What is love bombing by a narcissist
What is love bombing by a narcissist

Are you dating someone who seems to move at lightning speed, taking things way too seriously way too early in the relationship? If so, you might be the victim of love bombing. 

While falling in love and beginning a new relationship can be fun and exciting, love bombing usually isn't sincere. In fact, it could leave you reeling when the relationship turns out to be the opposite of what you expected.  

Here's how relationship experts define love bombing, and nine specific signs to look out for.

What is love bombing?

Love bombing is when one person is overly attentive at the beginning of a relationship, so that they can gain control and manipulate you.

"The degree to which the person 'love bombs' is inordinately strong and intense," says Kyle Zrenchik, PhD, a licensed family and marriage therapist and co-owner of All In Therapy Clinic. 

This experience is temporary. Zrenchik says once someone falls under the spell of a love bomber, the relationship will commonly take a turn for the worse. "The relationship may become abusive, controlling, manipulative, or codependent. It may not look like physical abuse, but could be filled with lots of guilting, caretaking, and sacrifice," says Zrenchik.

Love bombers can also make it hard for their partner to leave the relationship since the abuser can come back with extravagant apologies or symbols of love in an attempt to guilt their partner into staying, says Kaylin Zabienski, LMFT, therapist in private practice. 

According to Zabienski and Zrenchik, people who love bomb may have 

Alex Ford/Insider

Signs of love bombing

Love bombing can vary from person to person, but here are nine signs you should be on the lookout for. 

1. They give you excessive compliments

Of course, everyone loves to receive compliments, but if your partner is obviously going overboard and complimenting you non-stop, this can be a cause for alarm. Zrenchik says love bombers use this tactic so that your self-esteem and self-worth become connected to their opinion.

2. They want to spend time with you non-stop

If someone is trying to spend an unreasonable amount of time with you, regardless of your obligations or commitments to other people, this can be a sign that they're anxiously trying to move as quickly as possible with you, says Zrenchik.

For example, if you find yourself ignoring family or work obligations, or you're missing out on other things you want to do because you're spending so much time with the love bomber, this can be a problem.