What fruits are in season in june

What fruits are in season in june
Strawberries fresh from the garden National Trust Images/William Shaw

June is a satisfying month for gardeners, who see the fruits of their labour from earlier on in the year.

The first spring-sown veg crops are finally ready to harvest, as are many fruits, including strawberries and raspberries. 

Whether you grow your own, visit farm shops and farmers markets or shop in supermarkets, you should find a wealth of seasonal British crops to enjoy this month.

  • Broad beans
  • Courgettes and summer squash
  • Globe artichokes
  • Mint
  • Parsley
  • Lettuce
  • Rocket

  • Spring onions
  • Radish
  • Spinach
  • Chard
  • Baby carrots
  • Spring cabbage
  • New potatoes.

  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Currants
  • Gooseberries
  • Cherries

Quintessentially British, strawberries conjure up thoughts of picnics, tennis and are one of the simple pleasures of summer.

Although imported, strawberries are available in supermarkets for many months of the year. June is the month to eat locally grown ones, which have been ripened outside in the summer sunshine.

Growing your own strawberries allows you to try varieties that you won't find in the shops. While commercial growers favour firm fruits with a bright colour and uniform size, home gardeners can choose for flavour alone. Some of our favourites include Royal Sovereign, Gariguette and Mara des Bois.

What fruits and vegetables are in season in June? Among other things, apricots. Here’s a list of seasonal foods to buy and eat this month.

June stands for sweet apricots. Rich in carotene, apricots promote a natural, safe and quick suntan. If you buy unripe and sour apricots, dice them and season them with salt, extra virgin olive oil and minced fresh mint. A fresh and unusual summer salad you can serve as a starter.

Fruits and vegetables in season in June

What fruits are in season in june


Garlic, asparagus, chard, carrot, cucumber, chicory, onion, green bean, broad bean, courgette flower, lettuce, early potato, nettle, tomato, pea, rhubarb, radish, rocket, celery, dandelion , courgette.

What fruits are in season in june


Apricot, black cherry, cherry, strawberry, melon, mulberry, loquat, pear, plum, peach, nectarine, raspberry, currant, gooseberry.

What fruits are in season in june


Grey mullet, red snapper, cod, swordfish, sardine, sea bream, sea bass, sole, tuna, red mullet. However, due to overexploitation, some of these species – cod, swordfish and tuna – are endangered: it is advisable to consult a guide for sustainable fishing.

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What fruits are in season in june

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Summer is here! For a few beautiful months, we can take a little break from brassicas, and enjoy the more colourful, complex and delicate produce of summer.

Yes, you can get strawberries, raspberries and tomatoes all year round, but it really is so worth holding off until now, when they’re truly at their best and full of that distinct taste and aroma that can surely only come from sunshine.

This month’s seasonal list includes things that can grow perhaps a little too well, like courgettes and raspberries.

What fruits are in season in june

Only around for a fairly short stint, it’s worth freezing or steeping these little summer gems so you can preserve their flavour for when the season is over. To freeze, lay out on a lined baking tray and open freeze until solid, then transfer to a freezable container for three-six months.

This shrub recipe is one of our favourite non-alcoholic drinks that’s still special enough for a party.

What fruits are in season in june

Tip: For raspberry vodka, mix 500g raspberries, 250g white caster sugar, 2 vanilla pods, and 1 litre vodka. Keep in a sterilised 1.5 litre jar for two weeks, shaking occasionally, then strain and bottle. Will keep for up to two years.

For more serving ideas, see our raspberry collection.


What fruits are in season in june

Thankfully these are extremely versatile because, as gardeners will know, they produce masses when they grow. As well as these frittatas, courgettes are great in sweet bakes or even cocktails.

What fruits are in season in june

For more recipe inspiration, see our courgette collection.


What fruits are in season in june

We’re nearing the end of asparagus season now, so grab it while you can. For a new take on this hearty veg, try our shaved asparagus salad recipe.

What fruits are in season in june

Tip: To prep, bend each stalk until the stem snaps off at its natural break point. This bit you’re left with, no longer attached to the spear, will be woody and stringy to eat, but you don’t have to bung it in the compost bin just yet. Instead, try making a stock to use in soups or green veg-heavy risottos.

For more recipes, see our asparagus collection.


What fruits are in season in june

This tastes great simply wilted for a few minutes in butter, olive oil or in boiling water, then seasoned. Separate from the stems and use as you would spinach, or wilt the leaves whole as in our warm chard & bean salad (see recipe below).

What fruits are in season in june

Warm chard & bean salad: Put 100ml olive oil, 50ml garlic oil, 25g parmesan, 1 bunch basil, 1 bunch parsley and the juice of 1 lemon in a blender. Add 50ml water and blitz until smooth, season then tip half into a bowl with 400g can cannellini beans, drained, and toss together.

Blanch 300g whole chard leaves in a large pan of boiling, salted water, cook for 1-2 mins just until wilted, then scoop out with tongs into a colander to let steam-dry for a few moments. Arrange the wilted chard on a large platter, then tuck the dressed beans in and around it.

Drizzle a handful of sourdough breadcrumbs with 2 tsp olive oil and set under a hot grill for 2-3 mins to crisp. Scatter over the salad along with 100g black grapes, halved (optional) and a few shavings of parmesan. Serves 4-6

For more recipe inspiration, see our chard collection.

Browse recipes for, and information on, other ingredients in season in June:

Seasonal food dates in June:

What fruits are in season in june

11 June - World Gin Day

Try our gin & tonic ice lollies for a refreshing summer treat.

18-26 June - National Picnic Week

Up your picnic game with Diana Henry’s lamb harissa sausage rolls.

24 June - National Cream Tea Day

Our Pimm's scones are the perfect fir for a summer afternoon tea.

Other food dates for your diary:

16-19 June - BBC Good Food Show Summer

Learn a new skill from our team at the NEC in Birmingham. Find more information about the Summer Show.

19 June - Father's Day

If you're looking for something to whip up for dad, see our Father's Day collection. See our seasonal calendar for more inspiration.

More seasonal recipes and information

What to cook for Father's Day
Next level picnic recipes
Healthy summer dinner recipes
Cherry recipes
Strawberry recipes
What to do with broad beans
Best gin reviews – all our taste tests