cell Phone Recycling


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