How far is Mexico from Texas by plane

2 hours, 7 minutes

Flight map from Texas to Mexico City, Mexico

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Flying time from Texas to Mexico City, Mexico

The total flight duration from Texas to Mexico City, Mexico is 2 hours, 7 minutes.

This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots. It also adds an extra 30 minutes for take-off and landing. Your exact time may vary depending on wind speeds.

If you're planning a trip, remember to add more time for the plane to taxi between the gate and the airport runway. This measurement is only for the actual flying time. You should also factor in airport wait times and possible equipment or weather delays. If you're trying to figure out what time you'll arrive at the destination, you may want to see if there's a time difference between Texas and Mexico City, Mexico.

The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from Texas to Mexico City, Mexico ("as the crow flies"), which is about 809 miles or 1 302 kilometers.

Your trip begins in the state of Texas.
It ends in Mexico City, Mexico.

Your flight direction from Texas to Mexico City, Mexico is South (-173 degrees from North).

The flight time calculator measures the average flight duration between points. It uses the great circle formula to compute the travel mileage.

Mexico City, Mexico

City: Mexico City

Region: Distrito Federal

Country: Mexico

Category: cities

Flight time calculator

Travelmath provides an online flight time calculator for all types of travel routes. You can enter airports, cities, states, countries, or zip codes to find the flying time between any two points. The database uses the great circle distance and the average airspeed of a commercial airliner to figure out how long a typical flight would take. Find your travel time to estimate the length of a flight between airports, or ask how long it takes to fly from one city to another.

If you are actually flying from Dallas, TX, United States to Mexico City, Mexico or if you are just curious to know the flight time between Dallas, TX and Mexico City, this page will give you the information you are looking for.

Click to find Flight time from Mexico City to Dallas, TX

Dallas, TX
Mexico City

Flight time from Dallas, TX to Mexico City is 2 hours 40 minutes

Non-Stop flight duration from DFW to MEX is 2 hours 40 minutes (Operated by American Airlines)

The nearest airport to Dallas, TX, is Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) and the nearest airport to Mexico City, is Benito Juarez International Airport (MEX)

Find flights from London to cities and airports near New York

Distance from Dallas, TX to Mexico City is approximately 1520 kilometers.

Flights from Dallas, TX to Mexico City • Airlines & Flight Duration

Flights operated by major airlines departing from Dallas, TX arrive at Benito Juarez International Airport. Mexico City is served by 1 international airports.

Airline & JourneyDuration
How far is Mexico from Texas by plane
American Airlines
2 hrs 40 mins
How far is Mexico from Texas by plane
Interjet (ABC Aerolineas)
2 hrs 45 mins
How far is Mexico from Texas by plane
Delta Air Lines
2 hrs 45 mins
How far is Mexico from Texas by plane
2 hrs 54 mins

Flight time from Dallas, TX to Mexico City via Atlanta, GA • DFW to MEX via ATL

Flight duration from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport to Benito Juarez International Airport via Hartsfield-jackson Atlanta International Airport, United States on Delta Air Lines flight is 8 hours 10 minutes

How far is Mexico from Texas by plane
2 hrs 7 mins
 Waiting Time
2 hrs 13 mins
3 hrs 50 mins
Total Duration:
8 hrs 10 mins

Flight time from Dallas, TX to Mexico City via Houston • DFW to MEX via IAH

Flight duration from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport to Benito Juarez International Airport via George Bush Intercontinental Airport, United States on United Airlines flight is 18 hours 5 minutes

How far is Mexico from Texas by plane
1 hr 18 mins
 Waiting Time
14 hrs 27 mins
2 hrs 20 mins
Total Duration:
18 hrs 5 mins

How long does it take to fly from Dallas, TX to Mexico City?

Non-stop flight time from Dallas, TX to Mexico City is around 3 hours .

Fastest one-stop flight between Dallas, TX and Mexico City takes close to 4 hours . However, some airlines could take as long as 32 hours based on the stopover destination and waiting duration.

This is the average non-stop flight time from Dallas, TX to Mexico City.

Apparantly, connecting flights and direct flights with stopover take longer time than non-stop flights. In such cases, Dallas, TX - Mexico City flight time depend on the layover destination specified by your airline or the one you choose while booking your ticket.

Waiting time at intermediate airports could be anywhere between 30 mins to 24 hrs .

Flight time from Dallas, TX, United States to airports near Mexico City, Mexico

Direct flight and one stop flight time from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Dallas, TX to airports nearest to Mexico City is given in the table below

JourneyDestination AirportsDurationStops
DFW - BJX León, Del Bajío International Airport 2 hrs 15 mins Non-Stop
DFW - ACA Acapulco, General Juan N. Alvarez International Airport 5 hrs 50 mins 1 Stop
DFW - QRO Queretaro, Queretaro Airport 2 hrs 20 mins Non-Stop
DFW - PBC Puebla Atlixco, Hermanos Serdan International Airport 2 hrs 25 mins Non-Stop
DFW - MLM Morelia, Francisco J. Mugica International Airport 2 hrs 30 mins Non-Stop

Airlines operating flights between Dallas, TX and Mexico City

Time in Dallas, TX and Mexico City are the same

Current time in Dallas, TX, United States : Sun, 2 Oct, 2022,
Dallas, TX Timezone: CDT (-05:00)

02:42 PM

Current time in Mexico City, Mexico :, Sun, 2 Oct, 2022,
Mexico City Timezone: CDT (-05:00)

02:42 PM

DFW to MEX Flight - Dallas, TX Airport to Mexico City Airport Flight Route Map

Location of Dallas, TX Airport & Mexico City Airport is given below. Click the map to view Dallas, TX to Mexico City flight path and travel direction.

Find flying time from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport or Dallas, TX or any other airport or city in United States to various other destinations around the world using this flight time calculator.

A list of major Cities/Airports around the world is given below. Click on any of the airport names given below to find the flight distance from Dallas, TX to those airports.

  • Singapore, Changi Airport
  • Mumbai, Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
  • San Francisco, CA, San Francisco International Airport
  • Seattle, WA, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
  • Minneapolis, Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport
  • Madrid, Barajas Airport
  • Las Vegas, Mc Carran International Airport
  • Zurich, Zürich-Kloten Airport
  • Hyderabad, Hyderabad International Airport
  • Islamabad, Islamabad International Airport

How long is flight to Mexico from Texas?

Flight duration breakdown The average flight time from Texas to Mexico is 1 hours 50 minutes.

How many hours is Mexico to Texas?

11 hours, 53 minutes.

How far is Mexico from Texas by car?

The total driving distance from Texas to Mexico is 717 miles or 1 154 kilometers. Your trip begins in the state of Texas. It ends in Mexico.

How many hours is Mexico City from Texas?

Yes, the driving distance between Mexico City to Texas is 1049 miles. It takes approximately 17h 47m to drive from Mexico City to Texas.