When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?

When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?

When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?
When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?

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As light passes from one medium into another; the angle of refraction is index of refraction and speed of light. in the medium with the smaller; larger; higher larger; larger; lower larger; smaller; lowcr smaller; larger; lower smaller; smaller; higher

CBSE 12-science - Physics


When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?

Asked by hanskaraja | 05 Aug, 2022, 11:20: PM

When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?

CBSE 12-science - Physics

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When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?

Asked by arpitarout132 | 29 Apr, 2022, 01:12: AM


  1. Frequency increases speed decreases
  2. frequency is same but wavelength is smaller in denser medium then in rarer
  3. frequency is same but wavelength is greater in denser medium then in rarer
  4. frequency decrease and wavelength same

Option 2 : frequency is same but wavelength is smaller in denser medium then in rarer

When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?

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When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?


  • When light is passed from a rarer medium to a denser medium the frequency of light remains the same but the speed of light decreases.


We know the relation between frequency (f) wavelength (λ) and speed (v):

v = f λ 

When light passes from rarer medium to denser medium frequency remain the same but speed decrease

ν = constant 

λ decreases   

  • Option 1 is incorrect because frequency doesn't change in refraction
  • Option 2 is correct because in refraction frequency is the same and the wavelength decreases as light travel from rarer to denser.
  • Option 3 is incorrect because wavelength decreases as light travel from rarer to denser.
  • Option 4 is incorrect because frequency doesn't change in refraction.

So, option 2 is the correct choice.

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When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?

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When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?

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When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium the frequency of light in the second medium?

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