When is the first day of cancer

Cancer dates in astrology are typically from June 21-July 22. If your birthday falls in this date range, you most likely have a Cancer Sun sign. Although Cancer horoscope birth dates can change depending on the year, these are typically the Cancer calendar dates.

About Cancer dates

For about 30 days each year, the Sun travels through the part of the zodiac occupied by Cancer. June 21-July 22 is typically the Cancer birth date range. Occasionally, the Cancer start date will be a day earlier on June 20, or the Cancer end date will fall a day later on July 23.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, which contains 12 signs in total. The Cancer star sign is an emotional water sign (element) and a leadership-oriented cardinal sign (quality). As the only cardinal water sign in the zodiac, Cancer people seek to create secure situations and relationships in their lives where they feel important, indispensable and (most importantly) needed. This maternal sign likes to nurture and be nurtured, creating lasting bonds. If you date a Cancer, you’ll get a “parent” and a partner in one, as this sign can be possessive and known to cling.

Did the Cancer dates change?

The constellations have shifted. Is there a different Cancer birth date range now?

Periodically, astronomers will announce “breaking news” that horoscopes aren’t accurate because the constellations have shifted. Or they will announce is a 13th zodiac sign, citing the constellation Ophiucus and claiming that the horoscope dates for Cancer (and every other sign) have changed.

Here’s an interesting bit of clarification between astronomy and astrology. The actual constellations have shifted over the ages, but astrology follows a different system, which uses “artificial” constellations. Rather than following the movement of the visible stars, Western astrology is based on the apparent path of the Sun as seen from our vantage point on earth. Within that path, astrologers have carved out static zones, and we track the planetary movements against these. That is why Cancer dates remain the same even as the heavens keep shifting.

In second century Alexandria, the great mathematician and astronomer/astrologer Ptolemy created the Tropical Zodiac, which is a fixed system that is not affected by changes in the constellations or the Earth’s axis. Ptolemy used the same names for the zodiac signs as he did for the constellations, which is why there is confusion around the Cancer birth date range. The Tropical Zodiac is static and not affected by shifts in the Earth’s axis. It begins every year with the Aries pseudo-constellation, which is based on the position of the Sun at the spring equinox on March 21.

As the website Astrologer.com explains it:

Western astrology is based on the planets and their motion relative to our year (the Earth’s annual orbit of the Sun) and not on the distant stars. Before astrologers started to compile planetary tables, the backdrop of the distant visible ‘fixed’ stars proved to be most consistent system for measuring the positions of the ‘wandering stars’, known as the planets in our solar system. The 12 sign zodiac was defined by the stars within chosen constellations along the ecliptic (the apparent annual path of the Sun) in Mesopotamia at the end of the Iron Age (around 500 BC). Though the Babylonians used stars and constellations for measurement, they were also using zones which start from the position of the Sun at the March Equinox which was, is and will always be the start of the sign of Aries in the western system.

Vedic Astrology and Cancer star sign dates

Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotisha, is the traditional Hindu astrology system. It is based on the Sidereal zodiac, or Nirayana, which is an imaginary 360-degree “belt” of zodiac signs divided into 12 equal sectors. However, Vedic astrology is different from Western astrology in that it measures the fixed zodiac, rather than the moving zodiac. So in Vedic astrology, the Cancer dates would be July 14-August 14. Go figure!

View Your Cancer Horoscope

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Dates of other zodiac signs

Aries Horoscope Dates (March 21-April 19)

Taurus Horoscope Dates (April 20-May 20)

Gemini Horoscope Dates May 21-June 20)

Cancer Horoscope Dates June 21-July 22)

Leo Horoscope Dates (July 23-August 22)

Virgo Horoscope Dates (August 23-September 22)

Libra Horoscope Dates (September 23-October 22)

Scorpio Horoscope Dates (October 23-November 21)

Sagittarius Horoscope Dates (November 22-December 21)

Capricorn Horoscope Dates (December 22-January 19)

Aquarius Horoscope Dates (January 20 to February 18)

Pisces Horoscope Dates (February 19 to March 20)

On June 21 — the same day as the summer solstice and the longest day of the year — the sun will leave its spot in Gemini and make its way over to the sign of the crab, meaning that Cancer season has finally arrived. For the next month, we'll feel more connected to our roots, more sentimental, and ready to connect deeper with our homes and ourselves. Cancer season is often an emotional time, yes — but who ever said crying was a bad thing?

Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for Astrology.com and author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power, says this a very important point in our astrological year, calling it a reset of the overall energy for the collective. "Cancer is the first cardinal sign as well as the first water sign of the zodiac, so it holds a very initiatory energy," she says. "While June 1 is typically thought to be the beginning of the second half of the year, in reality, June 21 is the real kick-off of the second part of 2022. If our New Year’s resolutions didn’t work out (or most likely shifted), this day lends us a second chance."

New Year's vibes in the summer? I'll take it. Besides the new-ish energy we'll all be basking in, Cancer season also gives us an increased desire to spend more time at home and bond with our families (both blood relatives and chosen ones). Iva Naskova, astrologer at the Nebula app, says that we'll be feeling a bit more emotional and perceptive of other people's energy. "Cancer is very intuitive, so whenever the sun falls into this sign, we all get to feel our intuition and senses getting stronger," she says. "It is safe to say that we should lean on and guide ourselves more based on what our gut tells us."

Following your intuition is key for the next month. While it's always a good idea to look within, now our gut feelings will be even more spot on. Make sure to listen. Being this in tune with your emotions means that it's also time to embrace the homebody-ness of Cancer — most of us have been go, go, going since the start of 2022, and now that we're finally halfway done with the year, it's time to actually sit back and relax. Rest is always important — especially with burnout being such a collective experience — so prioritize that this month.

Chilling out can also help clear your mind and foster both physical and emotional connections. "Cancer season is a time to understand yourself and your home environment on a deeper, more emotional level," says Meghan Rose, tarot reader and astrologer. "This time of year is truly meant for you to understand that you have three homes in this lifetime: our planet, the space that you live in, and your physical vessel. When we connect with all three of these home spaces during Cancer season, we feel at ease."

Home isn't as safe of a word — or place — for everyone, but Cancer season is a prime time to work on healing or dealing with difficult family dynamics, Rose says. "Because Cancer season can feel quite nostalgic, you may be looking back at your past more often than you usually would. Do not shy away from doing some deep-diving, healing old wounds, and letting go of grudges during this time," she says. "And remember: You don't need to communicate with the person who has hurt you in order to forgive or heal."

Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer at Keen.com, says that one of the most significant dates of the season is July 1, when Mars in Aries squares Pluto. "This is a date to be aware of and not let small issues turn into big issues which have lasting consequences," she says. "We can expect a great deal of news on and around this date and significant events on the world stage will occur." You heard her — don't sweat the small stuff and things will run much smoother.

Once we hit the middle of July, change is the name of the game due to the sun and Mercury forming a sextile with Uranus on July 10 and July 13. "This is when the North Node of Destiny will be getting very close to Uranus, awakening the immense power of the Planet of Disruption and Revolution," Montúfar says, adding that this is when the astrology of 2021 and 2022 will begin to fall into place. "It will be a time of activism, huge technological advancements, and personal liberation," she continues. "Whatever ends around this time will be non-negotiable and necessary for both our personal as well as collective evolutions."

Cancer season is when we settle more into what feels like home to us, whether that's a person, place, or thing. And while home is where the heart is for the next month, so is feeling safe, secure, and relaxed.