Train ride San Antonio to Austin

There is a train traveling between Austin and San Antonio which is Amtrak and currently our only available option.. The cheapest Amtrak is what we have recently available with prices starting at $15 round-trip.

Is a train the fastest way to get from Austin to San Antonio?

At 1h 30m, choosing to opt for a bus from Austin to San Antonio for this trip versus opting for a flight from Austin to San Antonio or a train from Austin to San Antonio can save you time on travel.

Is a train the cheapest way to get from Austin to San Antonio?

Expect a train to be one of the cheapest options available to you for travel. Currently, a train has deals available from $15. While they may not be the most cost-effective options currently available a flight from Austin to San Antonio or a bus from Austin to San Antonio can also be options worth looking into if other factors outside of cost are a higher priority.

The San Antonio to Austin TX train is consistently a reasonable alternative as they are only separated by 74 miles. Comparing the train with the buses, trains or carpooling, it's fairly easy to discover San Antonio to Austin by train for as meager as $28 and around 1 hour 2 minutes travel time and might be the best alternative mode of transport for making it to Austin TX from San Antonio. San Antonio to Austin buses costs $26 and will take you roughly 3 hours 4 minutes. The driving costs $15 and takes 1 hour 33 minutes, in which case the train might be your best bet if that is what you prefer.There are one train companies helping you find your way to Austin from San Antonio – Amtrak. The ticket prices range from $28 to $38 depending on the day and time you need to travel to Austin. The trip to Austin will take you 1h 2min up to 2h 20min.

Is there a direct train from San Antonio to Austin?

Yes, you can take a direct train from San Antonio to Austin. The train will take about 1 hour 2 minutes.

San Antonio to Austin train schedules

Finding the cheapest train from San Antonio to Austin usually isn't that difficult but there are some tips you should be aware of. Like most modes of transportation, you should book these in advance. However, train prices do not vary quite like flights, meaning you won't find an ultra cheap fare one day and an ultra expensive fare the next. Instead, the fares usually balance out over time. Instead, train prices do usually get more expensive within a few days of travel. The time of year is another big factor when traveling by train from San Antonio. Plan your trip by train sooner rather than later and if it's during peak travel time - maybe consider an alternate mode of transportation from San Antonio to Austin.

How much are San Antonio to Austin Amtrak train tickets?

There is 1 and it takes 1 hour 35 minutes. The tickets will cost you $28 with Turimex Internacional from San Antonio to Austin. Unlike buses or flying, trains usually do not book to capacity, but it's always best to book your tickets here in advance.

Worried about taking the train during COVID-19?

So are we.

That's why we built the Safe Travel Map. Before you go, read up on how train companies are managing with COVID-19 from San Antonio to Austin. Additionally, take a look to see exactly which other countries you can travel to during the pandemic.

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.


  1. Take the bus from San Antonio to Austin

1h 30m

$12 - $65

3 alternative options


  1. Take the train from San Antonio Amtrak Station to Austin

2h 23m

$35 - $55

Bus, line 1 bus

  1. Take the bus from San Antonio to Austin

  2. Take the line 1 bus from 412 William Cannon/North Bluff to Republic Square Station

2h 34m

$37 - $49


  1. Drive from San Antonio to Austin

1h 21m

$19 - $29

Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between

Questions & Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from San Antonio to Austin?

The cheapest way to get from San Antonio to Austin is to bus which costs $12 - $65 and takes 1h 30m.

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What is the fastest way to get from San Antonio to Austin?

The quickest way to get from San Antonio to Austin is to drive which costs $19 - $29 and takes 1h 21m.

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Is there a direct bus between San Antonio and Austin?

Yes, there is a direct bus departing from San Antonio and arriving at Austin. Services depart three times a day, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 1h 30m.

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Is there a direct train between San Antonio and Austin?

Yes, there is a direct train departing from San Antonio Amtrak Station station and arriving at Austin. Services depart once daily, and operate every day. The journey takes approximately 2h 23m.

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How far is it from San Antonio to Austin?

The distance between San Antonio and Austin is 118 km. The road distance is 127.8 km.

Get driving directions

How do I travel from San Antonio to Austin without a car?

The best way to get from San Antonio to Austin without a car is to bus which takes 1h 30m and costs $12 - $65.

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How long does it take to get from San Antonio to Austin?

The bus from San Antonio to Austin takes 1h 30m including transfers and departs three times a day.

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Where do I catch the San Antonio to Austin bus from?

San Antonio to Austin bus services, operated by Omnibus Mexicanos S.A. de C.V., depart from San Antonio station.

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Where do I catch the San Antonio to Austin train from?

San Antonio to Austin train services, operated by Amtrak, depart from San Antonio Amtrak Station.

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Train or bus from San Antonio to Austin?

The best way to get from San Antonio to Austin is to bus which takes 1h 30m and costs $12 - $65. Alternatively, you can train, which costs $35 - $55 and takes 2h 23m.

Mode details

Launch map view

  • Distance: 118.4 km
  • Duration: 1h 30m

What companies run services between San Antonio, TX, USA and Austin, TX, USA?

