How to say you too in spanish

When we want to reciprocate thanks, good wishes, or other kind words, knowing how to say you too in Spanish can really come in handy. In Spanish, you’d usually say tú también or a ti también. But depending on the context, you might use a different expression. If you’ve ever wanted to say “you too” in Spanish, but you can’t find the most natural way according to the context, keep reading!

You Too in Spanish at a Glance

  • Tú también
  • A ti también
  • Lo mismo para ti
  • Igualmente

Tú también

How to say you too in spanish

Tú también is the direct translation of the expression “you too”. This phrase is an excellent way to respond to someone who has expressed well wishes or has said something nice. Remember that tú is the second personal pronoun used in informal contexts—that is, with friends, coworkers, or very close family members. Let’s see how you can say “you too” in a casual context.

  • Disfruta de tus vacaciones (“Enjoy your vacations”).
  • Tú también! (“You too!”).

In formal situations, for example, if you’re speaking to a superior, you would use the pronoun, usted.

  • Cuídese mucho (“You take care of yourself”).
  • Usted también (“You too”).

Read next: Tú vs Usted: What’s the Difference?

A ti también

A ti también is another possible way to say “you too” in Spanish. However, it’s not used in exactly the same way as in the previous example, tú también.

Tú and ti are both second-person personal pronouns, but ti must always be preceded by a preposition. In this case, the preposition is a, which means “to”. The literal translation of a ti también is “to you as well”.

  • Te deseo una feliz Navidad (“I wish you a Merry Christmas”).
  • A ti también (“You too”).

Lo mismo para ti

In English, the sentence “same to you” is a very common way to reciprocate kind words and good wishes. This expression is also Spanish. The equivalent is lo mismo para ti (or para usted, depending whether you’re in a formal or an informal context). For example:

  • Cuídate (“Take care”).
  • Lo mismo para ti (“Same to you”).


I Igualmente or “likewise” is an adverb that can be a useful way to say “you too”. While you don’t commonly say “likewise” to respond to someone in day-to-day conversation in English, it is commonly used in Spanish.

  • ¡Felices Pascuas! (“Happy Easter!”)
  • Gracias, igualmente (“Thanks, you too”).


In both Spanish and English, we love to express good wishes to people… In English, we do it by saying “you too”, and in Spanish, we can use various expressions as you’ve seen here.

Some of them are tú también, a ti también, lo mismo para ti and igualmente. Now, when you speak with a Spanish-speaking friend, or on your next trip to Latin America or Spain, tú también will know exactly how to answer.

Sofía is a writer and copy editor from Argentina. She studied Art History in college, has a master's degree in Journalism and is currently working on her PhD on Literature and Cultural Critique.

Post navigation

A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time).


1. (used to address one person)

a. tú también

A word or phrase used to refer to the second person informal “tú” by their conjugation or implied context (e.g., How are you?).



Good luck on your test today. - You too.Buena suerte en tu examen hoy. - Tú también.

2. (used to address multiple people)

a. ustedes también (plural)

Enjoy your vacation! - You too.¡Que disfruten las vacaciones! - Ustedes también.

Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.

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How to say you too in spanish