What is the CMD command to show IP?

DOS/Windows IP commands are used to perform several tasks, like assigning an Internet Protocol (IP) address to a network interface or configuring network interface parameters. Included in this article are only some of the types of commands that are available.

Common IP commands for Windows and DOS

Below, you'll find a list of the most common Internet Protocol commands for Windows and DOS. These include ipconfig, trace route, netstat, arp, route, hostname, control netconnections, and other popular DOS and Windows Internet Protocol commands.

Description DOS/Windows IP Command
Connection Configuration ipconfig /all
DNS Cache Info ipconfig /displaydns
Release All IP Address Connections ipconfig /release
Renew All IP Address Connections ipconfig /renew
Re-Register the DNS Connections ipconfig /registerdns
Change/Modify DHCP Class ID ipconfig /setclassid
Network Connections control netconnections
Network Setup Wizard netsetup.cpl
Test Connectivity ping whatismyip.com
Trace Route tracert
TCP/IP protocol sessions netstat
Local Route route
Resolved MAC Addresses arp
Name of Computer Currently On hostname
DHCP Class Information ipconfig /showclassid
Name Server Lookup nslookup whatismyip.com

Troubleshooting connection issues using commands

Ipconfig and ping are probably the two most commonly used commands from the list above. The ping and ipconfig commands allow you to quickly troubleshoot network connectivity issues. If you can't connect to a server on your local network or get to the Internet, pull up a DOS prompt by going to Start and typing in cmd in the search box. Then, press Enter. After this, type ipconfig and see your IP address information. Make sure that the information displayed looks correct. For example, you could see IP, subnet, and default gateway If this is the case, try to ping the gateway, which is likely your router. Type in in ping

If you get a response, the device you're on is connected to the local network. If you don't get a response from the gateway or router and your IP address looks odd, like, then the device you're on does not have a legitimate IP address. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /release and press Enter, then type ipconfig /renew. Once the IP has renewed, check again to see if the IP looks normal.

In conclusion, these and other system Internet Protocol commands are command line tools to help assist in making sure our device connectivity is able to be corrected with a few simple tasks.

  • In Command Prompt, enter ipconfig. You’ll see your IP address next to the IPv4 Address.
  • In Command Prompt, enter ipconfig /all. You’ll see more detailed information in addition to your IP address.

This article shows you how to use Command Prompt on your Windows computer to obtain your IP address.

Of course, you cannot run a command in Command Prompt until you open it. There are actually several ways to do this, but these two are super easy.

If you have the Search box or icon in your Task Bar, you can use it. Otherwise, click the Start button (Windows icon) and type either "cmd" or "Command Prompt," then select Command Prompt from the list.

You can also click the Start button, scroll to and expand Windows System, and select Command Prompt.

Once you have Command Prompt open, the rest is a piece of cake. Type the following command and then press Enter:


You’ll then see a snippet of information. Your IP address is next to IPv4 Address:

Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi: Connection-specific DNS Suffix .: lan.ourhost.net IPv6 Address....................: fd21:9dl7:c305:5:cld3:ca26:flc Temporary IPv6 Address..........: fd21:9dl7:c305:5:4d83:8a05:5ef4 Link-local IPv6 Address.........: fe80::cld3:ca36:flc:bd0c%24 IPv4 Address....................: Subnet Mask.....................: 255.355.455.0 Default Gateway.................:

If you’d like more detailed information along with your IP address, type the following command and hit Enter:

ipconfig /all

This second command gives you things like your hostname, ethernet adapter details, DHCP information, and more. But to keep it simple, and if you only need your IP address, the first command above is the way to go.

If you have a computer running macOS or Linux, check out our how-to for finding your IP address on those platforms.


  • How can I find the domain name from an IP address in the Command Prompt?

    Use the nslookup tool to find domain name information. With the IP address handy, open the Command Prompt and enter nslookup IP address. The output will list the domain name in the Name line.

  • How do I find a machine's name from an IP address in the Command Prompt?

    To find the name of a computer on your network, type nbtstat -A IP address and press Enter. Look for the machine's name under Name near the top of the result.

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