Omnibus Mexicanos S.A. de C.V. operates a bus from San Antonio to Austin once daily. Tickets cost $50 - $75 and the journey takes 1h 30m. Two other operators also service this route. Alternatively, Amtrak operates a train from San Antonio Amtrak Station to Austin once daily. Tickets cost $35 - $55 and the journey takes 2h 23m.

Train operators

Train ride San Antonio to Austin


Amtrak is a rail service that connects the US and three Canadian provinces. Covering 21,000 route miles (34,000km) Amtrak operates more than 300 trains daily. These medium and long distance intercity services operate at speeds of up to 240km/h, to more than 500 destinations. Founded in 1971, it is based in Washington, D.C. and offers four classes of travel: First Class, Sleeper, Business and Coach. Ticket fares are divided into five subclasses: Saver, Value, Flexible, Business and Premium. Amtrak trains are known for their wide seats, plug-in power, big windows and storage capabilities.

Rome2rio's guide to Amtrak
Contact Details
Train from San Antonio Amtrak Station to Austin
Ave. Duration2h 23mFrequencyOnce dailyEstimated price$35 - $55WebsiteAmtrakCoach Seat$35 - $55Premium$250 - $350Flexi Coach Seat$50 - $80Business Seat$50 - $75

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Ticket machine

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Train exterior at Marshall


Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Texas Eagle observation car

Karl Moffatt

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Train exterior in Illinois


Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Standard Amtrak coach interior

Wiki Travel

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Standard Amtrak train


Bus operators

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Omnibus Mexicanos S.A. de C.V.

Phone800 765 [email protected]

Bus from San Antonio to Austin
Ave. Duration1h 30mFrequencyOnce dailyEstimated price$50 - $75Schedules

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus interior

Omnibus mexicanos

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus exterior


Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus exterior


Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Flixbus USA


Bus from San Antonio Downtown River Walk to Austin Downtown
Ave. Duration2hFrequencyOnce dailyEstimated price$12 - $65Schedules atflixbus.comAdult Standard Purchase$19 - $65Adult Advance Purchase$12 - $17

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Battery-Electric Bus

Source: Twitter

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus interior

Source: Flixbus

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus exterior

Source: Flixbus

Train ride San Antonio to Austin


[email protected]

Bus from San Antonio to Austin, Tx
Ave. Duration2h 10mFrequencyOnce dailyEstimated price$26 - $40Book

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus exterior

Facebook Megabus

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus exterior

Facebook Megabus

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus exterior

Facebook Megabus

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus exterior

Facebook Megabus

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus interior

Facebook Megabus

Train ride San Antonio to Austin


Phone1 800 980 1308 / +52 800 881 [email protected]

Bus from San Antonio to Austin
Ave. Duration1h 40mFrequencyOnce dailyEstimated price$35 - $50Schedules

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus Exterior

Turimex Internacional

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus Exterior

Turimex Internacional

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Bus Exterior

Turimex Internacional

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Capital Metro


Bus from 412 William Cannon/North Bluff to Republic Square Station
Ave. Duration35 minFrequencyEvery 30 minutesEstimated price$0 - $2WebsiteCapital MetroChildren 18 and under$0

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

MetroRapid bus

Gallery Hip

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

MetroRapid bus

Gallery Hip

Train ride San Antonio to Austin

Inside of MetroRapid bud

Gallery Hip

Train ride San Antonio to Austin


Cap Metro blog

Train ride San Antonio to Austin



Train ride San Antonio to Austin

MetroBus exterior

Commons wikimedia

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Rome2rio's Travel Guide series provide vital information for the global traveller. Filled with useful and timely travel information, the guides answer all the hard questions - such as 'How do I buy a ticket?', 'Should I book online before I travel? ', 'How much should I expect to pay?', 'Do the trains and buses have Wifi?' - to help you get the most out of your next trip.

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More Questions & Answers

Where does the San Antonio to Austin bus arrive?

San Antonio to Austin bus services, operated by Omnibus Mexicanos S.A. de C.V., arrive at Austin station.

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Where does the San Antonio to Austin train arrive?

San Antonio to Austin train services, operated by Amtrak, arrive at Austin station.

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Can I drive from San Antonio to Austin?

Yes, the driving distance between San Antonio to Austin is 128 km. It takes approximately 1h 21m to drive from San Antonio to Austin.

Is there a train between San Antonio and Austin?

There are 2 daily trains from San Antonio to Austin. Traveling by train from San Antonio to Austin usually takes around 8 hours and 59 minutes, but the fastest Amtrak Texas Eagle train can make the trip in 2 hours and 23 minutes.

How much is the train ride to Austin from San Antonio?

San Antonio to Austin train information with Amtrak: Average Duration: 2 h 23 min. Average Price: $9.

How do I get from San Antonio to Austin without a car?

The best way to get from San Antonio to Austin without a car is to bus which takes 1h 30m and costs $9 - $50. How long does it take to get from San Antonio to Austin? The bus from San Antonio to Austin takes 1h 30m including transfers and departs three times a day.

How much is an Amtrak to Austin?

Good to know.