The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

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28 Jun 2022 3:24 PM +00:00 UTC

Where is the best place to watch and stream The Ghost and Mrs. Muir right now? Read on to find out!

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

Best sites to watch The Ghost and Mrs. Muir - Last updated on Jun 28, 2022

  • Best sites to stream: DIRECTV ,TCM
  • Best sites to buy: Amazon Video ,Vudu
  • Best sites to rent: Amazon Video ,Vudu

Read more to see all the sites where you can watch The Ghost and Mrs. Muir online right now. You can also see the cast, crew, plot and release date for The Ghost and Mrs. Muir on this page.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

Cast: Gene Tierney Rex Harrison George Sanders Edna Best Vanessa Brown

Genres: Fantasy Romance Mystery

Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz

Release Date: May 25, 1947

In 1900, strong-willed widow Lucy Muir goes to live in Gull Cottage by the British seaside, even though it appears to be haunted. On her very first night she meets the ghost of the crusty former owner, Captain Gregg—and refuses to be scared off. They eventually become friends and allies, after Lucy gets used to the idea of a man's ghost haunting her bedroom.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

Unfortunately, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is not on Netflix. But you can't go too wrong with what is still considered the most popular streaming service, though. For $9.99 per month Basic, $15.99 Standard, or $19.99 Premium, you can enjoy a huge volume of TV shows, documentaries, kids content, and more.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

At the time of writing, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is not available to stream on Hulu through the traditional account which starts at $6.99. However, if you have the HBO Max extension on your Hulu account, you can watch additional movies and shoes on Hulu. This type of package costs $14.99 per month.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

No, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is not streaming on Disney Plus. With Disney+, you can have a wide range of shows from Marvel, Star Wars, Disney+, Pixar, ESPN, and National Geographic to choose from in the streaming platform for the price of $7.99 monthly or $79.99 annually.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

You won't find The Ghost and Mrs. Muir on HBO Max. But if you're still interested in the service, it's $14.99 per month, which gives you full access to the entire vault, and is also ad-free, or $9.99 per month with ads. However, the annual versions for both are cheaper, with the ad-free plan at $150 and the ad-supported plan at $100.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

As of now, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is not available to watch for free on Amazon Prime Video. You can still buy or rent other movies through their service.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

Peacock is a relatively new platform with many exclusives and classics, but The Ghost and Mrs. Muir isn't one of them as of the time of writing.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is not on Paramount Plus. Paramount Plus has two subscription options: the basic version ad-supported Paramount+ Essential service costs $4.99 per month, and an ad-free premium plan for $9.99 per month.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

No dice. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir isn't streaming on the Apple TV+ library at this time. You can watch plenty of other top-rated shows and movies like Mythic Quest, Tedd Lasso, and Wolfwalkers for a monthly cost of $4.99 from the Apple TV Plus library.

The Ghost and Mrs Muir TV show streaming

If you have Direct TV you can watch The Ghost and Mrs. Muir for free on their service! You'll also have access to thousands of other shows and movies! Enjoy.

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